Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

While the idea of meeting on a dating app is foreign to many people and outright unacceptable to others, in theory it is a convenient way to connect with new people for those of us who are too busy, shy, or otherwise preoccupied to date in the traditional way. However in the majority of cases, dating apps tend to leave both men and women alike empty-handed and dissatisfied. However for men this discontent rests in the form of rejection while for women it's usually their own choice of invalidating the men that they encounter. While I don't claim that some men don't bring their dating issues upon themselves, I think the sheer number that do this is exaggerated as it is the common trend to dismiss men as "creepy" or "cringe" for virtually anything nowadays. It is a cultural phenomenon to blame men in any situation where a woman is uncomfortable. Dare I say the majority of men who have trouble on dating apps are really not doing anything "wrong." Put bluntly, they are just being judged too harshly and rejected as a result of it.

About me:

Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men
Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

Just some background about myself. I'm 6'2" 200 lbs. I'm 31 years old, an Army veteran, IT student, content creator, gamer, and artis. Most people compliment me for my very deep voice, height, and impressive level of intelligence. I'm often told that I'm kind, sweet, honest, and fair. Despite this, I've struggled getting dates my entire life. As someone who seldom goes out and is generally introverted, I thought that dating apps would be the answer. Unfortunately I was incorrect and after trying several dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, OKCupid, Plenty of Fish, Badoo, Hinge, Hily, and many others over the past several years, this is the general trend that I noticed with women's profiles and why I think it's so much worse for men;

1) Selfishness
Most profiles of women that you encounter on dating apps are very selfish and their profile bio consists of nothing more than a list of expectations and requirements. Among the most common of these are places she wants to be taken, foods she wants to eat, humor in the form of cheesy pick up lines or dad jokes, and a man who can be her dog dad. We'll discuss the latter in one of the next categories. In some cases, the profile consists of nothing but negative things that she does NOT want. For example she will express not looking for a hookup, not being part of a threesome, jobless men, or men without cars. All in all women's profiles mostly tend to make demands, requirements, and expectations but never tell what they have to offer the man. One will struggle to ever find a profile where a woman will tell you that she is loving, caring, sweet, honest, or nurturing. She will never share what skills or talents she has that will make your life better or what she'll do to show you a good time unless it's immediately followed by some sort of compensation for personal gain. The only thing (if anything) that most women have to offer on their profile is their simple time and presence, sometimes in the form of a snapchat or Instagram handle. Aside from that, she typically only expresses hat she wants in a man. This put immense pressure on men which leads me to the next category.

2) Women are Pickier

Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

Women on these apps tend to be too picky for their own good. Despite our society being more vocal about men being the more judgmental on looks, in reality it's actually the other way around. While men can appreciate an hour glass figure, it's seldom a requirement. Most men will still "hit that" as long as she looks decent, even if a pencil has more curves than her. Women still look at their bodies as a prize that they "give up" to a man who "earns" it rather than sharing each other's bodies for mutual benefit. All of these Hollywood beauty standards are simply a bonus for men, not a requirement. Women are incredibly vocal about physical appearance of men, typically expecting his profile to contain pictures of him dressed nicely, being of tall stature, and/or having interesting or cool photos. These are a MUST if a man hopes to make it into that 5% category. Most men only require that a woman has some simple selfies, and mirror pics as long as her face and physique are easily discernable and not waterlogged with Snapchat filters. Statistically speaking, women only swipe right on less than 5% of men's profiles while men swipe right on over 50%. In other words, women deem 95% of men as inadequate based on looks alone.

3) F*ckboys

Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

So as a consequence of the overly picky habits of women on dating apps, they inevitably only talk to the top 5% of men, the ones who are tall, handsome, buff, well-dressed, and evidently wealthy or cool based on their pics posing in front of their fancy cars or wearing their $500 suits. The overwhelming majority of men who are 5s, 6s, 7s and even 8s are struggling to get any matches and lucky not to get left on read if they do score a few. Those 9s and 10s who are getting new likes every day have an inflated sense of market value and many women to "try out" or a new notch to add to their headboard. They will be more vulgar and objectifying because they know that if they scare off the first one, they'll have another one right behind her. They don't feel like they lost anything if they have 20 more in their inbox every evening. What this does is makes women think that all men are f*ckboys when in reality it's just because they are only going after the hot ones who know that they are hot and have many options to choose from. While the 5s, 6s, and 7s wouldn't necessarily rule out the offer of a booty call, they are generally more open to the idea of a relationship since women looking for a one-night stand are only expecting the absolute best. Let's face it, we are sexual creatures and we all will eventually want sex so the typical man might eventually hint at sex but in a more natural process and not as direct, vulgar, and early on in the conversation as this top 5% that most of the women are chasing.

