Why do guys say ‘you are the reason for this (boner)’ instead of ‘I’m horny’?

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Superb Opinion

  • Because you make him horny, and therefore he got a boner? I mean some guys like the dirty talk. I have said it... but we were like seriously dating and in a long-term relationship, so I was trying to be funny. But that boner at that moment was for her. And she did get it.

    • So every time you get boner for someone you tell them it’s because of them, provided you bite were comfortable

    • No... not what I said. I have only said once or twice and it was an appropriate joke at the time, and it the sex was great.

Most Helpful Guy

  • I have never said that. But I get what your asking. Not all horny means having a boner. So, I can be horny just because. But a specific girl might cause an erection. And while I think the statement is absurd, yeah, in that case a guy might say that.

    If he does, it's almost certainly meant as a compliment. It's an attempt at validation to that girl: you're so hot that you gave me an erection.

Most Helpful Girls

  • They're saying that you make them horny. It's supposed to be a compliment

  • I think they are trying to give us a compliement.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 21
  • that's because most men are not horny all the time. we are just easily excitable. so even though we need a trigger, a lot of times almost any trigger will do. and sometimes if there is an attractive woman or someone we like, then no matter what we try to do, that switch will be flipped. so yeah, it's because of her.

  • Because just being horny doesn't create a boner.
    A boner is created when the male mind subconsciously believes there's a chance he's going to get laid soon.
    Seeing an attractive girl - and, in particular, one he already knows and has a connection to in some way - would trigger that subconscious belief and thus a boner is born.

  • We’re always horny. But getting a boner is a effect of her looking hot.

  • Better question

    As a female - how do you feel about "I desire you" vs. "I wanta fuck you" or alternatively "I want you"

    Personally I favor the first one but have been told it's too "creepy"

  • Let's see what type of cringy shit we run into shall we

    Why do guys say ‘you are the reason for this (boner)’ instead of ‘I’m horny’?