Who is to blame if guys ogle at a skimpily clad girl? The guys or the girls?

A girl walks into a shop showing cleavage and baring her bellybutton. She might as well have been topless. Guys start ogling at her, even when accompanied by their girlfriends/wife. This girl then claims - have I walked into a den of perverts?

Who is to blame? Guys who look lustfully at girls or girls who attract the lust of guys?

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Superb Opinion

  • I'm really disappointed because I've been in those stores and I've never got my ogle never new we had one I've called many stores to see if I could buy one but most stores are sold out or don't carry them. Maybe you can tell me where to get one.

    Up date. I did find a friend that said when she's in a store with guys she starts oglining over guys bulges I asked her where she got her oogle at and she told me where do I think she got it at the fucking store now I looked up in the Yellow Pages for the fucking store I can't find it I asked her what they sold there she said stupid they sell every fucking thing I guess I'm just not meant to have an oogle

Most Helpful Guy

  • If you see a car crash you know you should not really look, but you simply can't help it and look anyway. When something stands out in any way shape or form, us humans tend to look at it a bit more then normal. Don't matter what stands out or the gender that looks, we all do it. And often it seams that woman will be the one that looks more at the skimpily dressed girl then the men. How ever its a difference between taking a double take, it's something completely different if you don't look away at all. Then it's the lookers fault sort of. But the girl should understand that people will look.

Most Helpful Girls

  • I guess the girl.

    Guys are going to be guys, they are just that way. (We do the same, we just hide it better). They can try to hide it but they are going to look. She did that on purpose.

  • both. the girl for dressing like that fully knowing what might happen, and the dudes for not having the manners to look very discreetely

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 18
  • "Blame"? Lust is a sin only in the way that thirst is. A pervert would be the one who doesn't ogle, since he's defying nature.

    It's no different than a fire elemental walking into a shop and calling the people who DO recoil from the heat "perverts".

  • She knows what she's doing. Oggling is a natural response. But under the circumstances, if the man makes no effort to resist, he's also at fault. I don't believe the blame can fall on a single party. Each is responsible for their own thoughts and actions. That includes her for being stupid.

  • you can look but don't stare or approach

  • If you choose to do something that tends to get a certain reaction, then you have no right to complain when you get that reaction.

    • Can't these guys keep there lust in check, particularly when they are with there SO?

    • Who cares?

    • Ah! But what if the SO "ogles" after you too?

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  • If I stair at a naked girl whilst with my partner I am to blame

    • That being said I dont think she would have a leg to stand on by complaining