5) Women are just on there for attention

Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

We see it every day. A girl with immaculate makeup, a sexy dress and absurd amounts of cleavage. We are wondering why this woman is even on the dating app in the first place since she is probably being approached 24/7 in person. As soon as we scroll down, we see her snapchat and Instagram handles publicly available in her bio either by themselves or with another message saying something along the lines of "I'm barely on this app, chat with me here." You then come to find that she boasts several thousands of followers. Some of the more pretentious ones may even have a cashapp handle. Despite what she claims on her dating profile, she will never reply to your messages on her social media either and may likely not even read them in the first place. She has no intention on actually meeting or dating anyone she meets there at all unless there is a prospect of monetary gain or gifts. All she wants is the attention and the ego boost of just being wanted so damn bad by so many men that can't have her.

6) Women get bored too easily

Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

Unless there are sparks flying, butterflies fluttering, and rainbows shining within the first 2 messages, there is no hope of a date. Women don't seem to like the simple idea of sitting down and getting to know you. Typical questions in that process are deemed "boring" very quickly and they lose interest and unmatch or stop responding. Women expect something super funny or incredibly creative from the very beginning and it must be maintained with precision and balance if you want to have even the slightest chance of scoring a phone number or a date.

7) Dogs are better

Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

Admittedly it's a bit concerning that this one warrants its own category but it's really just that big of a problem. As mentioned in category one. Dogs, dogs, dogs, and more... DOGS. A large percentage of women on dating apps have a bafflingly huge obsession with dogs. They take pictures with their dog, talk about how much time they spend time with their dog, how they love dogs more than people, and how they'll swipe right if you have a dog in your pic. Some will even directly say that they swiped right for the DOG and not YOU. More frequently there is the line "If my dog likes you then so will I" or "Dog mom looking for dog dad." This phenomenon is so frequent that it begs the question as to whether they are on the app to find a human or to find a network of dogs. I had one girl explain to me that ownership of a dog immediately indicates what type of person you are and that you are compatible. Any logical person knows that this is nonsensical as people have dogs of all different sizes, shapes, colors, and temperaments and they own them for different reasons. Additionally not all dog owners have the same personalities themselves. Put bluntly though, men come on these apps to get to know girls, not dogs and no man is going to be impressed by how much you love your dog.

Women have no incentive to be better people

Why Dating Apps Suck For Women, But Even More For Men

All in all, these issues culminate into the biggest, strongest foundation of the issue, built up exponentially from all the others. Women have no incentive to do better or be better. They will still continue getting matches and still get messages from dozens of men per day either way, regardless of what they do. Granted most will be explicit or brainless but they are still there nonetheless. They will still get offers for dates, gifts, and more importantly, attention. This does not incentivize women to want to be better people or improve their character, their profile, or their approach towards dating, inevitably allowing them to be as spoiled, selfish, rotten, and rude as they want and still continue being chased regardless and treated like queens by default. The natural process in which people learn the hard way that they are the problem and they need to fix themselves is slow or non-existent in women on dating apps as everything is about pleasing them and only them and they have the final say in everything. Yes or no to dating, yes or no to the phone number, and yes or no to "giving it up" the latter of which is the grand "prize."

So in conclusion. I don't think I'm alone in that I am a man, unapologetically myself. I'm kind, friendly, honest, intelligent, and incredibly loving and passionate but I still struggle to get dates. Not only dates but matches at all. It is not unusual for me to use up all of my 50 swipes and wake up the next morning with 0 matches. Not only is that common but it is the case the majority of the time, despite my average right swipe rate being between 30% and 50% depending on the day. The problem for most of us men isn't finding "the right one" but getting the matches and the dates in the first place. Getting the replies when we send out messages. Getting a conversation that lasts for more than 2 messages without the need for a cheesy pickup line or a discussion about dogs. We just want to be ourselves, just like you girls can. And we want to be able to do that without the default assumption being "creepy" or "cringe" or "desperate" without any knowledge at all of who we are or what we're about.

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What Girls & Guys Said

15 31
  • I can't agree more it is HARD. And height doesn't have the same effect online. In person it is more impressive. I dont have expensive shit to pose next to. I have been told I am an 8 and a 9 by other guys

  • You forgot one thing, it’s because you’re black. Black men struggle more on dating apps compared to black women. Even black woman are favoring white men than black men. It’s not just muscles and status, it’s also about race color.

    • Many of that things also work in country without black people.

    • You are not helpful. As a white guy who’s been on dating apps I can assure you it’s not cause he’s black

    • @Shamalien you wouldn’t know because you are white and getting favored by black women

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