Who can deny that Will Smith got some serious good-pussy for defending his wife's honor on National TV (& in front of the entire world)?

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Most Helpful Guys

  • ummmm is there such a thing as "Bad" pussy?

    • Ask that "same question" after drinking a half bottle of Jack Daniels.
      Who can deny that Will Smith got some serious good-pussy for defending his wife's honor on National TV (& in front of the entire world)?

  • Chris Rock knows he can’t have jadas pussy.

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1 17
  • "Honor?" The woman who repeatedly cheated on her husband, outed that dirty laundry publicly, and sends the message to young people that sex is for manipulation and coercion, rather than showing love?

    What honor does she have to defend?

  • I think we have given this more attention then it deserves at this point.

    • And note that Will was laughing, seems to me his wife wasn't more embarrassed by Will's behavior.

  • Maybe she let Will sleep at the foot of her bed instead of the floor that night.

    • That's pretty much what I was thinking. She let Will sleep at the foot of the bed while one of her boy-toys banged the crap out of her IN the bed. LOL.

    • @MrOracle eeeew

    • Lol. I'm just saying...

  • Nope. She probably just have him a pat on the cheek then went out and fucked another dude. Not sure who tf would fuck that though but men these days are dissapointingly desperate and can't seem to learn how to stay single

  • I don't think Jada was that happy with all the attention Will's slap brought her. If he got any, it wasn't with her, but then again, they have an open marriage...