Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...


Recently I asked the guys on this site a question about where they draw the lines when it comes to their significant others attire in public. Or at what point do things become too revealing if you will. Here's the question below if you don't already know:

Guys, how revealing would you be okay with your SO being in public?

I got a lot of really interesting responses and it inspired me to not only give mine but it explain my reasons why a bit more and touch on some peoples points through a myTake.

That being said, as always enjoy or not. Both are welcomed.


1. It's Not Always About Wanting To Attract Someone, It's Cliche, But True (Hear Me Out):

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

I say this from my personal experience that when I dress up a lot of the time it genuinely is because it makes me feel happy and proud of my body. That's how I've been all my life as well. As a young girl, I always wore clothes that were more "freeing." Like shorts, tank tops, skirts and etc.

It made me feel less bound up if that makes sense. And I liked my body a lot actually, I was the girl who took a long time in the bathroom but it wasn't because I was applying makeup. I just liked playing with my hair, touching my face, and looking at myself. I dressed up because it was fun and made me feel good. It made me feel alive and in awe.

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

And I was like that with other people too. I was enchanted by how peoples bodies looked, felt, and moved. If you ever met my parents they'd tell you that as a girl I loved giving massages and rubbing peoples heads. I played with peoples ears, arms, faces, and hair. I'm telling you I was a weird kid but I really am just a body freak. I like how it's made, I love everything about it. Even the weird creepy stuff. I think it's beautiful lol.

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

It wasn't until my parents enlightened me on how people see things and how the world works that I had begun to close myself off. I felt I'd be seen as gross or a slut if not covered and the perfect version of modesty. But as I not only got older and began this quest for a healthy life/mind. I began to understand that it's okay to express myself through my clothes just as I do with my actions. Now, of course, I make sure I mind my environments. There are times and places for everything, even clothing. But when there is a place where I'm able to dress how I want I'm doing it because feels liberating and I'm coming from up underwater and I can breathe.

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

Now I'm not oblivious, I know there will be stares sometimes, but that's something I'm okay with. I'm not really doing it for them. And I'm aware there are creeps out there but that's why I have self-defense and I don't go places normally out the way lol. Plus, I mean I have my boyfriend by my side too.

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

2. Sometimes It Just Feels Nice To Dress This Way For Your SO

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

For me, there are also a lot of times that I'm dressing up for my SO as well. I think it's nice to keep things fresh and new every now and again and it's always nice when he compliments my looks. Especially when we're going to special places and doing nice things. It makes me feel like I'm flying when we're both getting ready in our best clothes and teasing each other.

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

Stuff like that makes good memories to me, and when we go out It makes me feel even more worthy to be by his side.

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

To me he's amazing and it doesn't get any better, so to be this woman with not only desirable traits but looks makes me feel like I'm a good pick. I want him to feel like he's floating too and I'm that I'm as attractive and amazing as he is to me. And of course that he's secure in the fact that we're a team, my loyalty is his and I don't want to be by anyone else's side.

I think because my boyfriend trusts me so much he is okay with it as well because he knows my heart and intent. And he trusts my overall decisions on appropriate attire.

3. It Can Inspire Confidence Sometimes

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

I say this because it did and does for me. As well as many other women in my life. Despite how I feel about my mother in particular. Growing up and seeing her get dressed up made me actually respect her more. I thought she was a total badass because she was not only elegant and modest in her behavior but also wasn't afraid to be sexually expressive.

Why I'm Okay With Revealing Clothes...

And I find it extremely alluring to be this way because I think there is nothing more amazing than a woman who knows what she brings to the table in all aspects. It's okay to not only show off your intelligence but your appearance. I'm not condoning going outside completely naked or anything but I think clothes that highlight curves and etc are good. It all just depends on the woman, you know? Most of all though, respect yourself no matter what you choose to wear. And yeah-

And that's all I have to say, for now, I'm tired lol so sorry if I'm missing stuff but if you have questions just ask and I'll answer

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What Girls & Guys Said

27 60
  • I have a double standard of sorts. I believe boobs (or part boobs) can be for public display under suitable circumstances, but not church or work. My condition is that she be moderate sized and anything from flat to "high B". Bigger tends to look sloppy or slutty to me.
    As far as down below is concerned, however short her shorts are, they should not offer a glimpse of lip or a lot of cheek. That exceeds acceptable modesty..

