Why Being a Hot Guy Isn't the Be-All, End-All of Life

Why Being a Hot Guy Isn't the Be-All, End-All of Life

I want to start off this myTake by admitting that I am by traditional standards a hot guy. I am a runner, 6’1 and weigh 160 pounds. Gorgeous women who could have anybody they want, have hit on me and my looks are complimented very often for a guy, sometimes even during normal daily activities with no sexual tension built by a social scene whatsoever. I hear guys saying all the time that for skinny guys like me it is easy to get pussy. I am here to prove otherwise.

Growing up I was not in the shape that I am in now. I was the type of kid who was very easy to make fun of because I was over weight and everybody knew I wouldn’t fight back because I was to polite and nice. I was mainly focused on school and didn’t care about chasing women. I had a very negative attitude about my future and didn’t like to think of it much beyond my career plans. My looks were rarely commented on and when they were they were negative comments. I was told by a number of people that I would never get a girlfriend, that they were glad they weren’t like me, and once as a child when I was at the peak of my being overweight that I would never amount to anything (despite my good grades). I could go on but you get the point...

When I went off to college I knew I wanted to change I just didn’t know how. That is how I found girls ask guys randomly on the internet one day freshman year!! I started getting great advice on questions I had for men and or women so I could improve myself purely for my own gain. I was very focused on changing myself for the better and having a successful college career. Now that I am a senior about to graduate I can say all of the ways that I changed through out college. I got into men’s fashion, running, my major, and I learned how to network with people and make a lot of acquaintances.

Why being a hot guy isn’t the end all be all for finding the love of your life!!!

Because of these changes women started to hit on me a lot more. The largest uptick in flirts happened after I improved my fashion. I had also lost a lot of weight and was by all definitions skinny but I was by no means fit. That is when I started running and working out, eventually I got very fit. The funny thing was I saw absolutely no uptick in flirts from women after that. The take away here is that women generally seem to be equally attracted to just skinny guys and generally don’t care how ripped you are. Although some women definitely are, the large majority won’t. However, I will admit that slimming down is important too. It implies that you are more active and don’t have an unhealthy addiction to food.

I had changed everything I was going to change physically about myself by the time I hit Junior year. By then and certainly by now the majority of people would think that I definitely would have a long list of sexual conquests and a string of short term relationships by now. You would be wrong! Despite my good looks, and overall success and great initial reactions from women that I never thought I would be able to get in high school, I was and still very much so am a virgin, having never gone past kissing and snuggling. I am still in the process of building my trust of people and making and keeping close friends. I was never into having my first time being with a one night stand so I have vowed to wait until I am in a solid relationship with a women I trust.

I have gotten to 23yrs of age without achieving the goal of a long term relationship because the one thing I had yet to improve on was the most important part, my personality. I am still that shy, fat, scared and angry (at the world) kid that I was back in high school in my mind. This creates a desperate, nervous, fake, and overall terrible personality that few people actually want to hang out with. This leads to me rarely meeting women in the right places to date or hook up because I was usually in my apartment alone on the weekends. I wasn’t outgoing enough or able to trust other people (because of the way I was treated as a kid) to create deeper friendships by socializing often and creating memories.

Why Being a Hot Guy Isn't the Be-All, End-All of Life

My anti-socializing and anti-fun (overall shitty) personality was first brought to light by my therapist. I was having suicidal thoughts because I didn’t understand why women kept rejecting me after the first or second date and why I was having such a hard time turning acquaintances into close friends. I thought I was worthless. The route cause as it turns out seems to be my distrust of the world which makes me show my cold side to any women who flirts with me and makes me hang back when the opportunity arises to make deeper friendships. I now realize that forcing a nice and polite attitude isn’t enough to make meaningful friendships or romantic relationships. Being yourself does, even if some people don’t like the real you, there are people out there who love the real you.

In conclusion, what I want you to take away from this myTake if you are struggling with finding a meaningful romantic relationship or even just making friends, your main priority should be on improving your personality and view on the world. All the relationships that you make after your personality is optimized (not forcibly changed) will be much deeper and will lead to you surrounding yourself with people that you actually like!!! In just starting to improve my personality I have created deeper more meaningful relationships with my friends then ever before and I know that I can turn that into creating deep and meaningful romantic relationships as well.

P.S: this mytake was made partly in reaction to the bleak outlook on women and human beings in general written in this myTake.

Please don’t take what he said in that myTake seriously, he has no idea what he is talking about.

