Why Pornography Affects Women in Relationships More than Men

Please understand that this is my objective opinion based on observations, facts, and educated conclusions. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I'm stating mine. Thank you.

So if you've noticed there's a similar take on here that address problems with porn being used in relationships. I wanted to continue the conversation as I feel like not enough women (and men) understand why they don't like that their partner uses porn despite being in a relationship with them. More so to the point I want to talk about the root of the problem. What's the real reason you don't want your partner watching porn? What conclusions or educated guesses can we make from it? I'll answer those. I want to preface this by saying that this is referring mostly to heterosexual relationships as it is coming from my perspective. This take within itself will explain why it is more prominent in heterosexual relationships. Also, I want to note that I may make this a series. I've decided to not number this one just in case I decide not to make a series out of it. In any case, here we go:

Why pornography effects women in relationships more than men

I think it's pretty damn clear who watches porn more between women and men. Why else would the porn industry try to cater to men more? Because that's who's going to spend the most money on porn. Who's the stars of the shows? Women. Who gets the awards, the accolades, the most money in the porn industry? Women. That said for you statistics people here's something from the Cosmopolitan (a feminine focused website):

Why Pornography Affects Women in Relationships More than Men

So it's clear that men watch it more than women. It also shows that men watch it way more if they are in a relationship than if they aren't. Why is that? Well as I've said constantly on this site men have been considered hunters since the beginning of time. Not just hunters of game (live animals) but hunters of women. It's why I consider us the true romantics but that's for another time. We hunt. Women gather. It's been like that since man's conception and you're not going to change that despite how hard feminism tries. One of my favorite quotes is from

He wants to hunt. You can't just suppress 65 million years of gut instinct. -Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park

Now women should be able to relate to this as they also have an instinct... that's different but similar in this regard. Often times if you keep something away from a woman she'll want it more for the sake of value. The more it alludes her the more she desires it. In other words it's the phrase "She wants what she can't have." When men watch porn it is kind of similar. The camera angles, the make up, the scenes, the hot body, the appearance of having a good time. Men want that too. This is why married men more so than single watch porn more.

It doesn't matter how much both men and women love their spouse or GF/BF there's no getting rid of sexual attraction. It's there regardless and it should be. If it wasn't there would you even be attracted to your partner in the first place? What happens if you could get rid of this and y'all break up? I guess you'd live your life without finding another partner? Sexual attraction is necessary and men in particular genetically have a higher libido than women.

As pro-creators we want as many women as possible from a subconscious level. Consciously there are plenty of men who do not cheat. Plenty of men who try to suppress it. See we at the end of the day are human and can think logically. Sure we desire sex probably more than most women (there are exceptions) but we also from a conscious and logical perspective say "Well I'm in a relationship. I won't try to bang her, but I will get an eyeful." Sorry, but I fail to see the harm in that.

Why Pornography Affects Women in Relationships More than Men

My girlfriend watches hentai. She told me she keeps up to 50 pictures of hentai on her phone. Fifty! Does this bother me? Not even a little bit. I think it's funny. I pick at her about it all the time. Should it bother me? Lol.This leads me to ask this:

Why Pornography Affects Women in Relationships More than Men

Guys, doesn't it seem like women want to keep their partner from desiring anything but them? Doesn't it seem like women get jealous more so than men when it comes to dating and sexual attraction?


Because at the end of the day they too know men hunt for women. They know this. They know most of the time it is our decision to pursue something with another person. Not there's. Not only does this work from a natural standpoint but also given the feminine imperative doesn't want women to put in the effort. They realize (though good luck getting them to admit) that women don't have the social tools to do it, so it's fair to say that even from a society standpoint despite exceptions this is the norm.

Now let's get back to how this relates to porn. You see even though her partner isn't fucking that girl on the screen it still creates dread... aka jealousy. That big, green eyed, monster. This is a very important tool in a player's toolbag, but that's for another take. Point is women regardless of what phase they are in (transfer or validation) they both want to hang onto their partner (barring hypergamy). They want to be seen as valuable to their partner especially if they feel their partner is of a higher value, which is often times more true than not true. Why? Because women always either level out or up in terms of sexual market value in partners.

Why Pornography Affects Women in Relationships More than Men

I'd also like to note that most of the time the women who are more so offended by this type of action by men are your more traditional, feminized, "marriage is everything" women. Same ones that aren't into kinky things. Same ones that aren't into being disrespected. Same ones who believe at the very least women are the exact same as men. These are the ones snooping around in their husband's computer history.

The way I see it if it hurts you that badly to see your husband or boyfriend watching porn then why not just leave him? I'll tell you why. Because there's something other than just the porn creating that dread. Like I said before it could be that he's of higher sexual value, which would mean you'd have to hope that you can find another of equal or higher value and that can be difficult for a woman to do. Especially if you've been so comfortable not having to worry about your own value. Now she has to "test the market" again and depending on how long she's been out of it that can be scary. Meanwhile the guy hell he can always go down a level to a girl who's of lesser value.

Why Pornography Affects Women in Relationships More than Men

I could get into marriage and how that's more so for women than men, but I won't because that'll take us into a separate discussion. Just understand that porn doesn't ruin a relationship or even marriage. Dread/jealousy can and it's based on feminine insecurity.

Let's recap:

Why Pornography Affects Women in Relationships More than Men

You: So wait a minute wait a minute. You're telling me that men watch porn because they want to be with other women? That's cheating!

Me: How? Is he fucking the porn star?

You: Well no, but..

Me: Have they ever even met?

You: I guess not..but I won't allow him to watch it! Period! He should be watching me instead!

