Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together." ~ St. John Chrysostom (On Marriage and Family Life).

Part of a larger formal essay I am writing titled On Changing Sexual Mores and Hypergamy in the West: Why Promiscuity is Dangerous and Ought to be Discouraged, I felt compelled systematically address the topic once and for all. I have expressed my concern about the modern state of marriage, made my point about same sex 'marriage,' and briefly touched upon the breakdown of tradition at the hand of both men and women, so it is only fitting that I should finally 'tie it all together' so to speak.

If this article seems like another Red Pill propaganda piece, take heed that it is not, although, this article will certainly address the topic of MGTOW as well as Feminism and the seemingly ongoing battle of the sexes as standards surrounding sex and relationships are rapidly changing as we speak.

There will be plenty of blame to go around for both sides as well as sympathy for their causes and even an impartial explanation of how it ties into this article's overall thesis,


That promiscuity and particularly female hypergamy is a bad thing that screws over almost everybody in the end, even women, and that the culture it creates is an inherently toxic and destructive one doomed to implode upon itself.

Summarizing the Problem and its Meaning

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

The problem is, at its core, a metaphysical one. That is, it is not so much about actions as much as it is an overarching shift in ideology, a clash between two belief systems that are wholly and ontologically opposed to one another. The first is that of family, God, and tradition. It affirms that man is bound by obligation and responsibility, held accountable to an objective standard of Good higher than himself. This is called conservatism, and it entails subjecting one's passions to reason and moderation for the sake of the Greater Good. Hence morality. The second is that of the individual, Man, and progress. It affirms that all is relative and that there is no Good other than human pleasure itself. This is called liberalism, and it is rooted in the idea that if something feels good, then one ought to do it regardless of the consequences or moral nature of the act itself.

This is the attitude that has come to characterize Western civilization. This is where the source of our problem lies. This is what I call the Culture of Promiscuity, and oppose at its core.

It is not the promiscuity per se. It is not the premarital sex or any particular act. Rather, it is an entire amoral belief system that recognizes no Good other than human pleasure and consent, effectively normalizing harmful and sexually deviant behaviors that undermine the very fabric of society itself.

This is our culture on the Sexual Revolution,

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed
Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed
Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

The main problem with this is that it directly undermines the family unit, the very nucleus of society itself. From Aristotle to Confucius, all of history's greatest philosophers, politicians, and poets have long understood that preserving the family unit is paramount to preserving civilization as we know it. This is confirmed by statistics from both the American College of Pediatricians (Source) and the Center for Disease Control (Source). In the case of school performance, for example, children who have both parents in the picture are the least likely to ever have to repeat a grade, be suspended or expelled, and/or the subject of a parent-teacher conference.

This is something I have touched upon ad nauseam in the past, particularly in my article about marriage and how it was destroyed by the Culture of Promiscuity along with the incentive to marry through no fault divorce, selfishness, and a lack of benefits for the common male. But for this article I want to be a little less abstract and a bit more concrete about how it has affected society on the personal level and what it means for the average man and woman in the 21st century.

Making Sense Out of the New Sexual Landscape through Economics

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

From an economic perspective, the Culture of Promiscuity has, through its upheaval of traditional morality governing sex and relationships, deregulated the market so that whatever safeguards were in place to ensure fairness have all but been abolished. The problems felt by both men and women are analogous to the problems that would be felt in a free market economy when the vast majority of wealth is confined solely to the possession of the lucky few.

A woman cannot find a man to commit? Her husband of so many years has left her for a younger, newer woman? Think of it as being non-unionized, ultimately expendable and easily replaceable in the grand scheme of things. Think of it as losing your job to outsourcing and/or illegal immigrants among other shady and illegal business practices. A man feels his lot is hopeless with women? Like no matter how hard he tries, Chad Thundercock still has all of the women for himself? Think of it as a monopoly, when the vast majority of a company's profits are held not by its workers but by one or two top executives who are in no way obligated to be fair or equitable. This was the way that most economies operated for most of human history well into the early 20th century.

And this is the way that the new sexual landscape has come to operate.

The driving force in all of this is female hypergamy.

That is, the innate female tendency to pursue only the top percentile of men like professional athletes and millionaires, which is just a nicer way of saying that from a Darwinian standpoint, women are essentially prostitutes (keep reading). But before tempers go flaring, and lest this article be dismissed as just another Red Pill propaganda piece, I should specify that men play just as much a part in this process as their female counterparts do and arguably even more so.