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What Girls & Guys Said

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  • 1. Jobs status 2. House status 3. Dick size 4. Sociability

  • i got lost in that guys 1 eye being so beautiful in the light.

  • So similar to me as well. I get women looking at me all the time too and I dismiss it as them looking at me because i look weird.

  • Sounds like you're bitter about the rejections you've experienced.

    Tell you what, when a girl rejects you - it's not to be taken personally. You will drive yourself off a cliff if every time a girl rejected you, it lowered your confidence. They're just girls...

    Be genuine, and make genuine relationships. Don't chase relationships either. (Relationships = friends, girls, mentors, etc.)

    Provide value (by working on your humor and presence).

    Lastly, be cool with everyone. Don't get involved in drama, humble yourself, empower people, listen, motivate, inspire, lead conversations, treat everyone the same, don't kiss ass.
    I became a social leader when I realized that I needed to create the conversations or else I'd continue to find everyone boring and bland. Spice it up yourself.

    Remember - just because everyone you see around you is laughing "look" like they're the best of friends doesn't mean they truly are and/or DOES NOT mean they don't have insecurities like you do, they just loosened up and realized how trivial they were in the grand scheme of life.

    A little inside scoop for you... This isn't a 3rd party perspective - this was me 3 years ago.

  • I don't like pretty boy anyway 55555 I prefer guy that is not so hot and not so ugly.

  • That pic is melting me

    • i know rightttt 😍

    • Yes the picture is meltingly me too.. But then again I am the wicked witch of the West somebody threw some water on me. And now I am melting. I do not a problem with being melted. Because I have had unprotected melting for quite some time. It all started about 25 years when I noticed a small lesion on my left ear. I went to see my doctor I said, "Dr. I said Mr. MD. Can you tell me what's ailing me?" She asked me to want to hear this in a melodramatic fashion or you want me to draw this out over weeks. I would advise you to put the lime in the coconut and drink them both together. I told him I was not prepared for such a long drawn out melodramatic fashion but since I was a nuclear physicist I could take it. She threw a proton at me that bounced off the wall and into heavy water which of course I drank because I was thirsty. The final the absolute final incidents occurred last week when I discovered my old proton in a soup, matzoh ball soup as a matter of fact.

    • I was not prepared to be melting because I was hit by the size of the matzoh ball proton. They are very rare well of course you you know. This changed my entire life. Rather than becoming a nuclear physicist, I had to drop out of MIT and become a cook at a Jewish delicatessen making matzoh ball soup and Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray soda. What started out to be a tragedy turned out to be a good life. Sure it had its ups and downs but I became engaged and eventually married to the co-owner of the Otis elevator Company where the ups and downs of life were to be expected. Unfortunately I was never accepted back into my own nuclear family but eventually I didn't care. No I was seen as an aberration. We had a child – no not the one who married the jailer but another one. Yes that occurred when I took a boat ride at Staten Island ferry to see the Statue of Liberty

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  • are u saying u dont want to be hot?

    • Im not saying that I don’t want to be hot. Im saying that it is not the most important part about creating a meaningful romantic relationship. Im not going to lie, there are downsides, like getting hit on at work and other places where/ when you just don’t want to be hit on etc... Sometimes these things are a great ego boost and they are good, other times it feels really annoying because you are not in that mode or you don’t like the person back. But overall it is a good thing and I try to flip it around when I feel annoyed and remember that it is a major compliment coming from a women when she openly flirts with you in front of other people because normally they aren’t the aggressors. Being attractive might make starting things off easier (that is good) but what I am trying to say is it is not the end all be all, which is why I am trying to better my personality.

    • ok just try not to dress up when you go outside. don't shower. mess up your hair. wear glasses. look your ugliest so girls dont hit on you.

  • Great take! It reminds me of myself.

  • Nice take

  • Great take bro, all I'd say is to just not care about the small things like that. You are you, you have your own personality and looks, so bounce, pump up the jam and fuck around in life, do what you want ;)

    Love yourself

  • Being hot is always good.

  • Duuude. When I was a kid I was overweight and bullied for +10 years. As I grew some manipulative people took note. So I got into two abusive relationships out of feeling worthless. This destroyed my self esteem.

    And now im thinking of working out to see how my looks change. Obviously im like you emotionally. Cold and aggresive. But im also in therapy. I just think its awesome that im not alone!

    Any advice for this 19 year old?

