Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

From my observation I have noticed that the only guys who can get casual sex are attractive looking guys (1 guy per 20). Not only these guy get casual sex, but they (1) get it consistently, which means every time they get out they are in position to get a lay, and (2) they don't have to lower their standards significantly, so they can bang at least average looking women who for most men look attractive.

Average looking guys, on the other hand in general can't get casual sex. At least they cannot get it consistently, which means that in case of getting casual sex they were lucky, and secondly, they have to lower their standards significantly, meaning that they bang either ugly and/or fat women. At the end of the day, as average guy you have to scrap the bottom of the barrel - if you get lucky. lol. This complies with average party report of average looking guy, when after 100 parties everything he managed to achieve is to get dead drunk, pay drinks to women and scrap 20 phone numbers, which half were fake, while the other half never replied. And then he adds: "Well I got lucky with a fat girl once...you know, fat girls need love too".

This is how party looks like for non-attractive guys...

Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

...and this is how it usually ends...

Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

but it can also end in this way, if they get lucky...

Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

Now, this is how party looks for attractive guys...

Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

and usually it can end like this...

Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

or like this, if they're lucky...

Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

Due to observed huge disrepancy in casual sex life between average guys and attractive guys, I decided to investigate things a bit. Of course, It's obvious that attractive guys have it easier, but there is such a leap between these two groups, that causes every saying out there about human sexuality draw false. One of them is "beauty is in the eye of beholder" and second, which is basically the same, is "everyone is attractive for someone". Based on this, one would expect that sex mating would be somewhat evenly distributed. But it is? As, I already implied, it is not. Based on googling it turned out that 10% of guys is fucking 90% of women. Does this sound evenly distributed? Of course not. It's like a difference between driving a minigolf car and a fukin Ferrari. It's a fukin inverse of even distribution lol.

This is what average women are after and this is how "cute" is defined by women's standards...

Why Casual Sex is Only for Attractive Guys

...yup, your chanches are smaller than winning a lottery

And what is the reason of this? Well, women find most guys sexually unattractive and they have plenty of options to fuck. It's a fatal combination and great base for unbalance to occur. In fact average women sees average guy as ugly. There was some experiment where women rated guys. And you know what? Average and ugly looking got same scores, which means that most of guys is at least sexually a worthless scum for average women, let alone for more attractive ones. In that experiment most women have picked the same 3 guys, from all given, ending with the same conclusion again - 90% wanna fuk 10% of guy, in fact in this experiement it was even worse. Guys on the other hand, established more balanced distribution.

If you didn't get me:
casual sex is market is extremely skewed and unbalanced fuckup, where only attractive guys have access from perspective of qunatity, quality and consistency. 90% of other guys is in position to maybe get lucky, but definitely with an extremely shit-tier women. Whoever invented this extremely unbalanced system is a fukin f*****.

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22 34
  • Someone forgot to tell my bald, short, fat, missing toothed half brother this. 😐

    • Oh, this was about ugly dudes boning hot chicks. Well, he is consistent, anyway. But my point is that A LOT of guys are hooking up in their looks range most of the time and sometimes slightly above or below. I used to party a lot and saw it frequently. How do you think People of Wal Mart are spawned?

    • u clearly didn't read the article where it said that women have been scientifically proven to view average guys as ugly. so those average guys u see hooking up with average girls are actually he top 10% guys hooking up with average girls.

    • My brother is literally short, overweight and missing three front teeth. And sleeps with TONS of women. Is that the top 10% to you? 😂

  • Well I was a late bloomer (lost virginity at 24) and now I'm currently dating 3 different girls (all know we're not exclusive and they range from 7-9) and I literally just got a tinder message from a girl while typing this. Don't have anything to add, just wanted to say I'm so glad I'm no longer struggling to get girls and actually have more on my plate now that i can handle. Seriously, if you're secent looking, very successful, charming, and know how to properly flirt with girls it becomes too easy.

  • Yeah coldsores and stds

    • ... if that is your experience...

  • poor little shits

  • Also the defeatist attitude and the lack of knowledge about women don't let those 'other' guys very much. A lot of guys would get more women for sex if they undstood them how they work

    • What school do you go to for that? No, seriously, I'm not joking.

  • well written

  • well isn't it obvious. these girls are horny and look for something hot to fuck. as these guys go there hoping to bed 8s and 9s. uglier men can have success but you better be one savvy motherfucker with guru level game... .

    • He said some average and ugly guys get success but it is rare.

