Why A Woman's Number Matters More Than A Man's - Part II

Yes, yet another take from me, on a topic I did not think would need one. Unfortunately part 1 was written to be a little self effacing, a little gentle... a little "spoonful of sugar" to help the points get across. Aaannd more than a few women have taken the humor to be the article. Hence, a part two that is entirely factual and pulls no punches. Sensitive men and women who are easily outraged at men questioning their lifestyles should click back right away. You were warned!

Part Two--Why a woman's Number Matters more than a man's.

This take is about the blunt, simple truth--even with pregnancy put aside, sex biologically impacts women more than men. It is a part of why women on average put less importance a man's count than women--and mosty women who bring up promiscious men usually only do it lamenting that if a woman sleeps around she becomes less desirable, not because women want men to marry as virgins or with n3 partner counts.

(and no, I am not writing a take on how women should not date promiscious men. I already just wrote a take on how Players and MTGOW men are part of the problem and no one bothered reading it. https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/a25285-the-simple-truth-players-mtgow-are-part-of-the-problem-not-the "

Part 1. https://www.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-behavior/a25067-finally-why-the-number-matters-to-many-men

1. Sex is different for men, than for women. Aside from Michael Douglas demonstrating that either sex can get horrible diseases from too much promiscuity, sex still impacts men very different from women. Mainly because straight men do not have another person's DNA and hormones literally injected inside them.

Once thought to be just a fluid for sperm, semen has over 50 compounds, and multiple hormones with different effects. Attention, Ladies: Semen Is An Antidepressant Even Ronda Rousey alluded to this in an interview to Conan when she remarked that sex right before a fight elevates a woman's testosterone levels.

On a more strange, or freakish, or cool level (depending on you) semen is now believed to impact a woman's behavior and genetics.

Semen May Affect A Woman's Genes, Says New Study, Plus 5 More Ways It Influences Your Body

Semen Can Literally Control the Female Brain

If you want more views on it, google it. I'm not going to spam the readers with 50 links. Try looking up Male Microchimerisn in women without sons while you're at it.

Why A Woman's Number Matters More Than A Man's - Part II

The past is the past? Yeah, nope. Promiscious women might wish it away, but they are literally changed by their actions. Your emotions might be burning with indignation, but... science is science.

2. Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks.

As alluded too in many shows in different fashions, such as extreme in Big Bang Theory (Penny sleeping around with idiot bodybuilders before settling down with nerdy Leonard, lucky partner 32# or higher, judging by Sheldon's calculations.)

Or if you saw Inside Out, and the mom lamenting she had not settled for the boring businessman husband and fantasizing about the past Brazilian boyfriend. It's so common it's a cliche. A cliche no man wants to be on the wrong end of--and we realize that if we are partner 15 for a girl, it's more likely we're the dud, which is a bad sign. Both because it speaks ill of us, and it suggests it is more likely her attraction is a security "omg i'm x years old and not married and I still want to have a baby someday" attraction and not a "that guy's cute and I want to have hot sex with him" attraction. If a guy is dating a girl and finds out he is partner 4 instead of 14, he knows the odds are better she is not dating him as a boring settle plan.

Simple fact is that for many women, casual sex partners who women have sex with out of desire are more likely to be Christian Grey type, the sort of "bad guys" who are possibly violent, controlling, etc. Why do you think a novel about a damaged, violent, threatening stalker who treats women like fuck toys is now nearly the best selling book in human history thanks to women?

And as Penny demonstrated, the men women want to "settle" with are often the less attractive, more reliable, less arousing men that women date for their "beta" characteristics of being more dependable/loyal/supportive.

Akin to "well, she's not that hot, but she's funny..." Or as we put it, "Haha wow, she's really dating down now."

Don't you judge me, you've seen plenty of said couples where you know the girl could do WAY better and is dating down because she wants security. This is kind of sad, both because the poor sap will probably get divorced, the hot girl will be miserable as she thinks of the hot guys she used to have sex with, and somewhere there's a guy way cuter who she would have had way more attractive offspring with.

Why A Woman's Number Matters More Than A Man's - Part II

3. Divorce Risk. As previously stated, women who married with a higher partner count are a higher risk of divorce. https://socialpathology.blogspot.com/2010/09/sexual-partner-divorce-risk.html

I do concede "divorce risk" and "she is an utter bitch risk" are not the same. I've met slutty girls who were *really* sweet and likable, or at least to me. And I have met virgin girls and women who married as virgins who seemd like total bitches.

"Alpha widows" are a real thing in dating though, as many have found out. Simple example, I knew a gorgeous, sweet, funny classmate... dated a trashy thug, and suprise! got burned. She literally remained single for four years. I know because it was shocking when I eventually saw a picture of her posing with a guy.

So, in all, yes. A woman's partner count does impact literally who she is, even on a genetic level. It's not just some thing in the past.

