Why are there so many women who shame men who show their sexual desires early but would love it if he just was a little patient and said it later?

I mean why is it so bad if he says "I wanna fuck you" straightaway? Isn't that more honest? What's going on in your minds?

Most guys are not going to be honest because they know this, and I feel like girls also usually know when guys want them sexually but girls respond better if he takes his time. Why?

I know there are some girls who'd be be cool with the straightforward approach but that's definitely much rarer.

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Superb Opinion

  • We’re already well aware you want sex from us. We even want to give it to you if the circumstances are right. However, we need to know your interest in us is more than sexual before we’re comfortable going there. So when you come right out of the gate with “I wanna fuck you”, you’re sending the wrong message that pushes us away. A little respect and patience goes a long way.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Its not hard to sense it right away. But not everything has to be spoken aloud or said right then and there. there's a time and a place and that wasn't the time to say it

Most Helpful Guys

  • Because they don't like being made to feel like thats the only thing u want the same way a old school women who wants to be a stay at home mum won't ask how much money you make on the first date

  • I'm fuckboy I m straight forward i say I'm looking for sex with you...90% of time girls welcome me with spreading their legs.

    • Not talking bout you though

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • Depends on how early, like if I walk in the date and he says that? Gross. And if he can take no for an answer, or he's gonna throw a hissy fit lmao.

    • So follow up out of curiosity what if he had a kink that’s a deal breaker? Wouldn’t you wanna know sooner than wasting months in a relationship that’s bound to end?

    • @Zbrody1997 kinks should be discussed before they're incorporated.

    • @Zbrody1997 we can try those kinks, and if it doesn't work, then it's buh bye.

    • Show All
  • Because you only want to have Sex based on how they look. And then you will go away

  • I agree. I've had the same problem with talking about marriage. I don't see what's so scary about it. It's just an informal chat. It's not like I'm going to actually marry you right now. Hell, I could even reject you!

  • We know guys want to fuck us, you don't have to say it. We appreciate the guys who focus on getting to know us first, and letting us get to know them, so we can decide.