Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

1.) It makes you cunning and carnal.

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

It slowly corrupts you and turn you less humane. people like this talk about sex and dirty stuff all the time. Most of their conversation topics revolve around carnal pleasures. They are full of innuendos and have mostly such things in their minds. They hung around with like minded people and share their saucy experiences, their bf's penises, their gf's bj skills etc. They became judgmental. They look at people like meat and scan them as they enter a room. If you hang around such people they'll turn you like themselves.

2.) It makes you desensitized and makes your heart colder.

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

Your romantic, innocent, poetic, aloof self exists only one time. It will never come back. And it is meant for your one, lifetime partner. As long you exercise your egotistical will and get heartbroken, you become cynical, your heart cold and less acceptable of love, and you see the other gender with resentment and mistrust. Even as a mere sex object after a point. Thus the phenomenon today of male and female players.

3.) It is egotistical, irresponsible and unthoughtful of others.

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

An unborn child being aborted, your parents shocked and saddened, your teachers and mentors dissapointed. The other person being used for your selfish goals. All these people affected because its all about me, me ,me. It has the pretence and excuse of love, but it ain't true love. Cause true love is humble, it surrenders its will, and it never hurts others.

4.) It doesn't blend well with spiritual practices. (Nor does masturbation)

Why Premarital Sex is Not Good

Well don't take my word for it. Try it on your own. And i dont speak new age demonic pseudospirituality bs, but real spiritual practice like contemplative prayer.

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  • I would never have premartial sex cause I couldn't live with the guilt of having sex before marriage.

    • better than seeing it from a prism of guilt, see it as love for God. He will ask you, did you love me so little that you couldnt wait a few years for me to bless your relationship and patricipate in your happiness? and you didn't love your wife enough to honor her in a rightful manner?

    • how did you find a way to turn this into honoring the female?

    • @DesertFox11 he also honors himself and his body which is a temple of God.

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  • So you feel like people who had sex before marriage can't have normal conversations?
    2. Has some sense but I don't feel like it can stay forever in the same pattern.
    I mean I managed to tame my judgmental behavior so when I start a conversation with someone new I always go for the naive approach, well I could say I learned a lot and I still use some of my experience in it but I do what I can to keep the negative aspect away.

    • i'm only saying impurity is a downward spiral. as virtue an upward spiral. there is no lukewarm road... .

    • Lukewarm?

  • Lol thanks for the laugh. I love sex and I'm not marry

    • See how much you love it on the next plane of existence...

    • @ObscuredBeyond That makes no sense lol

    • It will.

  • women withhold sex after getting married so when are men supposed to be able to have sex?

    • manipulative women do. you need a godly person, not someone that loves mindgames and control.

    • lol... PLEASE show me a woman who isn't into mind games like that.. ill love you forever

    • find a person who is not cunning and is into prayer and unconditional love and community offering. these are subtle ones case they hide because of humility, but are many more than you currently think.

  • Cool, you're welcome to crawl back into your cave.

    • your heart when will come out of the cave? i certainly have been in the cave for years but it took a good slap from life to realise my blindness... .

  • I am divorced my partner is still married, we are a couple, we are not married to each other. We fuck each other often, neither of us are damaged in any way by this as your post suggests. Quite the opposite in fact, my partner is in one of the caring professions, and very good at it. In my opinion your post is at best misguided. and at worst its the same bullshit peddled by hypocritical god botherers. I follow my own moral standards, there set quite high compared to some. And certainly a lot higher than some people attached to some religious organisations

    • Spiritual hostility red flags reveal that you are hardened and damaged, regardless thinking you're okay. Congrats on not being even more messed up.

    • @ObscuredBeyond I could go or ages about how hardened and damaged some (not all) so called Christian followers have left countless children trusted to them, but for the sake of any sensitive reader I will stop here! However! As you have decided I am in some way damaged I now feel the need to reply to your ludicrous assumption that believing in a fictitious load of fucking old shite is the only way to keep your soul free and clear. I usually respect the views of others, for you I defer. I give not one fuck of your red flag, you know exactly where you can put it. I am not (spiritual) as Its ineffective. I am a humanitarian and a realist. when I see another person fall in the street I help them up. No amount of praying will get a fallen pensioner back on there feet. Religion has been shafting the heads of the feeble minded for thousands of years! bout time it was stopped!