The other driving force in all of this is male


That is, the innate male tendency to have as much sex as possible whenever they can with whomever they can, which is just a nicer way of saying that from a Darwinian standpoint, men are essentially Johns. Now I know this all sounds harsh, but evolution is not a dignified process and we have all been shaped by it whether we like it or not. Thus, neither men or women can be singled out as the sole culprit behind this process but rather must be understood as complements, two sides to the same coin that only exist because of the presence of the other.

The Culture of Promiscuity's ultimate deregulation of the market has created a new, laissez faire sexual landscape wherein these two Darwinian forces are allowed to reign supreme, reverting the species back to its true evolutionary nature.

The New Sexual Landscape: An Inevitable Return to Polygamy

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

The West may not realize it yet, but the problem we are seeing in the aftermath of the Sexual Revolution is a return to polygamy, particularly polygyny wherein the majority of women are held by the minority of men. This is because one cannot, as the Culture of Promiscuity has, take a laissez faire approach to human sexuality and not expect for it degenerate into polygamy anymore than one can expect for a market to be free without regulation or some form of external safeguards.

This is why, historically, there have always been laws, customs, and standards governing sexuality. From the Judeo-Christian Bible to the Islamic Qur'an, even the world's great religions have imposed their own standards upon sexuality. This is called morality, and it is the foundation of a fair, just, and civilized society rooted firmly in the family unit consisting of two parents and their offspring.

For the Christian West, it was Monogamy.

Monogamy, being one of the many historical impositions upon sexuality, was by no means a new innovation when the Church made it the de facto norm for Western civilization. Indeed, the sole exception being the Jews, the Roman Empire was already monogamous well before the rise of Christianity. However, sexual exclusivity was not, and this is where the Church was original, as doctrine prohibited anything other than total sexual exclusivity to one's spouse.

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

This is what allowed society to resemble the diagram on the right. Monogamy ensured that each and every man was entitled to at least one woman and that each and every woman was afforded the full, undivided attention of one man and the lifelong security that it entailed. It meant that children received the full and undivided attention of both parents and it lessened the competition for mates within society so that individuals could pursue more socially advantageous disciplines like science and philosophy.

The Culture of Promiscuity, however, has, through its total upheaval of traditional morality and standards governing sex, caused society to resemble the diagram on the left.

This is because, as stated earlier, one cannot apply a laissez faire approach to human sexuality and not expect for it to degenerate into polygamy in the end. It is the inevitable result of evolution, the product of when our Darwinian impulses are allowed to operate unbridled and free from any restraint.

Sexual selection theory dictates that, in accordance with Bateman's principle, women are always going to have greater reproductive success than men because their sexual output is lower, making them a limited resource and therefore the object of competition. This means that they are afforded the luxury of choosing mates well above their league, hence the selection for hypergamy, and that men conversely have to work that much harder to even acquire a mate within their own league, hence the selection for hypersexuality, because a man that does not have sex does not pass on his genes.

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

The inevitable result of this is polygamy, because hypergamous women are always going to pursue only the top percentile of men which is not large enough to sustain their population monogamously and hypersexual men are always going to compete to be within the top percentile of their population, further perpetuating the polygamous system of disproportionality and the possession of the many by the few. This is evident even by the way women throw themselves at Leonardo DiCaprio. What are the odds that a man that average, out of shape, and ugly is going to have that many supermodel girlfriends? One or two maybe, as it can be dismissed as luck as in the case of my father with my mother. But that many? No way. These women are certainly not with him because of his personality. They are with him because of his wealth, prestige, and status, which is precisely why the rest of the male population wants to be like him so much, so that they can emulate his reproductive success.

And in polygamy, everybody loses. That is, everybody except for men like this guy,

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

The Dark Side of Polygamy and its Unfortunate Consequences

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

Make no mistake, polygamy is an inherently toxic, unfair, and elitist system wherein women are exploited and the vast majority of men are kept at a perpetual disadvantage in society. For women it means being viewed as expendable with age, ousted the moment a new, younger woman enters the scene like all of Hefner's ex-girlfriends from a decade ago and beyond. For men it means being viewed as worthless, forced to live a sexless existence as the top percentile of your population monopolizes nearly the entire population of women. It does not ensure that every man is entitled to at least one woman nor does it afford every woman the full and undivided attention of one man. There is no security and there is no lifelong commitment. It is the complete and utter antithesis of monogamy, the seed of an unholy union between laissez faire capitalism and Darwinian evolution.

