Why Are Promiscuous Women Looked Down Upon?

Why Are Promiscuous Women Looked Down Upon?

In today's society, casual sex is something perfectly normal. Yet I feel like women who admit to having many sexual encounters with various men are looked down upon. This myTake is inspired by some of the answers to this question: https://www.girlsaskguys.com/sexual-behavior/q2158014-men-of-gag-your-23-year-old-girlfriend-just-confessed-she-has-had

Why Are Promiscuous Women Looked Down Upon?

When men have a lot of sexual experience, they tend to take pride in it. They boast about it.They are seen as players, studs and womanizers, which are all rather positive descriptors. However, when a woman behaves in this way, she will be labeled as slutty, dirty, easy and unworthy. Many guys will not consider her to be girlfriend-material, just because she engaged in casual sex in the past. So what if she's slept with more people than you, it doesn't mean that she has an STD and that she is unworthy of your glorious penis. If anything, she has experience and knows what she's doing. I myself had 7 sexual partners and I'm 19. Never had an STD and I'm as tight as ever. At least I learned how to suck dick in the process, I see that as a plus.

Why Are Promiscuous Women Looked Down Upon?

It is quite hypocritical, if you ask me, to want a lot of one night stands but bash the women who do the same thing. Also, how do you expect to get girls to sleep with you if they feel like it will make them feel unwanted in the future? Sex is a part of our everyday lives, I don't see why it should be so taboo for women to enjoy it casually.

Why Are Promiscuous Women Looked Down Upon?

The lock and key analogy might be a counterargument. A key that can open every lock is a master key, but a lock that's opened by every key is a shit lock. (If you don't get it, the keys represent the men and the locks represent the women). It is quite a clever metaphor, but here's why it's bullshit: we are humans, not pieces of metal. Women who let "a lot of keys open their locks" aren't "shit locks", they simply enjoy the feeling of a key inside them; what's so bad about that?

Why Are Promiscuous Women Looked Down Upon?

Bear in mind that this is just my opinion on the matter. I know a large part of the G@G community values virginity above all and want's to keep it for the person they marry, which is perfectly fine. However, I don't see a reason why a woman should refrain from something as enjoyable as sex, especially if it's only to be deemed worthy by men. I by no means meant to offend anyone and I'm sorry if I did so :)

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  • I love how you assume that every man is into one night stands. Why would an guy would want an girl that had 7 other dicks on her? and why would he trust someone like that for serious relationship?


  • I don't look down upon them

  • Her body, her choice... just like it's my choice never to date, marry or take her seriously.

  • Yeah, but women don't want promiscuous men either xD They're also looked down upon, they're just seen for sex, just like promiscuous women. I keep seeing girls complain about this, but it goes both ways.
    Most people don't want a promiscuous partner, that's a fact.

    At least women aren't shamed for being virgins XD

    • Fair point about the virginit bit (y)

    • But there's nothing wrong with being a virgin... men or women.

    • @RainbowFanGirl That's not what most will say to a virgin guy xD

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  • Im openly conservative in most aspects of life, from politics to my love life. I think you have valid reasons for complaint but you dont understand how men feel about women.

    Men put a lot of effort in getting women. The whole lock and key analogy is about it and it is correct to a certain degree. When men value each other for getting women, they are praising skill and getting women pretty much defines a man's social status (for the most part). No matter what other men tell you, all men need validation from women just as much women need to feel safe around men.
    Becoming desirable to women takes a huge effort, from bigger stuff (like how you look and your people skills) to smaller stuff (like destroying small annoying habits of yours that are sure to make women back away). The fact that you succeed frequently means you're practically a god. It's kinda like the difference between the Hulk's and Steve Rogers' (pre-supersoldier serum) strenght. Yeah, that big of a difference.
    Women dont have to go through that (in general). Value is very different according to each sex, whether we're talking about the criteria for attraction or about the general sense of interest. Most women are already rather desirable, and it doesn't matter that you want to be the best, because what you consider average is already fine for us. The feeling isn't reciprocal. Women do seek the best, mainly the best man available (or not available/taken sometimes). You have to be at least good in some way, otherwise you're likely to die alone. Women may not be so superficial when it comes to looks, but they are when it comes to the general picture, and altough many women think it's easy to be desirable, it isn't for most of us, and the moment you lose it is the moment you lose women's attention and affection. I never saw a guy dump a girlfriend because she's getting fat, but I've seen women dump men with depression because they simply werent confident anymore and that turned them off.
    That all said, when men boast about sexual prowess and love conquests they are literally taking pride in both their efforts and their value in the eyes of the opposite sex. Women dont have to go through the same process. Most of you could have a male harem but you dont desire most men that much. It is that simple.

