Why do girls do the foot pop while kissing?

Why do girls do the foot pop while kissing?
Why tho?
To facilitate procreation from another male in close proximity
Vote A
To allow one self to break wind
Vote B
To air our her steamy vagina from all the hot romance
Vote C
To keep other bitches back from stealing her man
Vote D
Oh oh oh i know here let me say in comments!
Vote E
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Girl Guy
+1 y
I think girls’ pussies are on fire and they need airflo
0 1

Most Helpful Girls

  • when I do it it's an emotional thing. if I really like the guy and/or I'm happy to be kissing him and close to him I do it without even noticing. If I don't like him it probably won't happen. I also kind of use it as I way to push myself closer to the guy. Lifted foot=less balance -> leaning forward more

  • It give me better leverage, and I feel vulnerable when I do that.

Most Helpful Guy

  • It's absolutely one of the sexiest things a woman can do, esp in stiletto pumps like in the picture.

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 5
  • I’ve never done it lmao

  • A lot of people say the “foot pop” is this cliché and unnatural thing for a woman to do when they make out with a guy, and sure, it’s rather overdone in movies. However, I also suspect that many of the women who don’t feel the need to do the “foot pop” when making out with a guy haven’t personally experienced being in a relationship with one who is significantly taller than them, as in a guy who is more than half-a-foot taller than themselves.

    I’m 5’0 at 28 years old. My boyfriend is somewhere between 6’2-6’3. I instinctively curl up on my toes and “pop” my foot whenever we kiss because it makes it easier to get closer and reach up to his lips. I think it’s actually quite common for those of us who are petite girlfriends with significantly taller boyfriends.

  • It's easier to stretch up standing on one leg

  • That is a female erection.

  • I think there just trying to look cute...

    • The guy is literally smashed his face against hers with his eyes closed who is she looking cute for

    • It looks kind of stupid here