Why do girls support gay rights??

I don't understand why so many girls support gay rights. Plus there's this girl I like and she supports it too but because she does it might make it a deal breaker so I might not date her because of her beliefs. She likes me too but too bad so sad.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • regardless of the merits of gay rights, or even any other issue for that matter, its just more common for women to more humanitarian than men. It's female nature to be more empathetic and sympathetic towards other people in comparison to men. It's their biologically predisposition to be the nurturers and care givers of society. Another way to put it, is women are more emotional than us men. Even random strangers, women are more likely to connect to them emotionally and have a hard time not helping them or hurting them. This is why to women some men appear heartless.

    While we aren't entirely heartless, men have a much easier time watching other suffer, we also don't feel as much of a drive to help people, generally speaking. For example, if a homeless man is on the street begging for money. A girl is more likely to give her last dollar to that person, where the man is more likely not to, justifying some survivalist type reason, like, "I earned that dollar, he should earn his", or "If I give him this dollar, then I don't eat, which solves one problem by causing another". Again, its the hunter/logical mind of the man that kicks in even in scenarios such as this.

    So back to the question. Because of these character differences that are inherent in men and women, its no surprise that women are more likely to be active in supporting things like gay rights. They simply feel a greater sense of empathy for that community. Women just cannot bare to watch people suffer, even if they deserve it (not implying gays deserve to suffer).

    BTW, just as a side note, this is also why women tend to be more liberal, and men more conservative when it comes to politics. Grossly simplified, the liberal mentality is more about helping everyone regardless of the ramifications or logistics because its human duty. The conservative side is more about only helping people if its logistically possible, deserved, and will not lead to more negative ramifications. As you can see even from basic political rhetoric that goes back and forth during campaigns, you can see why on the surface one set of ideals appears more heartless than the other, even though both have the same goal, just different ways or sets of logic in justifying why their actions are better in the long run or as a whole for those who are in need of help.

  • Because gay people are the same as the rest of us. If you can't support her views on this and are so blinded by your prejudice and hatred then you don't deserve someone who ready to speak out against the crowd for what she believes.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Because I don't believe in telling people they can't be married because of their sexual orientation. Plus, I'm bisexual, so that would be kind of stupid.

    And where do you live? A hell of a lot of straight men are very socially liberal as well and support gay rights.

    Good, don't date her. She deserves someone better. She'll get over it. I know if I found out the guy I like is a bigot, I wouldn't shed a tear. That's an easy way to get the door knocking your ass on the way out.

    • of course your biased your bi so of course you support it.

    • so you discount peoples opinions based on their sexuality? I can't just be a liberal who believes in civil rights and social justice? lol I believed in gay rights far far before I ever realized I was bisexual. I've never been socially conservative on any issue. And you have an interesting process of thought. So I'm only in favor of it because I may (or may not) have a gay wedding? Does that mean womens opinions on abortion don't matter because we all may or may not have abortions? great logic.

    • abortion is wrong anyways. murder.

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  • why does anybody support 'gay "rights" '

    do I get some special hetero rights or bi curious rights?

    how about blond rights?

    maybe green eyed rights?

    skinny rights?

    fat rights?

    WASP rights?

    date who you want and discriminate against people that you don't care for but be ready for them to do the same to you. I do and don't care if somebody doesn't like me for who I am. I don't want people to be litigated into "liking/accepting" me.

    • * I do [discriminate] not saying if I do or don't support gay rights

    • hmm has anybody said why they support it? or is the best thing anyone can come up with is "why don't you?"

    • it is a sin. what will we allow next murder? marriage to animals? marriage between 2 women and one guy or 2 guys and one woman? When will it end?

  • A deal breaker for you? No.

    A deal breaker for her? Yes.

    It probably wouldn't matter to her if you weren't going to promote it, but I don't think she'd really care for you anymore when she finds out you don't like her as much because she supports people.

    It would be a deal breaker for a lot of people I know.. I can't think of anyone who would be okay with dating someone against gay rights.

    Rethink yourself.

    • A republican girl would be fine dating a guy against gay marriage.

  • I just don't care about it... so apparently that's supporting it... lol you can put your pee pee anywhere you want! I don't think there should be laws about it and I don't think religion should be part of government. let people love who they want... question for you: why are you against love? and why do you support the government telling us who we can love and what love is of value?

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What Girls & Guys Said

7 6
  • I support gay rights because I don't understand others' reasons for not supporting gay rights.

  • my question is why don't you support gay rights I would like to send you to this lovely video, that may change your mind.

  • Personally I could care less if 2 guys or 2 girls want to marry each other. So in a way I support it too.

    • Exactly. You don't have to go out of your way to support it, but what should it matter to you who somebody else loves? Nobody's forcing anyone into anything, so I don't understand why anyone (girl or boy) would be against it...

  • Oh no, she supports other people getting married so she might not be into you D:

  • Fred Phelps, is that you?