    • TRUST AND COMMITMENT Every human is able to trade a freaking army of people of the (opposite?) sex for just one that he/she shares an intimate and healthy relationship with. What keeps this phrase from being true for most men is that we'll never get that many women interested in us. What keeps this phrase from being true for most women is that they'll never be interested in so many of us, so the actual competition for a particular woman becomes lower because she limits herself in terms of quantity. In a sense, women will not see the army, only the elite troop in it. When you have a female that is confident in her own image, unafraid of having casual sex and who, in all likeability, doesn't see you as a high-value man, the possibilities for cheating are endless. Women, of course, dont always see it that way, but that's how men feel about promiscuous women. Most of us will not see you as lesser, but we know you are less dependable than most women, and will easily find someone else.

    • +Meanwhile, most of us have to work our asses off just to get a couple women interested, sometimes in nothing more than a one-night stand, at best. It is difficult for men to relate to someone who could emotionally destroy them in the blink of an eye and make them see themselves as inferior to other men. FEMINISM Let's face it: most promiscuous women have suffered because of criticism in one way or another, for a myriad of reasons. Therefore, it's not hard to conclude most would fall into the ideological grasp of feminism and embrace it. This can be observed easily in daily life. I won't even address this topic further. Men here are pretty open about why feminism is full of shit and actual equalitarian movements have a much better agenda than feminism ever had. I think that covers it well enough.

  • Double standards in general are just stupid.
    People can argue all they want in the comments, but I've seen the living and breathing version of this, the guy gets clapped on the shoulder and the girl is stuck telling her friends to keep quiet about it.

  • Cuz dey short?

  • Sharing is caring, the hotwife vixen lifestyle can be quite enjoying

  • Yes and no.

    Just to summarize all the points here, it depends on which circle you travel in. The idiotic "bro" culture absolutely counts notches on bedposts; always have and always will. They're little better than animals, really. On the flip side, there are indeed women who pride themselves on being promiscuous and in fact, they do boast about it in front of their friends, but only because they have like-minded friends. Bimbos and mimbos will always care more about sex, will always brag about it, and will always be drawn to each other. ;)

    But there are plenty of other people out there who simply view sex normally and logically. If a girl or guy wants to be a virgin for a while, fine, whatever. Doesn't affect me or anyone else, does it? If they want to be experienced WITHOUT being a full-on slut or male-whore, that's fine, too. So long as they're careful and the end result isn't a slew of STDs and unwanted children the rest of society actually has to pay for in the long run...

    • What's the difference between viewing sex normally and logically while being experienced and being a full-on slut? Is it the number of sexual partners or the boasting about it?

    • It's common sense. I think we all know the difference between someone who's simply experienced and someone who equates success with the frequency of sexual activity. It really depends on what priority you give it in your life, and that's usually obvious in how someone acts and presents themselves.

  • In my opinion female promiscuity is no better than male promiscuity but all in all, I do not appreciate promiscuity. I think it is cleaner and safer to be with somebody who has not explored anything with a vagina. Also it is nice to know that a man feels good enough about himself that he does not need this sort of validation. As for women, my experience with promiscuous women has mostly been them trying to meddle in my relationship by openly hitting on my partner, and that would bother anybody. So sure, they can go get std'd all they want, but when they take pride in doing that sort of thing... meaning, everything is acceptable unless it leads to someone getting hurt. And yes I believe it is possible to enjoy sex a lot without being an easy lay. :)

  • I think you're right about this. It's a big double standard that's unfair. As long as no one is cheating on someone else, I'm all for people (both sexes) having active sexual lives, including casual sex. (Of course have to be responsible about birth control and getting screened for STDs.) And this stupid myth that I see from young guys on GaG about having lots of sex making a girl's vagina "looser" is just a facepalm.

