Why Promiscuity Is Killing Chivalry

Why Promiscuity Is Killing Chivalry

I will post several links on the bottom for reference. My view is that promiscuity is a social disfunction and longterm relationships/marriage is best. Just to clarify, I do not advocate promiscuity. This is all strongly based in research, not opinion. This isn't about who is at fault, if anyone is it is both males and females. I blame the Sexual Revolution as the true reason which I will get to. I am open to ridicule, suggestions, arguments, changes that need to be made. Cheers, God Bless!


Current day: single motherhood is rising, a huge indicator/correlation to poverty, abortion rates rising, divorce rising, STD infections, etc. I blame most of these current day effects from the sexual revolution of the 1960's and 1970's where you have this hook up culture or "experimenting and finding yourself" takes place. Now, current day this is common, you have friends with benefits, ONS, open relationships, and so on. The divorce rate is increasing and relevant so let's begin with divorce rates and the sexual revolution.

1950: 26%

1955: 23%

1959: 22%

1967: 26%

1970: 33%

1975: 48%

1980: 52%

1985: 50%

As time goes on, just as the 60's and 70's came you have a spike in divorce rates. After the 70's you have a steady rate. What causes this to occur? I am lead to believe in result of the sexual revolution, and is continuing to be this way from promiscuity.

The more sexual partners a woman has before marriage the higher the chances of divorce, STDs, abortions, pregnancy, general unhappiness becomes. The misconception is that more partners equates to more happiness when the opposite is true, in other findings couples with less sexual partners or no sexual partners before marriage are actually happier and have a higher marriage success rate. (not divorcing in their marriage).

Effect on Men/Chivalry

Now comes to this effecting men. Women before the sexual revolution were expected to wait for marriage. Yet with the anti war attitudes by the younger generation there was a "rebellion" towards the parents values being waiting for marriage along with other things. Out of this, the sexual revolution was pushed in suit with the feminist movement which pushed for sexual liberation also. The pill was another factor so was contraceptions making sex "safer" until we see the results now.

Men, use to have to work to get a woman. There wasn't many woman sleeping around, if so at that time period they would be shamed and not desirable. A man would have to try to get a woman to be with him, if he was able to get her there are reasons he would stay. One of those reasons being that if you work for something, you are more likely to keep and hold onto whatever it is you worked for. Another reason was that since getting a woman was relatively more difficult than today is that looking for another woman is not an option since of course women were harder to get. However, now, men and women are available at any call. You have Tinder, Snapchat, all these other ways to hook up and have sex, porn became more popular a huge factor as well. We live in the age of Instant Gratification now, look around, it is all about you. The consumer. The pursuit of pleasure is all around, fast food, porn, drugs, alcohol, and sex. Now sex is a good thing in the right place, promiscuity is not. However, just as we live in a society where we abuse fast food, porn, drugs, and alcohol, we also abuse sex and the effects are less seen and called normal. Since woman give themselves away so fast now, so meaninglessly as do men mind you, no one would take the time to pursue anything more than a hook up style relationship. Men no longer have to try to get a girl to sleep with him, women are willingly giving themselves away.

Why would a man settle down when there is no reason to?

Why would a man respect a woman who gives herself away in 3 days?
Why would a man raise his standards if women aren't demanding it?

Men will continually hook up as long as women are there available to do so.

Porn And Its Effects

Why Promiscuity Is Killing Chivalry

From Tigerfreedom.com By Beau Norton
By Beau Norton — April 24, 2014

Chapter 11 of the famous book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill refers to a phenomenon called the “transmutation of sex energy.” This may very well be the most important yet most overlooked chapter of the entire book. Napoleon Hill clearly states that practically every extremely successful person that he personally interviewed was of a “highly sexed nature” but redirected that energy into their work rather than releasing it. If you’re a man, then I hope you are paying attention. Our culture today could be said to be a “sex culture.” We are constantly being bombarded with sexual images and subtle references to sex. Why is this a bad thing? Because it is encouraging men worldwide to release their sexual energy! This energy is far more valuable than you might realize.
Constant release of sexual energy is very damaging

First of all, it’s important to note that the release of sexual energy is viewed as a ‘normal’ thing in today’s society, especially for men. The porn industry being worth $97 billion worldwide (2006) speaks for itself. Men are constantly releasing their sexual energy, and it is hurting them greatly.

Masturbation is one of the biggest detriments to men worldwide. For one, it kills the drive to actually go out and meet real women. Many men today are very feminized and lack the courage to even talk to women. I haven’t been on earth that long, but I’m willing to bet that many years ago, the percentage of men that actually had some balls was far greater. I say that for one reason: they didn’t have access to internet pornography.

The release of sexual energy through masturbation is also damaging to your overall health. Semen is a highly concentrated substance. The body uses large amounts of minerals and nutrients to produce semen. If you are constantly releasing your semen, the body has to continuously take minerals from other parts of your body to replace it. This can lead to severe mineral deficiencies that result in depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, mental fog, and many other unpleasant things. You are not only releasing energy when you masturbate, you are also releasing valuable nutrients that your body needs to function at maximum efficiency.