The only true winner in the end is the 1%, that is, the few men at the very top like Hefner whose reproductive success is built upon the expendability and worthlessness of everybody else.

The problems we are both experiencing today are precisely the result of a new and emerging polygamous order heralded by the Culture of Promiscuity and its laissez faire approach to human sexuality. This means that, as stated earlier, women become expendable with age and men become worthless if they do not fall within the top percentile of their sex. Thus, the two groups most fully disadvantaged by polygamy are the average male and the aging woman.

For the average male, and this is what I wish women understood about being a man, it means being viewed as worthless and having no guarantee of a mate. It means being forced to come to peace with the fact that you were not lucky enough to be born into the 1%, and that this said 1% like Hugh Hefner, Chad Thundercock, and Leonardo DiCaprio are monopolizing almost the entire female population. It is having to live in a world where women are afforded the luxury of being able to have sex whenever they want with whomever they want and not being able to have sex until you settle down with a woman. And then to make matters worse? With a woman who is essentially just the leftovers of another man, the man whom you were not good enough to be.

It is perhaps the most emasculating, defeating, and humiliating feeling in the whole world, to know that you are essentially just an insurance policy to women and that no matter how good of a man you may be, you will never be entitled to anything other than the leftovers of the 1%.

For the aging woman, it means being viewed as expendable and being afforded no lifelong security or commitment. It means being forced to come to peace with the fact that your only value is in your sexuality and that this too shall come to pass with age. It is having to live in a world where your role can at any time be usurped by a younger, prettier woman and where years of total commitment, motherhood, and/or marriage mean absolutely nothing. And then to make matters worse? Becoming the leftovers of a man whom you thought loved you, and then having to swallow your pride and return to the men whom you previously rejected, only to discover that they do not want you anymore, and having nobody to blame but yourself.

It is perhaps the most heartbreaking feeling in the world, to know that you were used and taken advantage of by a man whom never viewed you as anything more than a vehicle for his own pleasure, and that the men who used to respond to your beck and call no longer want you.

The worst part of all? The sheer hopelessness felt by both groups creates one of those vicious cycles where the effect further reinforces the cause, further empowering the oppressive polygamous system that has exploited them for the sake of the benefit of the 1%.

This is because polygamy kills the incentive for anything but hypergamy in women and hypersexuality in males. A woman who values commitment and love is not going to be afforded any sense of lifelong security or respect in a polygamous order anymore than a man who values family, God, and tradition is going to be afforded his own mate other than the damaged leftovers of the 1%.

The result is the complete and utter destruction of the traditional family unit.

To End Polygamy We Must Dismantle the Culture of Promiscuity

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

To end polygamy we must dismantle the Culture of Promiscuity in its entirety. There can be no compromise and there can be no solution from within. An inherently broken and destructive system will always be just that regardless of how much we may try to fix it from within. For even if we succeed in mitigating some of its adverse effects, the core will always be rotten and its destination the same: the complete and utter destruction of the family unit.

This is where I disagree with movements like feminism and MGTOW.

As stated earlier, average males and aging women are the two groups most marginalized by the emerging order of polygamy. Movements like the aforementioned arrive to address these problems and protect their interests. For the former, the proposed solution is polyandry, that is, systems like prostitution wherein one female sleeps with multiple males. The benefits are that it provides sex to men who otherwise would not be getting sex in a polygynous system where sex is only reserved for the top percentile of males. It also lessens the power that aging women have over us. No longer can they exploit our sexual desperation for the sake of marriage when they are finally ready to settle down. No longer do we have to settle for the leftovers of the 1%. We can keep our pride.

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

For the latter, that is, aging women, the proposed solution is exploitation, that is, using the desperation of average males against them so that they have an insurance plan after they are inevitably ousted by the 1% for younger women. The benefits are that it provides longterm security to women who would otherwise be afforded none in a polygynous system where they are ultimately expendable with age. Heh, it also provides men like me who prefer older women with a source of cougars to fulfill our femdom fantasies, but that is a topic for another day.

Why Promiscuity is a Bad and Should be Shamed

The problem however with both solutions is that both solutions exist only within the context of polygamy.