Well, unless you hate science.

Why A Woman's Number Matters More Than A Man's - Part II

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Oh wow another guy misconstruing science to legitimate double standards. If men were not affected by sex they wouldn't do it on the contrary men during sex feel a rush of dopamine which is very additive. While women produce oxytocin and dopamine just not as much. Guys who sleep around a lot are basically drug addicts. Which comes with risks here is an article written by an ACTUAL doctor called, "The Lingering Psychological Effects of Multiple Sex Partners"
    It even has ACTUAL references.
    However, what I find more interesting is the work being done by Dr. Louann Brizendine her findings on the profound physiological and emotional impact on the male brain during a women's pregnancy to prepare them for fatherhood. Like making hearing more acute to help hear when the baby cries. Its pretty cool.
    As for the articles about sperm okay, great, for fertilization and stress relief but most people use condom anyway so really it only benefits women in long term relationships which is great for them. If they are true they don't have citations so it could just as well be bullshit. Oh and in the comment section of the article about the divorce rates of women who have premarital sex the author himself wrote, "The 2002 NSFG does have data on men, and yes, the more promiscuous the man, the higher the risk of divorce."
    So it still fails to prove the alpha-beta crap you spew even if the data is accurate it just proves in general sleeping around is bad for marriage (duh!). Come to think of it alpha and betas don't even exist in wolf packs actually based on bad science. It was based off bad research it was based off findings based on captive unrelated wolves rather than wolves in the wild. Wolf packs are really family groups with the parents being the most dominant members of the pack. It is scientific incorrect to assume only dominant males get to mate with females. Female Japanese quail actually prefer less dominant males because they are less abusive during courtship or my favorite the “sneaker” males like with small male cuttlefish that pretend to be females to sneak past dominant competing males.
    Biology is much more interesting and diverse. The human mind complex. You also demonstrate a lack of knowledge about literature but I think I already posted too much for your poor mind to handle. Take that pill and choke on it.

    • I really like your example with the quail and cutter fish and would like to add similar behavior has been seen in monkeys as well. The female will cause drama that gets the dominant male involved and she will sneak off and have sex with the "Beta" male that is kind and more attentive to her. Monkeys also practice prostitution. There is also plenty of data that shows women with more partners are less likely to have a successful long term relationship while this trend is not found among men in the data. It's correlation however not causation that is shown. The point here being that Humans and their social structures, relationships and sexuality is very complex.

    • @Jager66 Good points it is a huge pet peeve of mine when people butcher science to mock and belittle others.

    • So what you're saying is men develop a desire that one women can fulfill and women develop a desire one man cannot fulfill. I think you made his point

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Man I don't care what the science or the studies say...

    But i think if you don't want to marry a promiscuous or slutty type of women it's completely fine and understandable...
    If your number is quite low then you deserve to have a partner who has lower number too..
    No one is forcing you to continue dating a promiscuous girl...
    If she tells you her number and if you don't like it... You are free to dump her...

    But if you have a high number yourself but want a virgin then it's just double standard..

    • Double standard or not it is still OK and not wrong.

    • @dudeman well i don't know about that.. LOL

    • Well I do so that's all that matters.

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8 13
  • All I hear when you boys write these things is "This is why my penis is sad and insecure"

    Please go see a therapist already.

    • yeah but that doesn't change that you are just projecting.

    • @dudeman No my clitoris is strong as confident enough to not give a fuck. So hey you would tell me if you had another account floating around on the site right? Since it's against the rules and all :)

    • Of course I don't have another account. It's not the first time I've been accused of such a thing.

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  • Totally, we are entirely valued on the use of our vaginas and we have a sell by date. Marriage is our only goal, it consumes us day and night without being legally tied to a man we have no meaning. All we want is to babied up, hopefully the new generation of women will read your wise words of wisdom and realise that cum devalues us. It adds miles to the the clock, while for men it obviously only empowers you.

    Or you just told us spitting and using condoms means we can fuck dozens of you and trick you into marrying a slut... mwah ha ha!

    • You are being sarcastic but everything you said was mostly true.

    • Hey, there was a warning at the beginning of the article for sensitive people.

  • I think I lost a few IQ points reading that drivel. You have cost me my Nobel prize.

    • Should've clicked back when you read the warning, I suppose, and not soiled your panties.

    • I think you're the only one here with soiled panties, friend. Does your mama change your diaper for you or does she make you do it yourself?

  • Another one of these... *roll eyes*
    People like you are working so hard to try to convince others, it's almost like you are trying to convince yourselves.

  • i think... you're just encouraging people to lie about their numbers. good one.

    • It always comes out.

  • How am I not surprised that the only response from women is the tired old "oh ur just butthurt'. I mean... really? They have nothing better to add? Maybe a real argument or something like that?