Porn is killing your ability to be happy

Porn is very stimulating. It releases dopamine in the brain, which actually causes you to become addicted to pornography. It is the same mechanism in the brain that is responsible for the addiction to drugs, food, television, video games, etc. If you watch porn on a regular basis, you are constantly desensitizing yourself to the release of dopamine. This essentially means that you will need more and more stimulation over time to give you the same “high.” You become addicted to the stimulation of pornography to the point where regular life becomes less enjoyable because it is not stimulating enough to cause a release of dopamine. In short, porn decreases your ability to receive happiness from the small things in life.Masturbation without porn is still not advised. It is still an unhealthy addiction, and let’s be honest, it’s pretty pathetic when you think about it. Men around the world are jacking off to images on a computer screen while women are wondering where all the real men are. Quite frankly, there aren’t many. Stop masturbating and you might just reverse the damage and finally become one.

Learn to channel your sex energy into creative endeavors

There’s a good reason for a whole chapter in Think and Grow Rich being dedicated to the topic of sexual energy. Because sex energy is the most powerful motivating and creative force! Think about it. If sex is powerful enough to have 99% of men around the world addicted to it, then there has to be something very special about it. Most men waste this energy at every opportunity. Extremely successful people use this energy wisely as the motivating force behind their actions.

I have a challenge for you. Stop masturbating for 30 days and see what happens. At the end of 30 days, I can almost guarantee you will experience more energy and creativity. When you stop releasing that valuable energy, it becomes available for you to channel it into other activities such as working out, meeting women, starting a business, reading books, and other things that actually benefit you.

Here are a few of the reported benefits of abstaining from porn and masturbation:

More energy and needing less sleep
Relief from depression and anxiety
Clear-headedness and increased focus
More confidence and self-esteem
Better self-expression (social skills, body language, tone of voice, etc)

- Beau Norton

I agree with this statement from Norton, porn is a deceptive instrument and is trapping many into the pursuit of pleasure which can't be fulfilled. Ted Bundy, serial killer and rapist proclaimed before his execution that he and all other convicts were heavily involved in porn use. The rule of thumb is porn needs to satisfy and eventually these things become enacted into reality.

Many porn stars have died from alcohol abuse, drug abuse, STDs, suicide. Also, many have been sold or forced into sex rings, porn, and the such be women, men, or children. Porn is a nasty thing after going through the looking glass.

Why is this Focused Towards Women?

Because Women have the power to change all this around. If women collectively all were to raise their standards in other words not giving themselves away so fast and gain some confidence in themselves then men would HAVE TO FOLLOW. You don't believe a man will follow? The past men had to work to get a woman, and it will happen as soon as women decide to. Sexual Energy is a strong source. A man will raise his standards to be with a woman and would be with a woman he truly wants to.

This would also decrease divorce, cheating, and out of wedlock pregnancy rates. How? Divorce is caused by several things, unhappiness, fiscal matters, cheating. Infidelity is a huge reason. Why does this happen? That is more so debatable however the truth is that if there is no one to cheat with, there won't be any cheating. Take away the supply, the demand will die down. Cheating won't only decrease in marriage, however will decrease overall only if women don't have sex with everyone. Divorce, divorce will decrease, taking a look at the graphs in the links will help visualize this point. The less sexual partners before marriage the happier the couple tends to be than more sexual partners. Pregnancy rates, again, if there is no one sleeping around it will naturally decrease.

Women are the ones issuing divorce more than men do. The number 1 reason for divorce is not alcohol abuse, physical abuse, not fiscal issues, but dissatisfaction. You may say is this is correlation not causation, however I recommend to take a look at the links below.

Women are better off, healthier, safer, and happier without engaging in hook up culture and pursuing a long term marriage/relationship. Women have most to gain from waiting.

Sex isn't a Toy

Why Promiscuity Is Killing Chivalry

Yes, we live in a very hyper sexual society, yes it is very hard not to dwell and consume this awesome thing of sex! This hook up society is just instant gratification. Just like fast food or candy, it is just sugar. It isn't meant to be thrown around and be with so many people. As we see on movies or social media sex talked about or shown to be fun, risk free, encouraged. However, there is true risk with this, evidently really bad risks at hand. Yes, at the moment you may not be having sex, but it isn't a huge issue. The mindset is, ohh if I don't have it now I need to do it as soon as possible.

Misconceptions About Sex Early

I have heard many women state that they have sex early and expect a relationship in return when this has never worked. Give what he wants and get what I want in return right?

Expecting happiness in a relationship. Many seem to think a relationship is where happiness/life begins when that is another fallacy. Happiness is a conscious and active choice. Happiness is also an internal thing, not external. If you try to change the outside be your body, environment, whatever internal thing you change that won't fix an internal problem. That is why I advocate EVERYONE to be confident and work on themselves, pursue the best version of themselves because changing the external won't make the internal happy. Getting into a relationship for the wrong reasons is a huge cause in divorce as well. Go into a relationship because you like that person, want to better yourselves off each other, and you want to pursue a long term relationship together. Don't go into one for approval, for lust, for money. You should already be happy right now, even if the reason is just being alive which actually is a huge reason to be happy since life is a gift!

