Why I'm a Liberal

Why I'm a Liberal

Now, before we begin, this isn't meant to slam conservatives (but it probably will in the end, let's be honest), this is just to express why I'm a liberal and a devout liberal too.

I Don't (And Never Have and Never Will) Believe Trump's Claims About "Fake News" Are Real

Why I'm a Liberal

The news is not out trying to make Trump look bad. He really did all of the terrible things that he did (and even admitted to it) and just because your candidate did something nasty doesn't mean you can just blame the media or tell us liberals that we never do our research and we just allow the media to spoon feed us information when, in truth, conservative are the ones allowing themselves to be spoon fed information when Trump and his supporters tell you all news that tells us that he is doing bad stuff is "fake". I'm not saying that fake news doesn't exist (after all, look at many living people were reported as dead), but if there was fake news, I guarantee that it would be hard to keep up the lie since:

A. Different news stations and sources have different beliefs (whether political like Conservative, Liberal, etc. or religious like Christian, Atheist, etc).

B. There are multiple news stations and other news sources so if one news station is lying, they can and will be found out and would suffer severe consequences for their lies.

I Care About Other People

Why I'm a Liberal

I believe very passionately in LGBT rights (more on this later) and caring for the poor and for veterans (disabled or otherwise). Conservatives, I find, only seem to get offended whenever these issues are even mentioned like there could actually be men who want to marry another man! On top of that, the conservatives also seem to believe that the poor are just lazy drug addicts who are wasting their tax dollars.

I Believe In What Jesus Taught Us

Why I'm a Liberal

Yes, I'm a liberal Christian that believes in God, Jesus, and things like women's and LGBT rights. I'm a Christan because I believe that Jesus is the savior who died on the cross so that we can all enter Heaven if we love one another, help those less fortunate than we are, and not to judge others. Conservatives believe the complete opposite and still claim to be "Christians" when, in truth, all that they are doing is giving their fellow Christians (and conservatives) a bad name. I'm sorry that I had to talk about religion while talking about politics, but I felt it was necessary.

I Believe In The Separation of Church and State

Why I'm a Liberal

I understand that not all U.S. Citizens are Christians (and that's one of the reasons I love this country). Conservatives assume that everyone is a Christian and that we ALL must obey Christian laws. This is why they are against things like gay marriage and abortion. They need to understand that not everyone in America is a Christian and we need to keep the Bible out of the constitution.

I'm Not Easily Offended For The Wrong Reasons

Why I'm a Liberal

The conservatives claim that liberals are easily offended, but what I found was that we liberals are offended when someone else's feelings may be hurt because of the nasty comments by conservatives or even just that we may be not being tactful enough towards a culture to which we are not familiar. Conservatives get offended whenever someone else lives differently than they do or if someone tries to help make others feel included. If someone is gay, it should not bother you. If someone is transgender, it should not bother you. If someone is an immigrant, it should not bother you. If someone is not a Christian, it should not bother you. If a woman had an abortion, it should not bother you.

I Believe In Women's Rights

Why I'm a Liberal

Okay conservatives, time for a shocking piece of news. Are you ready? Women have sex drives just like men. Yes, I know it probably put you in the hospital to learn this, but it's true. However, you better have the doctor get the defibrillator ready when I tell you this: Not all women want to be mothers! I apologize for giving you your second heart attack from this, but you had to learn somehow. When you are against birth control and abortion on the grounds that it "goes against God" (yet, you have no problem with men taking Viagra), you prove to be so far in the past that you believe all women are good for is the birthing machine and you make the term "conservative female" either an oxymoron or tragic irony. Also, if you deny a woman her rights to birth control and abortion, you make women not want to have sex, even in marriage so you have to resort to rape (which is of course no problem to your kind since it's always the victim's fault).

I'm Not a Hypocrite

Why I'm a Liberal

You believe that everything should be banned except for your precious guns! You believe that women should have birth control or an emergency rape kit to prevent pregnancy yet you believe men should be allowed viagra. You claim the liberals are easily offended yet you boycott a company because they show ads with a gay couple. You want Muslims to be banned from the country on the grounds that there should no immigrates allowed in America yet you are okay with others (i.e. The Chinese (the country of which the majority of immigrants come from)) coming to America. So far, every conservative I've met has been a hypocrite of some kind. I want to think there is one out there that isn't, but I have yet to find one.

I'm Not Ignorant

Why I'm a Liberal

I don't believe that all Muslims are evil terrorists, I don't believe that war is the best way to solve our problems, and I don't believe in "fake news". But I do believe that what a woman does with her own body is her own choice, I do believe that all are welcome in my land, and I do believe that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. Whenever I see a conservative expressing their beliefs, I die a little inside as I hear them say nasty things about people they've never even met just because they are from a different country, have a different religion, skin color, sexual orientation, any number of things that would make a conservative think of them as the devil. I'm a liberal because I believe in kindness, generosity, the rights of others, a better America and, one day, a better world.

You can call me a "damn snowflake" but I will wear that "insult" like a badge of honor.

