Guys, why do guys cum before us girls?

I was wondering why do you guys cum before girls my boyfriend cums before i do and it confuses me and i don't quite understand it i was wondering this.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • So, according to a large sex study from the mid 2000s, the average length of time for intercourse is 7.5 minutes. Obviously there are going to be a few guys on the extreme ends of the bell curve, but most will be fairly close to that, making the "normal" time range to be about 5-10 minutes.

    Well, that's not long enough for many women to orgasm IF they have not been "warmed up" with foreplay - something too many guys ignore or rush through. But guys who know the value of foreplay will give their girl an orgasm (or three) before intercourse even starts, and being that wound up, many girls have additional orgasms more easily, but even in the worst-case situation, most women will have gotten enough pleasure with 10-20 minutes of foreplay plus 5-10 minutes of intercourse to have an orgasm somewhere along the way.

    You have to understand that the way men (and virtually all male mammals) evolved is that, once the male orgasms and ejaculates, he goes through a refractory period where he is unable to continue. This effectively means that once a man cums, the sex is over, for a little while at least, but often for an hour or more. This is why it's so important for the man to focus on the women at the BEGINNING, with foreplay, because he's not going to be ABLE to (in most cases) do much to help her AFTER he cums. It's important to do things in the proper order to achieve the desired outcome. You can't frost a cake before you bake it, and you can't furnish a new house before you build it.

    This is why communication is so important to having a successful and enjoyable sex life: you need to talk to your boyfriend and explain why foreplay is so important, and why it needs to be done at least most of the time, but also why you need to have reasonable expectations that he's not going to be able to perform much or at all AFTER he has an orgasm, so you need to make sure he's putting in the work at the beginning.

    • Can't frost a cake before you bake it. 😂 Awesome

  • This seems to be an age-old issue. I suggest trying to find a way for you to cum first or simultaneously with him. You could try to lessen the friction so he lasts longer by opening your legs wider, use some lube, or try using some desensitizing cream/spray on him. Also try to avoid positions that make him cum quickly and focus on what works best for you. If you think he's getting close too soon, stop him and take a break during which time he could eat you or use a vibrator on you. Also, challenge him to try to make you cum at the exact same time as him. Don't hesitate to finger yourself to help.

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What Guys Said

  • I once saw a video of the cervex during female orgasm. The muscle contractions of orgasm moved the cervex in a way like it was dipping down into the vagina, as if to mop up semen.
    For this reason, it totally makes sense for the woman's orgasm to happen after the man has ejaculated as it improves the odds of conception.
    So, for women to take longer to orgasm than men has probably been reinforced by 100,000+ years of Darwinian natural section.

  • It takes less stimulation for a guy to cum than it does for a girl.

  • It’s hard to control when we cum until we get a handle on things, but that comes with age, but I think if he can’t last long he needs to focus more on foreplay and even use a vibrator on you and when y’all can cum at the same time it’s the best!

  • BIOLOGY. I could say more, but I don't need more hate dumped on me, when I talk about the reality of it!

  • Come on you're 30 years old you're a millennial you should have learned it in school / googled it at some point.

    The process and even concept of orgasm is different and the stimulus that guys get during sex is way more intense so they finish faster.

    Basically there is a vein on the bottom of the penis, if it's massaged enough orgasm happens and during sex it's constantly in contact with yhe girl's body.

    But the girl needs clitoris stimulation to orgasm which is unfortunately located in a place where not every stroke during sex can fully touch it making it harder for girls to cum without assistance (a finger, tongue, ...)