White American Beauty

White American Beauty

White American Beauty

I'm starting to see a lot of girls of guys who appear to be rather self hating on a physical level, which leads me to believe we're all in need of a little deconstruction of the domineering power of white American beauty and why it's so appealing not only to white americans but to black, latin, and Asian americans perhaps even more so in some cases.

The standard of the American sweetheart has always been blonde hair and blue eyes--this is true for men as well as women. By the fact that blonde hair and blue eyes holds beauty, blonde hair and blue eyes also carries a sort of feminine mystique as beauty is so often attributed to a trait that women possess rather than men (even most beautiful men would prefer to be considered "handsome" which comes with his a sort of stoic mysticism that takes into it more than just phyical beauty but stature as well.) For this reason, you see "skin whitening" and "color eye contacts" used by black women, for instance, more than black men. It is also why there is (however true or untrue for male white americans) a "cuckold" fantasy of a white male with a small penis having to watch a very endowed black "slave like" male having sex with his wife who pleasures her in a way he cannot. Again, this may not be the truth for 99% of actual white americans but the "idea" still exists which leads to believe that black men, who would presumbably be the opposite of feminine beauty, which is wrapped in white features, would be consider to be the most masculine as they are not in possesion of these feminine traits.

So what is beauty then? Beauty is a personal experience but one that causes the viewer to become mesmerized by the look of another person or object. You simply want to stare at them and you get a release of joy in your body just by the sight. This can be devastatingly useful in relationships which are governed by an ability to mesmerize the other person.

And why then will this persistent and aged white American beauty wrapped in scandanavian features not go away even as america continues to become more and more a mish mash of races and cultures to the extent that it's predicted the "classical" white person won't even exist in fifty to a hundred years as a result of a boom in interracial children? Because of what the image represents to the world and that is acceptance. In a world where there are so many different races, cultures, and creeds, to be the one image that is universally accepted is often incredibly seductive to someone who is not accepted or feels they are not accepted. To have the love and to "possess" someone who is a white American beauty is to, in effect, feel you are as well accepted. People who are seduced by this aren't often aware of the psychological influence they've placed on white American beauties--they simply believe that they find them most attractive and leave it at that. Yet, like with all attraction it's not really nature but rather psycological influences at play that make things sexier. Sadly, white American beauty has come to reflect purity, angelic like mysticism enveloping anyone who doesn't already have it in it's rapture.

The point I'm trying to make and it is a controversial one--all attraction to one specific physical appearance to the exclusion of all others--is a fetish. It's something your mind has come up with after you were born because of some psychological influence that's been pushed on you or that you've yourself have come up with. If you like anorexic people it could be your mom or dad were skinny or the first person that came on to you sexually was skinny or any number of things, if you like big asses it could be that you learend everyone else was and so your mind put emphasis on that look until eventually you yourself found it sexually attractive and if you are ONLY attracted to white American beauty regardless of the person's personality then you are probably being influenced by American culture and a desire to fit in because someone's physical traits should not preclude you from ever feeling romantically attracted to them.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • What's interesting is that I've read white American girls have even lower self esteem about their looks than non-white ones.

    The reality is that nobody matches the ideal (or almost nobody). I suspect that white girls internalize it though - they don't match the ideal because of their personal failure to consume nothing but kale smoothies while working out all day and then doing their hair and makeup perfectly etc. etc.

    In general, I feel like north america has an over fixation on 'perfect' looks. There's this dichotomy where the stars in north america are more perfect then they are in say western Europe, while the average person looks worse! I think it's the perfectionism that needs to be killed (though I'm also all for more diverse views of beauty in media).

    • That's a really interesting statistic! Do you have a link? If not I'm sure I can look it up pretty easily. Yeah, it's funny I think it goes into the competitive nature within the culture. Everyone wants to be the best looking and the irony is everyone looks too different to compare because of the mish mash of ethnicities

    • There have been a bunch of studies on it. Quick google search will hit you with a bunch of published research. Core element is the impact of weight, white girls who gain weight (most!) feel much worse about it.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Blond hair, blue eyes and light skin is associated with babies and children. Youth is very endearing. We feel protective of the young and cherish them. Plus, these traits are less common. This may be the attraction? If a male mates with a blonde woman, it is easier to tell if the baby turns out to be his because she has light genes. These are all things to consider. I feel no type of people are better than other types. These are all scientific reasons.

