Guys, why do you sometimes pinch a girl's nose during deepthroat?

Guys, why do you sometimes pinch a girl's nose during deepthroat?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I love to do it just for dominance, it's really hot and feels like she prefers my cock to air.

    With deepthroat or facefuck you can prevent her from breathing when your cock is quite deep but she can still take air between strokes, with nose pinching you increase the choking sensation and you totally control when she breathes lol

    • thats so hot

  • Because they're short and pinching the nose is the only way to keep the woman from breathing

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What Guys Said

  • Wtf! Lmao. If guys are pinching your nose then clearly there is something wrong with them.

  • Watching her throat stretch wider while my cock is in it is plenty enough turn-on for me while she is deep throating. Not all women can do this due to the gag reflex.

  • who does that? I dont... i dunno anyone who does.. who does tha? maybe in porn but...

  • I've never done this. More a hair-puller than a nose-pincher.

  • Anybody know her name for research purposes