Why are girls so slutty these days?

simple question really, the slut levels have increased drastically
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Because its easier for girls to get laid then it is for guys.

    If a girl wants sex, She can just go to a bar or a club or something, Spread her legs and i gurantee within an hour she could be heading home with some dude.

    But to be a guy, My f*****g god...
    -You gotta have a good Personality
    -You need a Good to Perfect physique
    -You gotta have Financial worth
    -You need to spent lots of time proving yourself as an 'Alpha Male'
    -You need to be blunt and general treat people badly as a sign of masculinity

    Its just so much easier for chicks to get laid then guys, Why do you think Prostitution is a thing? Girls get paid to have sex with guys, Imagine how easy she can get laid if she offers it for free? Now look at how many Male Prostitutes there are... Exactly...

  • Well they've been made to feel like itty bitty faux mini-celebrities by the attention they get from men in society. Guys trip over themselves to erect pedestals to place them upon ;) It's a story as old as time. Some girls are attractive & kind & good... just want to say that. But a good many others think they're some kind of royalty cause they got a pair of knocks and a punanny (which I can't deny are great) but it doesn't really make you deserve more in life. Sorry. That's it. It's probably annoying to get hit on so much but these girls I speak of very well take advantage of this rigged system..

Most Helpful Girls

  • I think with some girls it is a cry for acceptance. Any acceptance. Some girls may just enjoy sex but I think if others really stopped and looked at their behavior they would realize they want more. Some may subconsciously be hoping to fall into a relationship secondary to sex.

    I didn't say all, repeat, did NOT say all girls. Just some that make me wonder what they really want out of living a "free" lifestyle. They don't seem happy there.

    • "I didn't say all, repeat, did NOT say all" It's a pretty sad state of affairs that anytime you talk about a group in general you have to make it absolutely clear that you're not talking about every individual in the group even when you didn't say it was every individual in the group in the first place because people are so eager to jump down other people's throats that they insist you must have meant something other than what you said just so they have a reason to do so.

  • Because they seem to be the ones getting the most male attention these days. Guys who I am around don't seem to give girls who respect themselves the time of day which kinda says "I need to be a slut to get their attention". Maybe if they didn't get the most attention the population would not be growing. Do you prefer sluts or girls who actually respect themselves and have genuine personalities? Which one would you chose to be around?

    • Lol this is definitely not true. They get plenty of male attention, but if it's not the right kind of guy giving the attention and girls are so full of themselves that they don't even realize the guy exists which is why so many girls routinely, openly lament that such guys no longer exist.

  • I blame it on the people who make the clothes I don't know could be wrong truly the most i wear is a hoodie and sweats on cold days and a hoodie and shorts on a hot day so

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What Girls & Guys Said

19 19
  • Society encourages it...
    Girls conform to it...
    It's how non-individualized people work...
    You know? Like trying to fit in

  • I'm honestly glad women feel free to be who they want to be honestly, slutty is a subjective term to me anyway.

  • Uhhh... Not all girls are 😕
    I hate it when people generalize

  • Where's your evidence with that?
    Honestly, I believe some girls are becoming more slutty due to that being where a lot of guys chase after now and days.

  • I know... why the hell weren't they this way back when I was young... dammit...