  • I'm somewhat split on this commonly discussed topic. I personally don't really care about women who sleep around, but I do have to say that if she's had a lot of sex and sex partners through actual RELATIONSHIPS, that's one thing, but one who has a lot of partners through a lot of casual sex, is another. Though I do have to say that I am a highly sexually charged person with very deep sexual impulses and urges, and part of me oddly does find myself getting obsessed or attached to women who've had a lot of sex. I will wonder what kind, how did it come about, was it with neighbors, friends, co-workers, etc. I like knowing all the details. Not exactly casual as in meets at clubs and stuff.

    But also, while females try to tell us how respected guys are for sleeping around, that's not entirely true. Women are not high-fiving guys for randomly nailing a girl. It's still seen as sexy if a teacher lusts after her much younger male student while a male teacher who sleeps with female students is a pedophile. And a male womanizer is still seen as more of a threat to "our daughters," seen as likely to sexually harass his female co-workers, and seen as a potential rapist. Your average slut or woman who flirts and fucks a lot never gets that kind of collateral.

    • Yeah that's the biggest myth of all. Women aren't attracted to the high number of sexual partners a guy has, but what they are attracted to is the confidence that gets them many partners. You never hear a girl say, I only date guys who sleep around, have 10 + partners, or my guy's so great he's slept with so many women. If they did, then that'd be a red flag.

    • @bloodmountain1990 Also a good point.

    • Besides 99% of the time, most women I've had sex with don't ask me about my number partners. It's usually just are you clean and do you have a condom, which is smart and safe on their part.

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  • There are different reasons:

    1) The guy is not promiscuous himself and he is conservative/religious

    2) The guy is promiscuous himself but wants her to have a low count because he believes that will make it better, or something like that (I don't really understand this, but they do think like that)

    3) The guy suspects she's unable to settle down in a serious, monogamous relationship: she is just going to cheat eventually and is using him for his money/stability because she's still addicted to scoring new hot guys (I think there is some truth to this. it's not always true but it's a realistic risk, even when the woman truly believes she got it out of her system she could still go back when she gets bored after a couple of years).

  • "When men have a lot of sexual experience, they tend to take pride in it. They boast about it. They are seen as players, studs and womanizers, which are all rather positive descriptors."

    I really don't fucking understand why you people keep saying this shit cause it's obviously not true. NO, guys absolutely do not get admired for having a lot of meaningless casual sex. The only circles where that is admired are the "dudebro" circles where all their lives is based around getting pussy, and if you ask how many girls here would want to date a guy like that the large majority will say no.

    And there absolutely are girls who take pride in having a lot of sex with different guys, some even boast about it publicly. It's clear that you are just seeing what you want to see when it comes to this subject but unfortunately for you real life isn't like you make it out to be.

    "Many guys will not consider her to be girlfriend-material, just because she engaged in casual sex in the past."

    Yes and there are many girls who feel the same way about guys going around having casual sex. Honestly why the fuck do you think it's any of your business what opinions guys have. For me if a girl has had a lot of casual sex it tells me that our views on sex are completely different and that's why I don't see as a relationship material. And I couldn't care less if she can suck dick or not, cause she will have plenty of time to practice on mine. And I think every guy will prefer that over her sucking a bunch of random guys' dicks.

    "It is quite hypocritical, if you ask me, to want a lot of one night stands but bash the women who do the same thing."

    You do realize that the guys who bash on women who do that usually don't like one night stands themselves right? Again this is just some stupid assumption you made in your own head. And I absolutely don't expect her to sleep with me until we know each other well. And it's taboo to enjoy sex casually because most people associate sex with deeper connection to someone and believe it's something special to be shared with someone you care about. If you wanna have a life style where you treat sex as just harmless fun where you fuck a bunch of different guys, then good for you but the majority of people feel differently. And would you honestly want your future children doing that?

    I just think that casual sex devalues sex, and that living that kind of lifestyle where you just fuck a bunch of different people is gross and makes sex meaningless.

    • You clearly disagree with me, which is completely fine, but I don't think everything I wrote is "just some stupid assumption I made in my own head". I'm not saying all men are the same, but there clearly is a stigma against promiscuous women in today's society. I would definitely not mind my future children enjoying life and engaging in something funa nd perfectly natural.

