Why is it, when a woman wears men's underwear she's just being comfortable, but when a guy wears womens underwear it's automatically labeled a fetish?

I don't get it, if a guy is wearing women's underwear, how can it be a fetish, if it's purely for comfort and nothing to do with sexual desire or gratification? A man wearing women's underwear solely for comfort is no different then women wearing men's underwear solely for comfort. Yes, there are men who wear women's underwear solely for comfort? Why would men wear women's underwear for comfort? Well certain cuts/styles actually are comfortable, and more so then men's as they are softer, lighter, and have more stretch/give which provides better support for our male package. I 100% get labeling a guy wearing women's underwear a fetish if he's wearing them because it turns him on and provides sexual gratification, but why label it a fetish if there is nothing sexual involved and it's purely for comfort because they are made from more comfortable material.

"Fetish: a form of sexual desire in which gratification is strongly linked to a particular object or activity or a part of the body other than the sexual organs".

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Superb Opinion

  • Because a man failing to live up to his sex-derived social obligations is seen as a man claiming the social privilege females are given without taking on the sociosexual reproductive burden. He's stepping outside his "lane", in other words; claiming what he's not "owed".

Most Helpful Guy

  • Got me! I've been asking the same question since before you were born! Women can do it but men can't?
    It might some kind of patriarchal thing where a woman wearing a guy clothes is a step up but a guy wearing woman clothes is a step down! Kind of an insult to women. And, most guys have this screwy idea that, if they wear any item of girls clothes, their balls will drop off, they'll suddenly become gay and women won't want to have anything to do with them, ever again.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yeah it’s pretty fucked up. It’s because we had feminism to broaden what we could wear. Also skirts and dresses are seen as feminine and femininity is seen as weakness so you have to be queer (meaning weird) to want to be weak.

  • That is a good question. I do agree with it even. Except the part about fetish, it can also be just meant as a kink but thats it. Maybe because female underwear is more sexualised than mens underwear?

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 9
  • Frilly girl on manly guy is gay.

  • Good point, a double standard. Funny, it’s just the overall perception in society. A girl looking like a tomboy is cute, a guy doing the opposite is considered feminine. People should just wear what they want and not worry

  • As long as one is comfortable in it... it should not matter... you have a good point!

  • I had a girlfriend (now an ex), she use to wear my boxers and t-shirt when she was over. That's all she had on. She didn't want to be naked. Even tho it didn't matter. She wanted to be comfortable and drive me nuts... lol. I never even thought about wearing her underwear. She never wore any unless her cycle started or in a short skirt at club.

  • I don’t know why, but men’s clothing more gender neutral, where as women’s is more specific to women’s.