  • Good job 👍 There are several studies that explain exactly why premarital sex isn't good. If people want to ignore fact then that their problem.

    Just don't lie and say that it's good, accept the reality of what your doing. That's all I ask.

  • Awesome Take!

  • I agree with you except the part about masturbation. What is wrong with masturbation if you are single and have needs?

    • it depends on what lifestyle you want. it doesn't blend well with a spiritual one.

    • What's your religion?

    • orthodox christian. God came in my life in my early twenties. i grew up in an atheistic house.

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  • Cool beans.

  • Why abstinence is not good:
    1. You won't know if you're sexually compatible until its too late.
    2. If you aren't sexually compatible with each other, a divorce is much, much more likely.
    3. You are both more likely to cheat throughout a relationship because you're both depriving yourselves of sex.
    4. Its disrespectful to your partner. You're not treating him or her as an attractive person if you keep things strictly platonic.
    5. Neither of you would be certain if you're sexually attracted to one another until you decide to have sex.

    Sex is as natural as eating or bathing. If you can't handle sex before marriage, you're not going to be able to handle it after marriage. If you can't remain loyal to your partner after having sex, it won't matter whether or not you get married.

    • i dont buy the disrespectful part. if your partner needs that to get confidence, or you need that to express love, both are lacking to a great extend. plus it shows much more love to be able to wait. and to even take the risk for the other person even if it is not what you expected in bed. thats a skill thats acquired... .

  • I'm a well-known Christian woman who did it, and I used to believe a lot of what this person says. But it doesn't match my experience.

  • This sounds personal to me. Like having sex before marriage hurt YOU and therefore you think it will hurt everyone, and that isn't true. Let people do what they want. That's the beauty of life, you get to make your OWN decisions, but you can't dictate everyone else's.

    • Projection as a defense? Doesn't hold up in court. Let them do what they want? When they drown someone else's kid, they're "doing what they want." That okay too? You get to make decisions, but IT'S A TEST! Do not encourage others to fail that test! She doesn't have to dictate squat. It's already been decided. You need to quit shooting the messenger.

    • @ObscuredBeyond... this isn't court. This is an OPINION. Sex is a decision. A personal one at that. Thousands of people have sex before marriage and are perfectly fine. Obviously this chick has her own PERSONAL problems with sex before marriage. Her "reasons" aren't true for everyone, not even close. I'm not asking her to dictate anything, it's obvious.

  • What is the point of this? What do you want to do with this mytake?

    • to wasrn kids to not make rushed decisions and mimic the media archetypes. but instead learn that love is like a flower. you have to wait for it to blossom at the right time... .

    • and you think preaching is going to help?

    • It's not a media thing, it happens since the paleolithic.

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  • 1) even people who didn't had premarital sex when they experience they can tell if it is good or bad
    2) Fustration of being unloved and unwanted turns off all poetry and romantism or parts from it
    3) the people affected are only the people involved in sexual act, therefore it can be parents if that girl is not indepent or a minor
    4) Masturbation reduce stress when you don't have any other option or sexual acts. If I hold it I get more energy about confidence boost I'm still susceptible as I didn't get that far

    • confidence is built by achieving hard things and aiding humanity not by masturbating with people's bodies... .

  • post marital sex is definitely not good (because she now has the ring) so according to you there is no good sex.

  • Long story short, your a crazy christian?

  • Sorry, but this sounds like a vampire talking about day light. Even though he never witnessed it, it isn't as extreme as he thinks. It doesn't blind you, nor burn everyone's skin or anything like that. Plus, to me, sex isn't sex. There are intercourse, oral, anal, and maybe a few more variations.

    • not always a "vampire"... so i have an opinion for both worlds. definitely not living my current one for the previous one... .

    • you sound like you already had some sexual experience?

    • since 14 years old. my parents were atheists. noone could guide me to a true life. they even handled me the condoms themselves. now i see how misguided society fundamentally is... .

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  • yea the desensitization is real

  • I think you picked the wrong site for this

    • She makes valid points. There is no need for you to attempt to intimidate her.

    • wrong or not wrong the whole world lives in brainwash by friends and the media. what many consider as correct doesn't mean is the right thing.

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