    • There is a stigma when it comes to promiscuity in general, and the reason is because majority of people don't think that promiscuity is good. And if your idea of "something fun and perfectly natural" is fucking a bunch of guys with deeper emotional attachment then ok that's you. But that definitely isn't something that is seen as "natural" when it comes to the history of humankind. Even if you're talking about the days before society. And not everything that you wrote is a "stupid assumption" there is a bigger stigma against women than there is against men, I will absolutely not disagree with that. I just think you saying that men are admired for promiscuity is complete bullshit, and you saying that the same men who love having one night stands shame women for doing the same is bullshit too.

  • Guy or Girl, they're both looked down on. Nobody wants to be in a serious relationship with someone who is what people call, an "easy f***". They're good for sex, but that's about it. No need to be in a relationship with someone who will give it up to just anyone.

  • Because they are promiscuous (duh).
    It is a self-imposed mental illness that makes girls unstable and useless to secure relationships. Even if we dont know your number, it will become apparent and waste a good man's (such as me) time and can induce a crime of passion.

  • I have to preface all of this, with saying "No Judgement". I've no issues with promiscuous girls. They do their thing. And if it was just as easy for guys to get sex as it is for girls in comparison, then most guys would be promiscuous more so today.

    That aside.
    Why Guys Look down on them
    1. The presumption of a promiscuous woman is that you can't date her, because she's less trustworthy. That if it's easy for guys to sleep with her then when it comes down to it she is more likely to cheat. If it's easy for one guy, then why not another? (There's actually some validity to this idea)

    2. You don't take a promiscuous woman home to momma, because of female judgement of promiscuous women.

    3. Jealousy that they can't have the same amount of sex as easily. So they get angry and "shame" the girl and convince themselves that they actually are being altruistic by not having sex with anyone they can (even tho they would if they could)

    4. Religious/Personal beliefs of what a woman should act like. Some guys truly feel that a promiscuous woman doesn't respect herself or see her own value. (Slight validity to this claim, because some women do "ho" themselves out for validation. So they can feel pretty and fill an empty void).

    Why women look down on them

    1. Societal fear - knowing the reputation of a promiscuous woman. a lot of girls want to avoid it at all costs and will help their friends to not be viewed asa slut, in order to protect her reputation... if a girl isn't their friend, then these girls just look down because they buy in to this societal norm.

    2. Jealousy- whether it be a fat girl that doesn't get hit on. A girl that's just not pretty or a girl who chooses not to be promiscuous for religious reasons (which stops them internally from doing so. Feeling trapped). They look down on these girls similarly to guys that (would if they could).

    4. Religious/personal beliefs. Again, some people truly do see a promiscuous woman as someone that does not respect herself. These people may or may not be attractive enough to get it if they wanted. But they wouldn't because it's just against their beliefs.

    • This is interesting. Because even tho logically a lot of people do think it's stupid. Emotionally they still feel a woman being promiscuous is bad and believe deep down. It's doublemindedness

  • Because I don't want to marry one, that's all. Nothing more. Nothing less. I don't even really look down on you. I just won't marry you.

  • Right. Guys want to sleep with us, get mad if we are prudes,
    but get mad if we're sexually open.
    Guys want us to be experienced, but shame us for being experienced.
    Guys want an experienced women without being experienced themselves.
    Guys want a virgin without being a virgin themselves.

    It's like they want the type of woman that doesn't match them.
    Some of us prefer guys more similar to us.

    I can't stand guys who want a "good woman who keeps her legs closed",
    but can't return the favor but the same way in return.

    It's like me saying I want a smart and loyal man,
    but yet I'm some unfaithful bimbo.

  • I agree with your point, and am not bothered in the slightest by the experienced woman who enjoys sex a lot.

    I think men, in general, in spite of society's demand that they remain stoic and unemotional, are far more sensitive and emotional than anyone would like to admit. There is a phrase I have read about the weak and "fragile male ego" that probably doesn't want to deal with a partner who is superior to him in certain ways. I think it is bullshit, but it is probably true for many men.

    As for your lock/key analogy, it is also likely true for women. When I make myself easily obtainable to a woman, I see my value drop before my eyes. If I withhold and only give her tiny bits of reward when I see her start to lose interest, I have greater success.

    The thing or person that is harder to obtain probably has greater value - which is also bullshit but probably true.

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