Me: You're entitled to your opinion, but if you are trying to restrict another grown fucking person from watching whatever they want to watch then that speaks more about you than them. How that isn't insecurity and selfishness is beyond me.

You: Well well.. what if he lies and hides it?

Me: If a tree falls and nobody hears it did it still fall? Just because he doesn't do it in your presence doesn't mean he's lying or trying to hide it. However, if he IS lying about it then I'm sure it's because he doesn't want it to bother you.

You: Well if he knows it bothers me why does he do it?

Me: Because dread is something every female suffers with and it is even more apparent in monogamy. Just because it bothers you don't mean it's wrong for him to do it. It just means again that you're selfish and he doesn't want to bring your jealousy out.

You: I'm not jealous.

Me: Sure you are. Why else would it be a problem?

You: Because I should be all he needs.

Me: Again you may be all he needs in terms of companionship, but again the practice of hunting women or seeking out other women is still there. That need can't be accomplished by porking his one woman. That need comes from porn or eye balling the waitress a little bit. Again we can't and/or shouldn't negate sexual attraction. It's just a natural happening. Regardless of such a thing we can still think logically and not cheat.

So in conclusion, guys enjoy watching whatever the hell it is you want to watch. If your partner can't handle it that's her own issue that she'll have to figure out.

But again this is just my viewpoint based on observations, facts, and educated conclusions. Everyone is free to voice their own opinion. This is mine. Thanks.

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What Girls & Guys Said

33 38
  • I hate porn and people who defend it are usually pervs.

    • I wouldn't say I'm defending porn, but alright.

    • We all look at porn. But it's time to admit, 99% of it is useless. I think it rots mind and body.

    • How? Enlighten me.

    • Show All
  • I dont see what the problem is aslong as the relationship is stable.

  • Because they think us guys are cheaters

  • Porn is made for sick ass motherfuckers watching skanks suck off hundreds of penis 😂 good job.

    • Porn is all we have left after girls got all fat and slutty.

    • Says a little girl with "suck me dry" in her profile pic.

    • LOL, good catch.

    • Show All
  • Well, i guess it's normal, but i'd feel like a piece of shit next to the perfect, cellulite-free D-cup. I would feel like i couldn't even begin to compare, and believe it or not, a lot of guys are quite shallow. A guy told me i wasn't his type, then i heard him snickering about what a cow i was with his friends, which really depressed me and led me into getting an eating disorder. Guess i'll never be good enough.

  • Women likes porn more than men. They think doing porn is totally normal, healthy, sexual freedom, feminist, women right and liberation...

  • Tell me so when my boyfriend has me in doggy position and while fucking me is watching straight ahead at the porn on the TV screen, is he :

    1) Wishing and imaging he was fucking the hot porn girl instead of me in that moment?

    2) Is he getting sexually excited and cumming because of that hot porn girl rather than me?

    3) Is he moaning because of that hot porn girl rather than because of me?

    4) If that hot porn girl could walk out of the TV into our bedroom and be real, would he be all over her instead of me?

    Now I'm curious?

  • My boyfriend watches porn lots and Im not worried or insulted or whatever. I dont get girls who think it is almost like cheating. My boyfriend and me do different positions or acting out if he wants to try something he saw. Im ok with trying new things but guys start thinking sex should be like what is done in porn.

  • I don't like it because it makes me feel shit about myself. I feel I'm not pretty enough, my body is not nice enough for him he has to look at other women and wank to them.

    • Mhm.


    • Why?

    • Sure I am.

  • From my experience with GAG polls, most women don’t mind their boyfriend watching porn. It also seems like most women don’t mind in this study either, since two-thirds of men have partners that know they watch porn... So, overall, this mytake seems kind of pointless. I mean, it does say 58% of women think men watch porn too often, but that’s probably simply because women can’t relate, since they seem to have a lower libido.

  • Interesting, would you say that woman need more emotional gratification than men? SInce men need more sexual gratification and they do so by watching porn. Would you say that woman should then search elsewhere for emotional gratification? As in talk to other guys for emotional gratification since we can't find this on the internet. Cause now days, men are so attuned to be unemotional and tough that they can't give us woman what we need. Lets face it, times have changed, woman have come to the point where they can look after themselves in a financial sense, so we don't need men to give us a stable life anymore. We need sexual gratification but as you say woman's sexual drive isn't as high as men. We need emotional stimulation and lets face, society has programmed men to be unemotional and thus they can't give to woman what we need. I read in one of the comments that woman have evolved on a sexual level to keep up with the expectations of men. When are men going to evolve to keep up with the emotional needs and expectations of woman?

    • " so we don't need men to give us a stable life anymore. " Dont be like that. That attitude is half the reason why men dont try anymore. A lot if us want to be with a woman, satisfy her emotionally, have kids, have a family, etc.. But seeing that kind of attitude drives us away

  • For shy guys, it's all we have.

    • Nah. You got a long road ahead of you, kid.

    • Most girls treat us like shit

  • So basically the woman feels jealous and the guy can't help it

  • Once we got married my wife’s sex drive went way down to now 0. As it went down my porn watching went up.

  • These memes died out years ago

    • Sorry. I'm old.

  • I agree, but I have some questions for you on the male nature part, is there a more suitable place to ask them or should I just do it here? Since it is, although mentioned, still pretty much off topic

  • Bull

    • Can you are least explain why?

  • I love porn!!

  • My thoughts on porn are different. I a guy watches it, I can’t stop him cuz all guys do since they’re horny fucks. But, if he fantasizes about women on a daily basis or even ever, then that’s a MASSIVE problem

    • ... huh?

    • Lol then you're in for a disappointment

    • @TheUglyMan I am not surprised. In fact you can expect disappointment from most people anyway.

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