    • I've never heard of the youth factor before interesting.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • Well, that's gonna do some damage to self esteem... I hope no teenage girls are reading this right now

    • lol knew there would be at least one person who would read this totally wrong

  • When girls have blond hair, they actually have more estrogen. Blonde hair is seen as a symbol of fertility on a subconscious level. It also shows youth since only about 3% of adults have light blonde hair (women especially after childbirth).

    • sources?

    • "Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes: Bodies, Behaviour and Brains – The Science Behind Sex, Love and Attraction," by Jena Pincott

    • well then lol wasn't expecting you to actually give one. i'll give it a read, thanks!

  • White beauty, this may be true but whites age faster. Especially when they party. Chinese and blacks look younger over time. Frankly makeup is a factor of the aging process as its a catalyst.

    • yeah i've seen that a lot.

  • More whining about "racial beauty standards," as if such a thing actually exists. Sexual tastes and preferences are as varied and as are tastes in food and art. But people who wallow the narrative of victimhood they've sold themselves can see denigration anywhere, even where it doesn't exist. That's how people like yourself mine self-hatred from vapid Madison Avenue copy, forgetting that advertising is a grab for money, not a political statement about our society. Given that white people hold 90% of the wealth in this country, you better believe that the people tasked by Corporate America with grabbing the attention of consumers will try to appeal to white people. That's just simple economics, not social engineering.

    • whatever is the cause for producing said copy has a negative effect on people who don't fit that image, which is what I wanted to address with this Take. Especially for girls, feeling beautiful is an important part of self esteem so regardless of whether they are acting like victims they are feeling like they are ugly just because they don't have these traits and I for one am saddened by this fact.

    • But what you don't understand is, images of beautiful white men and women in the media make white people feel inadequate, too, because few of us resemble Nordic deities in our own rights. Beautiful people *are* different from less attractive people, just as elite athletes and Nobel Laureates are different from the average Joe and Jane. If we choose to feel bad about ourselves because other people have traits that we don't, then that's on us. So Corporate America puts images of blonde women front and center (which isn't really true; Brazilian women are considered beauty icons). Does that mean that a black woman can't consider herself attractive simply because some glossy magazine ad features a woman who looks nothing like her? I don't buy that. People need to develop their own self-esteem to the point that they aren't constantly in need of external markers of validation.

    • Does that mean that a black woman can't consider herself attractive simply because some glossy magazine ad features a woman who looks nothing like her? I don't buy that. People need to develop their own self-esteem to the point that they aren't constantly in need of external markers of validation That was my point exactly with this Take. The difference seems to be you want people to figure this out on their own while I'm willing to tell them.

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  • Uh oh. Here we go lol. Where's your haters? This is a juicy one.

    In other words the American "beauty" is Hitler's dream? They even pretended like Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes. I mean really? In the middle east? lol.

    Yeah man. You bring up a good point about the cuckhold stuff. I won't say it's always true, but I believe that's sometimes true. It's a "look at that slave ravaging my white wife" kinda thing to some of them. Has to be.

    You're right on this one bro. In a hundred years the white race will be damn near extinct in the USA and yet still America hold onto this "ideal" because like you said America wants to be accepted by the rest of the world.

    Damn man. I gotta give you a gif for this.


    People on here always saying "You can't help what you're attracted to." Of course you can't, because you were influenced at an early age and now not "innocent" enough to accept anything else. You accept what you were taught and saw. What you learned. That's why people say adults or more ignorant. In a way they are because it's hard to train the brain at adulthood to believe something different. To be attracted to something different.

    • lol i know it's crazy the ones i get flamed on versus the one that goes pretty silent. i think people are just so afraid of touching this topic because you can be completely well intentioned and yet come off incredibly racist if you're not really careful. That or the people who read it agree enough to feel there's anything to add. Thanks man.

    • You usually get flamed on the ones I don't expect you to get flamed on lol. Welcome.

  • I've always heard women say blonde guys look relatively weak or 'weedy'. Tall, dark (haired at least) and handsome has always been the male ideal as long as I can remember.

    Blonde women do nothing special for me, nor does pale skin. It's characteristically European bone structure that I prefer to any other standard of beauty.

    I guess I'm saying it's more complicated than you make out, in my experience.