Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

1.) It makes you cunning and carnal.

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

It slowly corrupts you and turn you less humane. people like this talk about sex and dirty stuff all the time. Most of their conversation topics revolve around carnal pleasures. They are full of innuendos and have mostly such things in their minds. They hung around with like minded people and share their saucy experiences, their bf's penises, their gf's bj skills etc. They became judgmental. They look at people like meat and scan them as they enter a room. If you hang around such people they'll turn you like themselves.

2.) It makes you desensitized and makes your heart colder.

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

Your romantic, innocent, poetic, aloof self exists only one time. It will never come back. And it is meant for your one, lifetime partner. As long you exercise your egotistical will and get heartbroken, you become cynical, your heart cold and less acceptable of love, and you see the other gender with resentment and mistrust. Even as a mere sex object after a point. Thus the phenomenon today of male and female players.

3.) It is egotistical, irresponsible and unthoughtful of others.

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

An unborn child being aborted, your parents shocked and saddened, your teachers and mentors dissapointed. The other person being used for your selfish goals. All these people affected because its all about me, me ,me. It has the pretence and excuse of love, but it ain't true love. Cause true love is humble, it surrenders its will, and it never hurts others.

4.) It doesn't blend well with spiritual practices. (Nor does masturbation)

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

Well don't take my word for it. Try it on your own. And i dont speak new age demonic pseudospirituality bs, but real spiritual practice like contemplative prayer.

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  • So i understand that these are your beliefs and that's perfectly okay, however i feel like you are judging people by telling us that we who don't do as you, are somehow "cunning, carnal and selfish", which is the total opposite of what Christianity preaches. I'm Orthodox Christian and I go to church, pray and fast sometimes, but I don't push my beliefs on others and i don't like others trying to tell me who I am either. I believe in sex before marriage bc that just works for me, if it's different for you then that's okay, but keep in mind that religion is an individual and private thing, and that's the way it should stay.

    • But if someone is Christian then she shouldn't have sex before marriage since the bible is very clear on it being a sin.

    • @TyroneTerminator2229 as i said religion is an individual thing, few if any do exactly and everything the bible says. I practice my religion my way, and you can practice yours your own way.

    • you can't tailor christianity to your needs though. Christ was clear with the woman with the illegal men. "Go and dont sin anymore". Just because you believe it "works for you", it doesn't mean it really works for your soul as well. so you mean you can have illegal relationships and daily pray an frequently confess and commune in the church? so you have illegal relationships and your priest gave you the blessing to participate in the sacraments? cause life without the secraments is no life for me... .

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  • Yeah Im not feeling this. I understand im a sinner but id rather sin and be free than be a saint and having no fun. A saint ain't nothing but a sinner who fell down and got up.

  • If that's your attitude, just don't have sex, period. Don't pollute other people's lives by talking to them, either. Personally, I won't waste my time discussing the time of day with someone who thinks they know everything about a subject when, in fact, they know almost nothing about it.

    • So taking what was generally considered good advice throughout the world for centuries, and only treated with this level of hostility since Kinsey's fraud in the 1940s and onward, makes her a "polluter"? You are a deluded hater.

    • @Answerdude dont want advice noone forces you to take it. i dont pollute lives. except if by pollute you mean i awake your conscience and that annoys you. you prefer numbness.

    • There's nothing in me you can awaken that hasn't already been awakened. As for spiritual practices, I suppose you just turn a blind eye towards Kama Sutra and Tantra. Don't presume to know what I prefer, either.

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  • The more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she will divorce! And the data supports this. Read the Articles below...



    Stefan Molyneux puts all the data together. Very interesting!

    • This is exactly what I said on my comment yet recieved a bunch of down votes for speaking the truth lol.

    • @ProjectBaby1K Same here! If anyone challenges you, tell them to provide proof/citation that you are wrong. Don't let them get away with simply saying "you're wrong". That's an opinion, not fact/citation.

    • Oh boy!!! Here it comes

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  • I don't really care about how others chose to express their sexuality but premarital sex is not for me.
    I can relate to some of these points.