    • Glad I could give some inspiration! My advice to you would be to develop a high self esteem. You can find out more about how to do this with your therapist but the end goal is to mix having a big ego with being able to be polite to other people. Kanye West is an interesting example because he has a huge ego but he also chooses to be a jerk with that ego. You want to be like Kanye West in your mind but nice and polite to people on the outside. Your degree of niceness should match your personality, don’t be fake! But there is never a reason not to be polite. Working out is a great excuse to change your lifestyle and raise your ego. Working out is a selfish act in that you are doing it for yourself 100%, this adds to your ego, get used to being more selfish, it is good for you! Start working out very slowly like once a week for an hour and only build on that when you feel like you can do so without effecting the rest of your life negatively because of time or muscle pain. Add 30min/w

    • Awesome! Thanks! My only thing is I am actually nice (not being ego here) but soo many people either mistaken it for flirting or take advantage of that. How do I deal with? Does exercise with things like pimples and facial blemishes?

    • Addressing your nice in a flirty way question: I have never meet you so I don’t know what you are like in a conversation but I will go off of my experience with lady friends who have the same problem as you. You most likely have a warm, bubbly, and attractive demeanor that draws people in which leads to flirting. The only thing you can do is read up on signs women show that they are flirting and try to stop doing all the things you can stop. Don’t change your personality though! Just actions like touching the person your talking too, playing with your hair, deep eye contact, things that you say that could be mistaken for flirting, etc... Exercise and Pimples: Unfortunately for some people exercise can cause break outs but there are a lot of products out there to help like Cetaphile or Cerve. But consult your dermatologist about it before using that stuff! I hope this helps!

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  • Good take. The weight of a guy doesn't matter too much to me personally. I've dated slender guys and I've dated overweight ones. I like a bit of weight on a guy, but as long as they have a great personality, then that is the most important thing. On another note, in school I never thought I was at all pretty, but then I grew up and my appearance just seemed to change. According to people now.. I'm attractive. I still don't believe it but I try to.

  • I can relate to this all too well. I was never fat but women did not notice me till I was in college. I've been told I'm cute, hot, etc many times and have had lots of dates, flings, and hookups but no relationships.

    This is very disappointing because they don't last but it just goes to show that no girl will ever stay with you for your appearance alone. And I'm not saying that they should just as guys shouldn't date a woman for her appearance only.

    You just start to feel like somethings really wrong with you when you're able to attract that many women initially but keep none of them around or if they do stick around, it's someone you're not attracted to.

  • Nice take and good points. The thing is really to give off a certain vibe else the lady in question starts to act all innocent/serious around you. See this take, it's a good read:


  • Nigga this is because most women think a guy can get a nice body in a matter of months and isn't shit. Being good looking isn't that impressive anymore.

    The game has changed. Now women care more about a man's money. I've seen several girls in my school going out with out of shape guys making good doe and others who have specifically mention online they are looking for sugar daddies.

    Female priority today:

    Money>Social status (popularity) ~ FB likes > Looks >Height> Body > Personality.

    • Sounds like you're around some really shallow women. I wouldn't go as far as saying the game has changed. There is a lot of diversity in what women look for. I don't know any women who would go for a guy just for his money if he were unattractive and had a bad personality.

  • Being tall and skinny doesn't make you hot. I'm 6'3 and used to be around 175lb. I hate being skinny so I started lifting weights and am currently around 200lb. While being tall is good many women do not like skinny guys. There are many that want bigger or buffer guys. Plus face makes up the majority of physical attraction.

    • I've found the opposite to be true so I am going to exercise my right to free will and not take your advice on the weight lifting. Also, my face was never the object of question of attractiveness, my weight was. Please read the take again so you can see where you miss read the first time.

    • No that's okay I read it perfectly fine the first time through I think you should reread mine though. I am saying that most people make the majority of their judgement about attraction based off face something you didn't talk about at all. You talked about the more minor details. Yes OVERALL height and weight is somewhat important but it's definitely got a lot more room for error than face.

    • What I am saying is the whole point of your comment is that tall skinny guys can’t get women and that I should start lifting because most girls like buff guys. Your comment doesn’t address the main point of my take, which is that I have had no problem attracting women as a tall skinny marathon runner, it is the fact that I have a shitty and mean personality that I can’t get women to stay around long and this means that men should focus on perfecting their personalities because women like to date good people. Not fake nice assholes like me. So to reiterate I have no problem getting women, I have a problem keeping women and getting into long term relationship, which is my end goal. Also, I 100% disagree with your opinion that women mainly want buff guys, I have found the opposite to be true. Comments are meant for people who can contribute to the main point of this article so please stop commenting if you have nothing of use to add.

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  • Holy fuck. Sounds like me.