Girls, Why is the dick considered a guy’s weak spot when it’s his manliest area?

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Superb Opinion

  • Lol why don't you tell us. You are a dude and have that equipment. My guess is because it is sensitive area? I don't know. That is why I said you tell us. You should have at least left the question open to both genders considering guys are going to know a lot more about it than us girls do.

    • I don’t think my dick is a weak spot it’s embarrassing when girls call it one

    • Do a lot of girls regularly go around saying that to you? That's weird if they do and start hanging out with different girls lol.

    • They talk about it a lot if my martial art self defense class

Most Helpful Girl

  • Cause you slap it they whine! Hit it and they are on the floor.

    Kinda the most useless part of a man they do way better with their face as I sit on them!

    • It's manly cause you baby's bitch about it! It's big it's so pretty look selfie with it... Ew Really ugly and gross just men love it! Give me a bad dragon this women is happy with my boyfriend

    • Walls over knees your balls... You fall instantly I walk away laughing Cause it is

    • It’s a fighting class I wouldn’t just let a woman knee me

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What Girls Said

  • Try laughing at a guy's dick pic then tell me how manly his reaction is.

    Guy's are for more vain than girls when it comes to their junk

  • Probably because it's sensitive

  • Get back to us when you get kicked in the balls and schlong.

  • You ever kick man in cock and balls?