  • To each their own... I personally don't buy a car until I drive it! Sorry.

    • people aren't cars. would you like your daughter or sister to be someone's testable car?

    • Whats the difference? Somehow they are not being tested under the umbrella of marriage? If there is no sexual chemistry it will just weigh on them and then it's over... all of that for nothing.. now you have a divorce when you could of just found out in the beginning. Again , to each their own.

    • if they divorce them just for that, then its better that they divorce in the first place.

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  • Ohh... OK! If you say so...

  • oooh my! I always knew I had a devil in me...


  • If a person wants to have sex without being married, that's fine. It's not for you to decide

    • No, but it *is* for the One Who made her and me and you to decide. And that decision has already been made. And we are in no place to act like it has no value.

  • Like I think I went carnal before though. Just didn't unleash yet but when I did it wasn't my deepest fantasies.

  • As someone who is waiting for the right girl i disagree completely with your take. Romance and sex are great together but not nessisarily tied, i highly doubt ill become desentensized if my relationship fails with my first sex partner and it somehow no longer is pleasurable on the next. I imagine romance and sex will always be special to me when sharing it with my partner no matter which number she is.

    • imagination differs from reality. humans are built with a certain love mojo tank. when you use it here and there you waste it.

  • I mean i only have sex with people i care about so if that makes me a bad person, or egotistical then so be it. i dont do it for a number its just something that happens.

  • What if I never want to get married? All the sex I want and it still keeps me fucking awesome. Checkmate.

    • it depends on what you want out of life. you are not born for mediocity but for perfection.

    • You know marriage is the number one killer of dreams ambition and accomplishments right?

    • foul dreams and foul accomplishments usually. whats really of value in life? money? producing the next desirable product? fame? none of these things brings true peace in the human heart or salvation to your fellow human. and plus what marriage? not a godly marriage of two godly people for sure. i've seen examples like that and they live paradise on earth. my husband's parents were like that.

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  • Sure but this might be more person dependant... as in if someone embodies those negatives you outlined pre marriage --> why would that change after marriage... they would most likely be the same because now you're having sex after marriage. But marriage won't change that behaviour --> it's your choice of man that will determine the type of sexual relationship you will experience

    • exactly what i'm saying. its not the action on its own. its the spirituality of a person behind it. but it boils down to the fact that a very spiritual person wouldn't live an ungodly lifestyle in the first place. glad you get it... .

  • This is your opinion, everyone has a different one.
    I personally can't imagine being with someone and not knowing if our sex life is gonna work out well? He could be the most affectionate guy ever, but if the sex would suck, then the relationship itself too.

    • then you need a broader imagination. there is more to life than just that. its a flame that it seems hasn't touched your heart yet... .

    • Sex is equally important just like communication and love.

    • in the right context yes

  • We are all unique and individual, therefore our views, opinions, religious beliefs and culture will all vary greatly.
    "Live And Let Live"

    • The human creature is the same worldwide though. There are other priorities in spirituality but this is still a component.

    • So bottom line is you are saying that ALL OF US should adopt your beliefs then. Well I'm sorry to disappoint you for it's far too late for me, you see I had sex long before I even thought about or considered marriage.

    • thats great. but dear there are young kids out there confused by the media and porn. you are mature enough to not be careless. these kids though work with mimicry of their peers and media.

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  • Apparently the piece of paper called the marriage contract has the power to banish wicked beings. It must be those ink with awesome powers.

    • For real man, for real.

    • totally misunderstood notion. there is nothing magical about it, its the spiritual level of the person that can't blend foul life and spirituality in the first place. it just doesn't work.

    • As I said, magical paper power of demonic banishment. Marriage paper. Supreme spirit power to banish wicked beings.

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  • It was just like u read my mind💋
    I could see myself typing all that. Great take.
    All love.

  • But... But... What if someone be like...

    • how is that any different? oh yeah i forgot to not feed the troll hehe

    • How is it sexual intercourse though? Explain.

    • you know how. please dont be provoking and try to instill improper images in people's heads. dont tempt cause life tempts you back... .

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