  • First of all why are you so obsessed with casual sex? Most hot guys I know are not even looking to score when they go out. I have been the prettiest girl in the room and my friends and I have to still taunt him so he can get laid with me, he was so shy and later on I found out he had a girlfriend and felt terrible for cheating *I did not know or I'd leave him alone*. Girls throw themselves at them sometimes, other guys are just jealous and need to stay in their lane, they just wanna bang because they see others guys getting it, those guys don't even wanna be whores it's girls like me that are the devil sometimes. FYI I have given average to ugly guys chances with me and they've never had better, they cheat on you with nasty girls ugly girls who only find them attractive because you talk to them and try to cause drama in your life for attention, so I think we should all stay in our lane, if you're average stop fighting to get hot girls, you won't treat her well anyway because it just doesn't work, it's not a game.

    • That was written with such bitterness and arrogance. lol...

    • @Jamesol1 Oh I'm the bitter one?, I'm not the one getting no ass what do I have to be bitter about? Exactly why ugly men should leave pretty girls alone because they don't mesh, if the bitch saying what I'm saying was ugly you'd say she's confident because they relaly wanna stick it to pretty girls, be seen with them but also want to lower her self esteem and she dare not speak of what she really is, stay in your lane.

    • Lol assuming I'm ugly ok. Girls rate me 7-7.5/10 generally. I have had a fair few pretty ones approach me.

    • Show All
  • Im a member of a students club (a bit like a fraternity club but for both genders, with it's own building and about 500-1000 members). There are several in my city and mine is known as the "alternative", with most 'unattractive' people and metalheads. I beg to differ with that opinion.

    Im usually popular with the guys; Im skinny, outgoing and blonde. I find over half of them look "attractive", the ones I actually sleep with are the ones I also like as a person. I need to be friends first. They're not the most attractive looking, they're the ones with the kindest hearts (or the longest hair and best dance skills. I have a weakness for those).

    Your take also goes for girls. If I put on a dress, wear makeup and smile a lot, my situation is like that of the first "attractive guy"-pic but in reverse. If I don't brush my hair and wear a hoody, I only get approached by friends. Some of my female friends never get attention despite wanting it, others can go home with someone every week if they want.

  • It's the same for an non attractive girl so

  • There are some things here that are a stretch, but there's a core that's true.

    Women have higher physical standards for hookups than relationships, men have lower standards. Men value having variety in partner more than women do.

    End result is that in non-monogamous situations, you have some guys sleeping with most of the women.

    That's how most (not all) species work. A few males do all the breeding. Species that aren't like this pair off.

    Humans have instincts to pair off, and they have instincts that lead to 'most desirable male gets all the women'

    Objectively i'd suggest that societies that funneled men AND women into monogamous relationships likely had higher stability and societal strength due to enlisting most males in the economy/society, while those without much monogamy most male effort is spend in competing for mates, while women do all the actual work.

    Most people still pair off, but marginally, we are moving more towards men are either on the margins or spend their time competing to be hot for women who actually have to do all the work (earning money raising kids as single mothers). I don't think it's a 'good' thing, but it's not something any one of us votes on. As a guy, get your ass to the gym, work on your game, and if you also want a relationship, you'll get that too.

    I would highly discourage men from trying to get a relationship when they can't get hookups. Because it will be a crappy relationship. Instead, only enter into relationships with women who would hook up with you, even if that means dropping standards.

  • Women find 80% of men below average in looks from studies. And the remaining 20% of men range from average to hot.

    This means that a very small percentage of men get casual sex from women and this is even supported by the Tinder study done in 2015 which showed that even though a lot of men/women were using tinder only a small fraction of the male populace on this app were getting sex a lot. And as you said these men were usually TALL, GOOD LOOKING, and MUSCULAR.

    Now, this means that when it comes to SEXUAL ATTRACTION, women are REALLY ATTRACTED SEXUALLY to a small group of men and this often shows again in studies when a woman is ovulating (she wants to get fucked by these men).

    So where does that leave the 80% of men and why do they end up getting GF/wives if women aren't attracted? Well these men are able to get women due to be entertaining, having resources and building emotional attraction. Women if you have 1 or more of these things will use sex to entice you to get into a relationship with her, she will then continue to use sex (like a doggy treat) to make you continue to want to associate with her so she can enjoy the benefits she get off of being with you.


    • Sex for 80% males is simply transactional then. Might as well buy escorts and whores lol

  • So women aren't suppose to be having sex with guys they find attractive? If all a girl wants is one wild night with a dude and she can hook him then why not... if you could get a hot chick for one night, you wouldn't cause it wouldn't be fair to average girls? Yeah, I don't think so.

  • Wow weird my take