Why it's ok to not sleep around!

I decide to make this mytake because I notice lately (mostly guys) make me feel bad about not sleeping around online or off. I'm tired of it! I want to make people who don't like sleeping around to feel ok about it and here are good reasons to do it. Keep in mind I'm not going to put anyone down and if my grammar and spelling sucks I don't care. Also I'm only doing pros keep that in mind.

Pro you won't get pregnant or get a sti.

Sure you can get a sti or get pregnant by your long term partners but your long term partner would be there to support you if you get pregnant. If you have a faithful long term partner who is clean to begin with (because they can be born with a sti) chances of having a sti is 0. But with people who you barley know they could have stis or get you pregnant sure you can wear a condom but condom can still break. A lot of people forget these things. Plus the risk of getting sti and pregnancy with mutiple people would be higher then 1 person or with none.

Pro you don't feel use or get emotional damaged by it.

Partically girls, when they sleep around with so many people they feel "used" and can get emotional damage by having so much sex with people because they could "love" these people and these people were just want the sex. Even if the girl who sleeps around a lot doesn't feel use she can get name call like "slut","whore", "used up" you get what I mean that can lower she self esteem, turn into bullying and she can go into depression because of it or the worst case suicide.

Pro you won't fall in love with someone who just wanting sex because you are not looking to hook up.

Mostly people who have friends with benefits one of them usually falls for the other person while the other person just wants sex. A pro here is that you won't be in love with someone who just in it for the sex because been there done that it was painful knowing the person only wanted sex (never slept with them). So knowing that I won't fall in love with a person who seeking sex is the best because no broken heart at the end of the friends with benefits or hook up.

Last pro you won't have any drama.

I think this is one of the best pros is that you won't deal with drama about this type of stuff. Rather its about if the person loves you or not. Or its more than sex its just better knowing that you are not having sex casually so you won't be put into this position.

Why its ok to not sleep around!

(this picture is for girls who "whore" around and except Prince Charming when they let anyone in their castle).

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What Girls & Guys Said

13 17
  • Those are all the reasons I do not sleep around. It doesn't mean I don't fool around, though. Big difference.

  • I will not even read this crap 😂
    It's okay to do what you want. Fuck your rules.

    • And I'm getting tired of people like you who are not even reading it and assuming stuff when its not true, reading actually makes you look smart there a reason for it. But clearly you haven't learned that lol.

    • It depends on what you read that makes you smart. Reading 'everything' can actually make u a fool :PP And FYI, I did read the sentences which are in bold It was enough to make me shake my head and stop it. I'm not 'bashing' you. I'm just saying that your 'take' is pure nonsense. (And your own personal 'opinions' instead of actual 'reasons and facts' If you want to change a person's mind, you gotta be convincing. P. s:- I'm not trying to sound like 'bitch'

    • Well you came off as a bitch.

  • totally stupid picture, men should respect women who choose to sleep around, you're basically implying those double standards are valid and that if a girl has sex a lot it means she's a slut who doesn't deserve better. you can have a lot of fun and still find someone who respects you

    • Prince charming doesn't sleep around either, duh. Its not a double standard at all.

    • Exactly my prince Charming would had bang 20+ plus girls. I just use the picture because I like it and it was funny plus barley anypictures related to my topic.

  • I agree, the are lots of pros when it comes 2 not sleeping around. In ur 20s ur less discerning, u hit ur 30s and shit gets real and u wonder why you haven't had these insights 10 years prior lol. Such is life. I'm all for taking the car for a test drive b4 buying it, but I also believe in what Steve Harvey said in "think like a man". I believe there should be a probationary period for dating b4 sex is had. Whether the guy wants to be in a relationship or is just looking for a good time, 90 days (3 months) is plenty of time to assess if the man is worth ur time and vice versa.

    • oh god you sound like my best friend who watches him she a virgin and never had a relationships but she knows about healthy relationships lol

  • That picture is completely fucking true.
    Bitches want perfect men to pay for all their shit yet they've been roughed up and fucked by like 15 guys, what do you expect.
    Some guys dislike it when a girl sleeps around, it's not really attractive. It's not even about social norms.

    tl;dr girls sleeping around is unattractive and there's nothing I can do to stop myself from thinking it's unattractive.

    • Same with me about men banging more then 10 women I find it unattractive and there nothing that can change that.

  • So you decided to make a mytake about the one thing that men do not complain about on this website. I don't know what website you are talking about but on this website men insult and shame women for sleeping around. They do not shame women for not sleeping around.

    • I'm talking about a website I use personally and I'm talking about how men are target me for not sleeping around not women. I'm talking about people who don't sleep around overall and how its ok.

    • I don't see your point?

  • Okay...
    1. Terrible SPaG!
    2. I see your point however I disagree.
    3. Although some of your points are valid, some are way off the mark. For example:
    "Last pro you won't have any drama." and "Pro you don't feel use or get emotional damaged by it." and "Pro you won't fall in love with someone who just wanting sex because you are not looking to hook up." Also the first subtitle "Pro you won't get pregnant or get a sti." could also be classed as a lie.
    4. You've totally stereotyped about people who do have lots of sex with lots of people so please stop it.
    That's it really...

    • I'm not stereotyping anyone I'm just pointing the out the people who judge me for not wanting to sleep around I also claim I wasn't bashing anyone. Also the points I made no one really mentions them so I want to use them since there are obivous but no one wants to talk about it.

    • You claim you weren't bashing anyone but the impression your take gave was "it's not okay to sleep around" and you're 'whoring around' if you do. If "you have a faithful long term partner you chances of getting an STI are 0" is wrong because you can have faithful lorg term partners who have already contracted it by having sex with someone else before you. Also, assuming you use barrier methods everytime (especially if you use more than one) your pregnancy (and in some cases STI) likelihood is the same. And people avoid these points because they're often based on only speculation.

    • That's the impression you got that I was against sleeping around idc what other people do but I don't like it when people shit on me for my choices. Well I still want to make these points I can make them if I wanted to.

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  • "If you have a faithful long term partner who is clean to begin with (because they can be born with a sti) chances of having a sti is 0."
    The MAJORITY of people are carriers for herpes type-1 and the majority of them contract it when they are kids.

    And I think the last 3 points are basically saying don't do it because you're incompetent. I'd say if you're going to do it then learn to manage emotions better. If you incapable of doing that then whatever, but don't go around shaming people.

    • Well yeah a lot of people carry herpes but herpes is not that big of a deal compare to aids/HIV/, Cylamdia etc etc. P. S. I was not shaming people I was just saying the truth about the STI and pregnancies.