Why are white men more attracted to Indian MEN than Indian WOMEN?

Where will I find a straight white guy? 😭😭

Look at the thirsty comments on Reddit. Rating normal looking Indian girls the same as an Indian who is bald with dark circles is just an example. I am shocked.

So many videos on the internet of gay white guys pleasing Indian guys. Hard to find heterosexual couple videos.

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  • Seriously? That's news to me😂 How are you even finding that stuff, let alone watching it? I never noticed, but I do know the second part of your statement is true. Those kinds of videos do exist out there, but they are rare. I've managed to find a few, but when it comes to White men with non-White girls, it's almost only White dudes with Asian girls. White dudes with South Asian girls, let alone ones that aren't scripted, are almost non-existent. I think even Indian men with White girls us more common.

    I think what Indian girl porn there is, is produced by Indian men FOR Indian men, and I don't think Indian girls fucking White men would sell too well on the Indian market😂 Even White guy-Indian girl couples are incredibly rare.

    I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I actually started writing erotica stories about White men with Indian women, because it was almost non-existent.

    As for the first part of your question, you got one right here...😏

    As for videos, if you're genuinely interested, I could surely find you some stuff. I know of a few. 😉

    • Why are such couples rare?

    • Well, one has to do with what you mentioned before, about White men tending to go for races that are most likely to hook up. And the second, Indian men are extremely strict and racist. A lot of them won't even allow their female relatives to marry outside their ethnicity, yet alone outside their race. And there are cultural differences too. But surely in places where there's a large Indian minority, it's more common. And I was told that Delhi girls date White men

    • Go to Spankbang and just search "Indian" and you'll get tons of videos of Indian girls with White dudes

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  • Are you searching it up specifically? Cause if you search it, it will pop up, search what u wanna see and I'm sure it will pop up, see

    Why are white men more attracted to Indian MEN than Indian WOMEN?
    • More search results for gay films 🥺

    • Well if it's pornography, there's porn for everything, you can't believe reality from porn trust me that's gonna destroy your mind, mixed race couples exist of all kinds of mixes, don't let what you see online unmotivate you

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1 17
  • Never heard of this overgeneralization... But maybe because the white guys are practicing tokenism in regards to Indian women, seeing people from that community as 'exotic' and different than, say, the 'norm' of other white people from their immediate and often familiar community.

    • So they're more attracted to Indian men

  • You’ll find someone. Just keep your heart open. It takes time and patience. I barley met my boyfriend and he’s white, doesn’t mind me being Mexican. I’m sure you’ll find your dream guy soon. I promise not many are gay either.

  • Are Indian Men are doing more interracial porn than Indian Women? I didn't known that. :)

    • I didn't know so many white guys were GAY!

    • Why are you so surprised by that? most white countries are allowing gay marriage.


    • I thought gay men were a minority. What am I gonna do?

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  • I find it fascinating that many Indian men are so comfortable being in a position of superiority over a less assertive male. What I mean by this is that, in my experience, many Indian men, and couples are very candid and forthright in their desire to have a personal servant, etc. I think this is probably due to the fact that servants are fairly common in India, and this is an exciting concept for a submissive male like me.

    That's just one reason why I find Indian men so appealing, but there are other reasons, as well.

  • hello, in turkey, similar things happen to kurdish women. While kurdish men are fetishized by other gay men for being incredibly hairy and having thicker d*cks, Kurdish women are usually criticized harshly by many straight men for being relatively dark skinned and uneducated.