And that is my problem with these movements. I do not want a solution from within, rather, I want to entirely abolish the oppressive system that makes such solutions necessary. I want to overthrow the Culture of Promiscuity in its entirety so that we are no longer exploited by the 1% via polygamy. Another problem with both of these movements is that they both have a personal stake invested in the system that neither of them are willing to sacrifice just yet for the greater good. For feminists, it is wanting to be promiscuous and sleeping around during their youth. For MGTOW, it is the faint possibility of ever reaching the top percentile of their population like Hefner or DiCaprio. Such shortsighted selfishness harms us all by keeping alive the very system responsible for our oppression.

Thus in that regard, both MGTOW and feminism are counterproductive to my goal.

In Conclusion,

Nothing will change unless the very system of polygamy itself is overthrown, and this will only come once we oust the Culture of Promiscuity in its entirety. For even if feminism and MGTOW succeed in making things marginally better for the two most disadvantaged groups of men and women, the destination is still the same, and that is the complete and utter destruction of the family unit combined with declining demographics and birthrates that are going to spell out the doom of Western civilization unless we do something here and now. We can sit here and blame one another unaware of our own guilt and the fact that we all have a little bit of blood on our hands, but the true enemy - and the only party truly benefiting from all of this - is the 1% like Hefner and DiCaprio. We need to set aside our personal squabbles - men, women, feminists, and MGTOW alike - to focus on breaking their oppressive system of exploitation before it succeeds in breaking us.

2 10

Most Helpful Guy

  • I'm going to keep it short, I put way too much effort into my response to your last take.
    What I get from this is that you're pissed off that YOU can't get laid, so nobody else should be either. You are laming everything under the sun for your inadequacies and failures. Guess what? Going back to medieval traditions will not change your situation. Women are not going to throw themselves at you either way.

Most Helpful Girl

  • ... would you feel the same if you weren't a virgin and didn't struggle in carrying out basic communications with women, let alone fucking them?
    I highly doubt that.

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What Girls & Guys Said

16 24
  • I think you touched on a lot of good points here. Failed relationships started and can end with women's promiscuity

    But not all men or women are inherently hypergamous. Some of us choose to remain virgins and wait for a monogamous partner. Both men and women try to get the best they can, but the hypergamy you're talking about is when one party settles for something subpar because society views them well for it

  • I bet $10 nobody actually read this entire, ridiculous piece

  • Weren't you into prostitutes at one point? Very ironic here...

    • Lol I guess I missed plenty of funny stuff since I left gag...

    • Pounds like typical bitter "I'm an average nice guy, so no woman will want me, so let's just force women to pick me and then force them to be faithful with me" type of male gager

  • I think what you're getting at is the concept of hedonistic pleasure over pleasure from something deeper/more meaningful. Hedonistic pleasure is more in the moment and physical (i. e. hooking up because in that moment, it feels good), while lasting pleasure is usually associated with emotions and connected to the divine. That basic fundamental idea is one that lots of authors have written on, and it's interesting.

    However, I think the problem with this essay us the absolute. It's impossible to abolish something such as promiscuity. Rather, I think that while it shouldn't necessarily be celebrated, you can't control others' actions and choices. I think that ultimately, everyone only needs to worry about their own behavior because everyone has different beliefs and morals. Basically, you can't change others, but you can change yourself.

    Also, declining birth rates are due to the fact that people don't have the money or need for 6 kids per family like they did in 1850 (when you had to buy less and you needed kids to help out). But even so, it's not dangerously low. Promiscuity actually allows birth rates to rise because women run the risk of getting pregnant every time they have sex. I'm not saying it's a good idea to get pregnant from a hookup, I'm just saying that this kind of works against you in your argument.

  • It is one of the reasons today's society is fucked up...

  • Except that monogamy doesn't solve the problem either. Cheating spouses cause more trouble than those in open relationships. Not to. mention damaging the kids. Those in open relationships usually opt for no kids, so they don't hurt anyone. Of course. I'm also against flaunting your bits everywhere you go and fucking like careless dogs, but I also don't like the idea of regulated sex. Where are we, in prison? The ones with good genes will always be preferred. That's our instinct. No one should have to pity fuck someone. If you happen to not have what it takes for girls to want you, tough Shit. It's natural selection. Just in case you wonder, I'm also not the type of girl who is popular amongst guys. I'm average at best. Still, I very much disagree with your dictatorship approach in sex and mating. Wtf man?