    • What's wrong with boobs at church? What have boobs done?

    • @Lite3000 Why is this a serious question?

  • I agree with everything you say - My only quibble is the occasion - I would most likely say something was inappropriate for something rather than that is slutty (a word I hate) etc.

  • All what your doing and saying is just justifying your actions, you wanna wear revealing clothes, no one is stopping you, it's your choice but don't write a journal justifying that it's OK cause it's NOT ok at all...

    Still i'm going to give you the same answer that i gave you to your question...

    To me it's not acceptable... period.

    I respect your point of view cause people are different from each other...

    Have a nice day!

    • You too, haha we just agree to disagree is all lol

    • Yep i guess so...😏

    • Can I know why. Cause I kinda agree but I want to know your reasons

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  • I am too, although I won't wear them myself but I could careless if other people do.

  • Cool mytake

  • i disagree on some parts

  • I really don't get why so many people on here give girls shit for wearing revealing clothes. They equate it with the girl automatically being a thot who wants attention and validation, or she just wants to hook up with random guys. I don't think that's always the case, and it often isn't. I'm speaking from experience, in clubs there will be girls who are wearing the short dress and twerking but a lot of the time it's their more modestly dressed friends who are actually DTF.

    I also love it when my girlfriend wears tight leggings and crop tops, a tight dress, or something else etc just for me. She doesn't really dress that way very often, but when she does it makes it that much more special. I don't really care if she goes out all dolled up just so long as she gets all dolled up for me as well.

  • Thanks for writing this :)

    It's pretty much exactly where I stand, too.

    • Hi bby

  • What you're doing doesn't seem all that unusual. Everyone has some kind of behavior that is not accepted in public. As you said you mind your environments. This seems as healthy and well rounded as anyone can be expected to be.

    • Finally, someone with a brain cell count higher than 1.

    • Anyone who knows anything about human beings knows we have a multitude of various things we like that don't mesh with society. You did say you keep it to your self unless you're in a place where it's accepted. I don't know what else a person could do beyond that.

  • Great take!

  • Good take boo! ❤❤

  • Yes girl yes... .

    • I tried calling u

    • Ohhhh I'm sorry, I was talking to my family with my phone upstairs. And I think your number came in on a different one from what i remember

    • I had to get a second line it wouldn't call your phone? I don't know

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  • Wear whatever you want I don’t give a fuck, i don’t know why some people care what others wear but I like to wear stuff to offend those people most of all because it’s funny lol

  • So much gobbledy-gook... so little time. :)
    It's just ALWAYS about the FEELZ!

    • For a 60 year old man you talk like our generation which I find amusing. Lol.

    • On second thought maybe not..

    • @Kayla45 - Old does not mean dumb or out of touch, or even dead. One day you'll get it. :) If my wife dressed like that I'd tell her to 'put some fukkin clothes on'. LOL

  • I find that it's easier to appreciate your body when you spend more time naked. Like you just come to accept it for what it is, and that's a really beautiful feeling.

  • Nice! .. but do remember how the world works. People will assume.

    • Most definitely

  • Cool, your life your fashion choice :D

  • Interesting take, personally I don't like to wear revealing clothes. I like being invisible so to speak, on top that it's just not me. I do like it when others are confident and love to wear such clothing, especially if they aren't doing it just for attention

  • I agree, awesome take 😊

  • Not sure what to say. You go girl! Amazing take. Dress to knock em out, and carry pepper spray in your purse to make sure they go down.

    • Lmao! Thank you hahaha

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