Why I Disagree With Having LGBT+ Characters In Kids Shows

Well,hello everyone.

It's me again.

For the past year there has been a huge debate about letting kids watch movies or TV shows with LGBT+ characters, or in general exposing young kids to LGBT+.

So I decided to give my opinion on the topic with this take.

Back in October we actually did an expirement in School about this topic,if you want to know the results,feel free to ask me.

Before you continue,I want to make something clear, there is nothing wrong with being homosexual,asexual,bi-sexual or transsexual or anything else.

I have friends that belong in the community and I don't love them less because of their sexuality.

It's your choice,your right to be whoever you want to be and NONE can tell you to change yourself.I'm not here to shame anyone.

This MyTake is my personal point of view, I don't try to offend anyone neither to hurt or anger members of the LGBT+.

Why I Disagree With Having LGBT+ Characters In Kids Shows

1.It Will Confuse Them, Not Only Because It's Different But Also Because It's Controversial.

Why I Disagree With Having LGBT+ Characters In Kids Shows

Just like how we shouldn't brainwash or force children into religion, or anything else, we shouldn't either fill them with questions regarding their sexuality.

If you expose children in homosexuality or transexuality the results aren't guratanteed to be positive. The whole topic may be extremely positive for their development as people but it can also be too damaging for their young brain, some will accept it while others won't.

Plus LGBT+ it's too controversial to appear on a child's show. Kids are too inoccent, they won't understand why there are so mixed reactions of their parents,their friend's parents and in general everyone's about something like this.

2.They Are Too Young To Have in General Information About Sexual Orienation.

Why I Disagree With Having LGBT+ Characters In Kids Shows

Sex is completely natural.

There is nothing wrong with it of course, but it should not be in children's shows because inorfming children about sex it's a parent's job.

None else's.

Every parent believe that the time to talk about sex is ideal at different ages, same goes with th talking about different sexualities.

3.They Won't Really Understand.

Why I Disagree With Having LGBT+ Characters In Kids Shows

Kids are extremely smart but they tend to believe that what they see on TV is the right thing, and growing up thinking that this is the way things are suppose to be...it's mistaken.

Some people that belong to LGBT+ in the past have explained that they had a problem seeing only straight couples on the TV shows because it made them feel unnatural.

Same will happen this time, but with opposites roles.

And that will bring no result.

However to end this,I do of course think that the kids as they get older should start being informed about different sexualities so they can start accepting that people might be different than the,, but only when they are ready to understand and realize that they don't HAVE to be something that they don't feel like it just because it exists.



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What Girls & Guys Said

25 30
  • Let's ban straight characters as well lol

    • lol that's a solution

    • Have both LGBTQ characters and straight characters or neither Only fair that way

    • Disagree

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  • Mmmmm Elsa

    • Yeah it was inspired by that

    • Let it grow

  • It is vitally important that kids' shows include LGBT+ representation so that children are exposed to same-sex relationships early on and taught that they are normal. Remember - bigotry against LGBT+ people is a learned behavior, it doesn't come naturally. By featuring LGBT+ characters in kids' shows, we can help nip this disgusting anti-LGBT+ bigotry in the bud.

    • Hate to break it to you but being gay is not normal or ever was. What IS normal is sex between a man and a woman. If God wanted same sex relationships then He would have made more than 2 sexes. If there is bigotry then the gays are responsible for it and bring it on their selves by trying to shove their life style down everyone's throats. ?

    • @TrixiePooch God doesn't exist :)

    • @TrixiePooch you realize being gay, bi, ace, etc isn’t a choice right? Sure if there is a god they may not have intended for these type of people but that doesn't make it abnormal. LGBT+ exist all around us in both humans and other animals.

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  • I’d have a gay child I’d be super disappointed

  • Love is love

  • Good take

  • I completely agree with you on this!

  • Being aware of lgbt trans really isn’t “the deep”. They see lgbt out and about and run into them in their lives. So seeing it in movies helps them wrap their head around it.

  • I agree

    Kid shows are intended for ages of "let's say" 16 max.

    During these ages kids wonder about WHAT THEY HAVE. Penis or vagina. Let's have them master that first.

    Just like math. We start with basic math and then move on to complicated math later when we get into middle school or high school age.

  • Because LGBT like advertising themselves instead of just living their life quietly like everyone else. They like to shove it in your faces with their gay pride parades, in spite of saying they are just like anyone else and wanting to be treated as such. But the stuff they do is not like everyone else. Now they are trying to turn kids into being like them by saying explore your sexuality. Most people know what their sexuality is, they don't need help deciding or being led into it with all this nonsense. You don't see straights having straight pride parades or waving it in front of gays like they do. We don't try and tell kids to chose their sexuality and be straight. Live your life and stop trying to shove it down everyone's throats.

  • "Dad, Dad... Where do babies come from?"

    "Well you see Susie, when a daddy and a daddy really love each other they go to a medical facility and find embryonic egg donors and freeze the egg. Then the daddies masturbate into a bottle and have that frozen which is given to technicians who then artificially insert the sperm into the egg and then they put that embryo into a donor womb of a woman and nine months later you came out of her."


    • If this is supposed to be a discriminative comment against LGBT+ I don't approve it.

    • Well that's the truth isn't it? Tell people the truth.

    • @Anon-ymous1 You know truth is also people die every once in a while from shootings or terrost attacks on the safest places like school. Are you planning on telling your future child that just to tell him/her the truth? You want him/her to be afraid of reality and the world just so you can be okay with yourself for being honest?

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