  • Funny how they never even address the points you made. All they do is post some condescending comment to write you off as either bitter or insecure and then wait for all the other girls to upvote them. Every time there's a post similar to this it plays out the exact same way.

    • I am female and I will answer your question and your comments directly. At the present time it is not known whether the semen makes you happy or the orgasm does so. There is not enough hormonal activity in semen to account for the elevation of mood that occurs in women who have had sex. Orgasm releases the hormonal components that are associated with elevated mood and the elevation is consistent with increased happiness. However orgasm in itself does the same thing. Right now it is controversial and I might add that this initial study was published in 2002 and as yet there is no evidence as to whether it is the orgasm or the semen that correlates with increased mood. In addition the freedom associated with let us call it promiscuity is real and it is great. When a female has to stop worrying about what other people will think of her, that unto itself is rewarding. When one stops being uptight about what the world thinks that in itself can be very rewarding.

    • I'm 25 years old. When I was in college too many girls were uptight regarding sex, sexual freedom, sexual liberation and the ability to enjoy sex without having to worry about what the world was judging. There are studies that say that when a woman reaches 30 and over she begins to disregard other people's opinion other people's judgment and begins to view sex and human relations and sexual relations as a manifestation not of merely freedom but rather as a type of liberation that says, "hell with everybody I am going to enjoy my life and my sexual relations for myself and for my own freedom and for my own pleasure." That is why women over the age of 30 more readily reach orgasm. That is a good thing but it takes a long time to get there. Neurophysiologists will describe it as a form of biochemical neurochemical freedom enhancement, neuropsychologists will say it is a calming one-to-one self. Every scientific category claims their own victory. The bottom line is

    • From an article in psychology today which they of course misinterpreted That no matter what category you want to pigeonhole this freedom, sexual liberation occurs in your mid-30s and it is a good thing. Guys who use what they call "science" as a way to degrade women, as a way to show their superiority or their innate knowledge that nobody else has other then they possess are idiots. I've been with guys like that. I shut them down real fast by letting them know that they have no idea or clue how to read a scientific paper. They have no idea what statistically significant means. I do not do it with anger or loud voice. I merely point out to them the flaws in their theory and thinking. Because basically guys don't know what the hell you talking about and I am not putting down all guys. I am putting down those guys that act as if they know more than everyone else in the conversation. Why do they claim to know more. Because they read

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  • He can't judge me if his own # is higher.

  • just dont date sluts its not hard to do.

  • I prefer promiscuous women to non promiscuous Lol

    • notable note: Australia has palimony. the USA does not.

    • usa is the porn capital of the world? Man in my world, there are no rules other than respect for your fellow man and consent. I prefer promiscuous women because I'm promiscuous and feel it's unfair to be something and deny it to another. That's my opinion.

    • Actually it does in places.

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  • To women who comment on this,

    pointing out that the writer is butthurt (which I agree with) is not a counter argument.

    If you couldn't understand the previous sentence, here's a simpler version with easier grammar: When you say he's butthurt, it does not mean that you disagree with his take, or that his take is wrong.

  • That was sort of funny.

  • A woman's number matter because no man wants to date yet marry a disgusting tramp/hoe/whore/thot. If the society accepts female promiscuity, I am changing my label from 100% heterosexual to 100% homosexual.

    • Sorry, I'd rather put my dick in another guy's ass than fuck a blue waffle.

    • fucking*

  • 4) Promiscuity has consequences on emotional health. This applies to both genders.

    I liked all the myTakes. "The Butthurt Chronicles"? I don't think the author is butthurt or bitter. I think he made an effort to be objective and that must have been difficult because he tackled a subject related to lifestyle choices.

    I dislike promiscuity for different reasons but it was interesting to read about it from a guy's perspective. Thanks!

  • Why would I want to date or marry a woman who has been on more wieners than Heinz ketchup? I think it's gross when women have a lot of random sexual partners. Sloots gonna sloot.

    • That's thots for ya.

  • images. latintimes. com/.../... a-rousey-memes_14. jpg
    Has there ever been a more overated big fish in a tiny pond than Rousey.

  • what you say is quite truthful.

  • You should write another mytake based on your life: "The Butthurt Chronicles and why women do not like me"

  • I lowkey knew Penny and her the guys she dates would fuck with people irl lol

  • Do you guys believe all the stupid studies about semen? I'm not saying that science is a big lie, but many stydies are. Not everything people put online is really true. And so many things can affect the results. You seriously believe your sperm can heal depressed woman and change her? Get real.

    • See, I said that certain women would be upset and offended and hate science...

    • Though personally, no. I would have thought it was idiotic until I actually starting reading studies and articles on it. Who would have thought some women are actually carrying dna from lovers in their brain tissue? I mean, seriously?

    • Yeah seriously. What a buch of bullshit. And because I find these studies untrustworthy, I hate science and I'm offended? Grow up dude. I just don't believe everything I read on the internet.

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