Why I'm a Liberal
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  • Wow i dont know what to say. you are very misguided on conservatives. You try looking at what it actually is and actual conservaties say. Not whats projected on late night commedy shows and most the major "news" sites

  • You should look into white, grey and black propaganda. It is "news" as you know it but designed with varying degrees of lies to feed to the public. The "news" was propaganda in ancient rome, why would it be different today? Politicians learned from history, when will we?

  • How many conservatives are actually against birth control? Are you use you aren't ignorant? How much do you really know about Christianity?

    Socrates said the most unwise people aren't those who know nothing. It's those who know little and think they know a lot.

    • "How many conservatives are actually against birth control?" Why don't you tell us? Bear in mind that many anti-abortion conservatives want to include various forms of birth control as causing abortions.

    • @goaded That is only the Catholic Church and devout Catholics, a small percentage of the American population. (My whole family is Catholic. Everyone uses birth control.) And even that small group of Catholics doesn't want to make birth control illegal. They believe you should be able to use it if you aren't Catholic. They look at birth control the same way vegetarians look at eating meat. They are personally against it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to use it.

    • Yeah, actually I think my analogy of eating meat to birth control is a good one. Saying conservatives are against birth control is like saying liberals are against eating meat. In both cases, SOME of adherents to the ideology feel that way. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to do it, even for the adherents.

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  • As a liberal myself, I'd simply say this - you should look at the fake news accusations more closely.

    It's very easy for us on the left to say that networks like Fox have a clear and obvious bias as well as being caught frequently lying on air.

    However, the truth is other networks, like CNN, have been caught lying lots of times and suffered NO ILL EFFECTS for it. They took no hits to ratings or credibility. And the instances tend to drop down the memory hole very quickly.

    One of the things that keeps me a moderate, is knowing where the faults are on the left as well as the right. And knowing when the political Right has a point even if I don't like it.

    As a good intellectual exercise, try taking the opposing position in an online debate, and hold yourself to rigorous standards of evidence and truth. Don't just lie to win. Try to win with evidence. See what supports the opponents point of view. And do it, not to change their mind by vetting their claims and sources. Do it because they are your fellow man, with a valid opinion, just like you, and you should attempt to understand them.

  • well, I know this girl who sees herself as everything you stated there. It was like hearing her speak when I was reading your "this is how I am, this is how I think" post.
    after the first paragraph, I resumed to only reading the subtitles.

    I personally tend to believe that people praising themselves and wasting time to explain their "way", usually aren't what they preach they are.

    It is the case with this girl I know.
    She gets easily offended and wants to always be in the right, no matter what is the subject. Funny enough is that she thinks she is entitled to act snappy, yet she does not see herself to be in the wrong, no matter how exaggerated her reaction is.

    She does not like racist jokes and snaps at people making them, especially if it is a guy, then next day, makes a racist joke. The same kind of joke that if made by a guy would get her to snap.

    Same for sexist remarks. She starts screaming and literally changes colours, yet 2 mins later, the argument she brought to the table in that discussion was sexist towards men. But that did not matter. Because she said it and served her purposes.

    Her speech would match what you mentioned to even the slightest punctuation mark.
    And it makes me puke when I hear her, knowing that her actions/reactions will prove the contrary.

  • If you "care about people," care about them in the right way. The way that liberals give out free hand-outs to the less fortunate is not the right way. It is enabling everything that they are (or aren't) doing to improve their life situations.

    When you have single women out there playing the system, having a bunch of kids so that they can be granted some type of welfare for doing nothing, that's a broken system AND causes a lot of social issues, a bunch of kids are growing up without quality father figures. When "minorities" (hate this term btw) are simply given hand-outs for "not being white/privileged" or "disadvantaged" I'm sorry but that's somewhat racist on liberals' part. It's enabling them to not do anything at all once again to improve their situations or develop a "winning mindset" that they may not have.

    America is the land of opportunity, where winners rise up and succeed, no matter their race, religious affiliation, gender, orientation... no matter who they are. Being successful stems from a lot of factors, a lot having to do with being at least somewhat intelligent and educated, having a respectful and respectable demeanor, good social skills, talent, and having a outwardly positive image and strong, self-driven work ethic.

    Liberals don't really support this because they ENABLE the opposite. The liberal entertainment media beams out trashy messages every minute of every day essentially telling people that it's ok to be yourself even if you're rough around the edges and lack direction. And if you're giving out free perks to the less fortunate and people that need legitimate help to improve their lives, by way of flawed systems that can be exploited, why would people make any sort of meaningfully positive change to legitimately improve their moral integrity and socioeconomic standings in society?

    I'm not even saying I'm a conservative or identify as one, because I don't, I'm just stating how liberals really aren't the saviors of the universe like they try to condition everyone into believing.

    The desire to make positive changes comes from within, and there are a lot of cultural problems hindering this message from being heard, but how do we teach and enable this idea in everyone, as a nation? How can we get it to catch on where no matter anyone's background, they can rise above their personal troubles and create a fulfilling and successful lifestyle? It takes something more than just simply granting everyone free college.