  • www.court-records.net/animationgk/miles-bow(b).gif

    Nicely written myTake my man. Unfortunately, too bad many people didn't really understand your point (evidently so when some referred back to the Take where you mentioned having sex with prostitutes).


    One thing I would like to point out is you act as if the top 1% is a fixed set of people when in reality, it isn't really- well, at least not anymore. The problem with the bottom 99% is that they don't do enough to raise their SMV which makes them unsuccessful with women. Those who are 1% essentially have traits which makes them desirable to women and many of those desirable traits can be acquired by men. Perhaps it would be better to not see 1% as an finite set but more as a group of men which can allow more intake.

    Maybe you can argue that if more men joined the group that I defined then it would just reinvent the wheel of the top 1% but I really doubt that and this is thanks to breakthroughs in the modern mindset where men and women aren't so primitive anymore.

    In short, if men adhered more to women's standards and met them, there would be more success with women. It's only that many men fail to realise what it really takes to be desirable to women.

  • I feel a little bad about it, but this post is really, really long and I kind of tune out about a sentence in with the opinion "yet another Christian dude trying to rationalize his worldview".

    • An un-fucked christian dude

  • Women are sluts yet they still won't have sex with you 🤔 You wanted to have sex with a prostitute not long ago because nobody will have sex with you. You not seeing the irony here? You're single and not having sex because you're a small minded and very hateful person. You've not lived yet but you continue to bash women over and over while perpetuating your own struggle. Women won't want you because you're hateful and angry and bash them every chance you get but you still want to have sex with them, that's all you ever talk about. You're to blame for your own troubles. You need to calm down and learn to talk to your fellow human beings nicely, not like they're a piece of meat with a price ticket on.

  • Promiscuity has indeed become a problem.

    However, this loses credibility with the 1% part. Statistics and logic don't bear this number out; if only 1% of guys are getting women, then by default women really couldn't be promiscuous at all and there would be no marriages or relationships, for the most part. It obviously can't be 1%.

    Of course, Hefner and DiCaprio ARE in the 1% (or less than 1%, in fact) but it's sort of absurd to say you have to be in that ultra-elite group if you want to get a woman. :P

  • @redeyemindtricks I summon you.

    • bahah I'm still waiting to see an article like this written by a boy who actually gets laid.

  • Then just get with someone that wants monogamy. You can't change the world with a long dumb post won't change anything. heaps of people still hate the way America idolises the slut/ player life style and many can look forward to this magical thing called AIDS, it really changes their lives :)

    • I'm sure one of the prostitutes you see will be open for monogamy :)

  • Promiscuity is a lifestyle choice, which in itself isn't bad. Two responsible adults having consensual sex isn't wrong.
    Its when the whole premise why you're doing it is unclear and misleading is when these problems arise. While I would personally never date a promiscuous person, what they do is none of my business and frankly I like it that way. Dont mean to preach but why break your head over some woman whom you'll never be with?

  • This is one of the best researched, most thought through articles I have ever read anywhere on this topic. Bravo! Now we must ask ourselves who is behind the curtain and who is pulling the strings, who knew this would happen and is gearing media to promote this and the indoctrination "education" system to teach this toxicity as desirable and facts? Most of us know, but are muzzled to utter the truth.

    "If you wish to know who your masters are ask only who you may not criticize." (I can't remember the name of the genius I have just paraphrased, but he too knew what he was talking about.

    In any case, the best had better be exposed to the facts contained in this article and heed the warnings it contains or we shall surely perish

    Thank you @JRICHARDS1996 for investing the time and having the incite to bring these facts and conclusions into the light.

  • Weren't you the guy who was into prostitutes?
    Dude... xD

  • This is spot on! It's sad to see it go over so many peoples heads.

  • actions speak louder than words, avoid seriously comitting to sluts and they will get the message, no matter how obnxious or loud they shame you or yell at you when they realize no one really views them as dating material they will get the message.

  • Blah blah blah...

    All you've done is shown the world that, once again, it's easier to blame other people than to admit to one's faults.

  • So you're saying we need to stop being promiscuous yet you paid a woman for sex? Interesting.

    • I decided against it in the end

    • so you didn't do it?

    • No I did not. I need to maintain my values and conduct myself respectfully because I have a sister and love women deep down.

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