Why is it socially acceptable to make fun of men who have small dicks?

Women and men can make fun of small dick men all day, every day, with no repercussions. Any guy who tries to call them on it is met with "haha, you must have a small dick, too!" If a guy made a similar comment about women's anatomy, he would be destroyed by both men and women. Is this the equality that feminism teaches? Look at the Jezebel website. They revel in making fun of guys with small penises.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Umm I can't stand people and will call someone out for making fun of small dicks. Like on those "body positive" bullshit websites, they like to say dumb shit like "If he doesn't like big women, he doesn't have a big enough equipment to handle her." Or "If he doesn't like thick, he has a small dick." I've commented and told them claiming that people shouldn't insult and force others to accept big women, big bellies, while making fun of men with small penises, or suggesting men who aren't attracted to big women must have small penises. It's disgusting, childish behavior and highly hypocritical. I used to be all for "body positive", but they had too many conflicting and hypocritical messages.

    I get shit for my small tits all the time, from men and women. If a guy asks me out, and I reject him, he'll say something like "you have no tits anyway you ugly bitch." Or something like that. All through middle school, girls around me were developing and I can assure you that my small boobs were seen as the most undesirable things. I was compared to a 10yr old boy, an ironing board, etc. By kids and even adults. Even as a grown woman, some people do think I'm not as "womanly" because of my small chest. Not many people gave a crap. Maybe some of my friends did stick up for me, but I'm sure guys would stick up for their guy friends if someone made fun of them also.

    Jezebel is a terrible website. Just like ReturnOfKings. If I got so hell bent on the many small tits jokes, make sandwiches, get to kitchen jokes, even rape jokes, I'd lose my mind by now. But I'll give you a hint, a lot of people say dumb shit online when they know they're being protected. Trolls/Keyboard warriors. Welcome to the internet.
    And by the way, I'm a feminist. So just like there are extremists who are vocal and make the whole group look bad, feminist have good and bad people. Welcome to the world my friend.

  • I don't think it is okay to make fun of anyone for a physical attribute they have. Also, in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with a man having a smaller penis or being any size for that manner. His size is not something he can control, & it's not what defines him as a human being. Any man can satisfy his partner if the two communicate & try to please each other.

    I believe there are two main reasons why people do make fun of small penises:

    1) They are insecure & it makes them feel better to put others down. It's kind of like when people make fun of someone for being fat, ugly, etc. It's all about making themselves feel good by seeing someone else as less.

    2) They don't realize that so many men are insecure about their size, & think it's all fun & games. They are joking around, & don't think anyone is getting offended. This is probably due to men not generally coming out in public about their insecurities.

  • Get over it. Men laugh at women all the time. Deal with it. We aren't 5, we all know the old phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
    Get a thicker skin. I'm really worried about the future of people nowadays, everybody always wants to cry about things they saw or read online.
    If I were to pay attention to every joke about females that men make online, I'd probably have killed myself by now.

    • You would never understand, being a woman.

    • I've come close to killing myself over my size. I even had a plan worked out.

    • Listen, some women feel that way about boobs, some women have actually tried to kill themselves because of their bodies to. Honestly, it's stupidity. If somebody likes you, they like you end off, everybody else can fuck off, why do you really give a shit. Get a woman who loves you, little dick and all and forget the rest, why would the rest matter. Some women go and get surgery, even surgery with the risk of dying, it's silly to. At the end of the day, if you don't love yourself, you never will, no matter what you change on yourself. You hate yourself, so you could have a massive dick and you'd only find something else to hate like moobs or a belly or something.

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  • I don't understand why people even make fun of small penises. Also the fact that "feminists" think making fun of small penises puts them in the upperhand or whatever is absurd and honestly pathetic. I thought being feminism was about girl power, or supporting women's righta, not downgrading men.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Because people love to feel superior and step on other people for laughs. I mean definitely as far as socially acceptable jokes that shouldn't be funny go, men with small dicks are really a minor concern. You realize people still tell racist jokes all the time, and homosexuality is used as an insult and a joke even on television and movies still. At least you can hide your small dick.

    Of course, especially when you're in your 30's, if you can't step up and say that you find something wrong and not funny because you care that they might think you have a small dick, then that's a problem of its own. And it tells you exactly why these jokes are still happening: because not enough people have the backbone to speak against it.

    • Can’t speak out about it and we all know why

  • It's just an example of how feminism / Jezebel are not about helping women but rather about hurting men in any way they can. That's the reality of what feminism is really about, and why women are increasingly standing up and saying they have had enough of feminist bullshit.



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  • Don't take everything Jezebel takes seriously; they're not a serious feminist website, and sometimes focuses on really insignificant or extreme issues.
    I don't think it's socially acceptable to make fun of guys with small dicks. That's like making fun of girls who have small boobs - it's something that's biological and can't be helped. People who do that are usually just shallow jerks, regardless of gender.

    • Stop comparing small suck and small boobs. Small ducks are 100% worse. No women on earth likes small ducks unless she has a humiliation cuckold kink.

  • Because small dicks are funny. Just like dumb blonde jokes are demeaning and funny. Not saying I agree or do it but just my answer is that. It's funny.

    • Being blonde doesn't affect your sexuality.

    • Oh, you must have a small one then,.,? Sorry cheap shot. Your right having a small one is no laughing matter. It's like a girl being completely flat zero boobies like a boy chest. For her that can be a sad thing. Not funny at all. But sexuality has more to do with than just dick size. Remember that people. Also don't judge people who are different than you or you will come back in your next life as them! Yipes!

    • There are guys who like flat chests. No woman actually wants a guy with a smaller than average penis.

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  • Probably because most guys who have a small dick love it when women laugh at us and tease us about having such little tiny dicklets. That's what it seems like to me, anyway.

  • Who says it's socially acceptable to do that? In my opinion, it's not acceptable. It is disrespectful and uneducated.

  • Lol, cos small dicks are funny

    • Rude ! And hot! Wtf is wrong with me

    • This ratio is funny