For You

I encourage anyone who reads this to wait for a worth while person, sure and true love. I would strongly advocate waiting for marriage since the benefits are quite clear. There are clear repercussions with sex out of marriage and if you are fine with that, be aware. What is most beneficial is that you know this information and the effects it is having on you.

Men and Women, I advocate you wait longer, much longer, look for long term relationships, you will be far better off. I encourage all to control their impulses and desires as well.

What I Am Not Saying

This isn't to shame anyone or tell you what to do. This is showing you that maybe there is a problem going on and we should really think about what we are doing. You are free to make the choice, however you are not free from the consequences of your actions. Many people including myself didn't know about all this and now, I am glad I do!

Why Promiscuity Is Killing Chivalry



Divorce Statistics: http://divorce.lovetoknow.com/Historical_Divorce_Rate_Statistics

Sexual Revolution: http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-sexual-revolution-history-origins-impact.html

Effects of Promiscuity: http://cdn.freedomainradio.com/FDR_2899_Marriage_Partners_Study.pdf

Effects of Promiscuity Cont: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr48/nvs48_16.pdf

Current Divorce Rates: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/marriage_divorce_tables.htm

Sexual Energy: Think & Grow by Napoleon Hill

Reasons of Divorce: https://www.marriage.com/advice/divorce/10-most-common-reasons-for-divorce/

Divorce Reasons Cont.: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/yourtango/10-most-common-reasons-people-divorce_b_8086312.html

Effects Of Porn: http://www.drsyrasderksen.com/blog/effects-of-pornography#sthash.cppxBL2Z.dpbs

Effects of Porn Cont: Beau Norton

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32 47
  • THANK YOU!!!
    I enjoyed this article!! and i completely agree with you on this issue
    its crazy

  • If you believe that men were more chivalrous in the 50s, you must be smoking crack. Sure, they were false modest: laid down their coats, etc., but spousal abuse was so common in the 50s that is was a running joke on many of the popular TV shows in that era.

    Most women don't put up with shit anymore, nor should they have had to. While I think there needs to be some give and take in a marriage, there are things a person should never have to deal with. For a long time, however, women were expected to just that: be quiet and take the abuse.

    • I am saying most men and women didn't sleep around and yes, acted better. Was abuse common, yes, abuse is common at any point in history. The point of this was of how promiscuity isn't solving the issue you bring up, and is creating more issues. Yes, women have freedoms to divorce now which is great, however it is so common now that it is a misuse of divorce. Far too high to equate abuse.

    • The reason that divorce is so high is twofold: previous generations were spoonfed this fairytale bullshit about how marriage is supposed to be perfect, and so they jumped into it too quickly and were stuck in tough situations with partners they didn't necessarily love, and America has had this problem for the past few decades as a throw-away society. If it doesn't work, get rid of it. As for men and women "acting better", today's society is no worse or better than yesteryears, we just know about everyone else's improprieties so much better thanks to social media. People slept around all the time way back when, but even if their spouse caught them in it, they'd keep it hush-hush because divorce was seen as a terrible blight on one's social status.

    • I would ask for your sources of anyone rushing into marriage if anything the marriage rate has decreased since women and men are seeking their professional careers. Women are graduating more than men are so people are not as likely to be jumping into marriages. Especially during the 60s and 70s when experimenting was the rule of thumb and marriage wasn't as desired as you may think. I also have shown here why promiscuity is making divorce so high, the more sexual partners you have the higher the chance of divorce is.

  • >However, now, men and women are available at any call.

    Bullshit, only top 5% of guys can easily get sex.

  • ”The more sexual partners a woman has before marriage the higher the chances of divorce, STDs, abortions, pregnancy, general unhappiness becomes. The misconception is that more partners equates to more happiness when the opposite is true, in other findings couples with less sexual partners or no sexual partners before marriage are actually happier and have a higher marriage success rate. (not divorcing in their marriage).”

    i see men on this site quoting this study a lot.

    so you are saying it's only ok for men to have lots of sexual partners?

    it's only ok for men to find out what different women are like and what they like and don't like about women? to get to know themselves and their preference?

    • Neither men or women should have sex before marriage, period.

    • Please read the (For You) section. Also, the disclaimer where I stated I do not advocate for promiscuous sex regardless of gender. I understand why you may think that I am blaming women when I am not, no gender should be promiscuous.

    • I mention women in that quote because these things effect women the most! Yes they effect men to as to the other sections, however women are largely put at a disadvantage in the hook up culture. Men are too as I mentioned that they won't look for long term, be focused on instant gratification, STDs, etc. The main point of this is that promiscuity is hurting women and men, and that waiting is more beneficial and will create better relationships.

    • Show All
  • This is lame and old fashioned.

    I drive a Dodge Stratus.

  • promiscuity is destroying the fragile that exists between couples and if you weren't loyal before mairrage why would you be once you were married?

    • oops. I meant trust , destroying trust

  • Interesting! Although the problem isn't the sexual revolution or masturbation. The real problem is feminism and the "no fault" divorce laws that actually place all of the fault on the guy. That's why we go MGTOW...

    • The divorce laws are an issue I would definitely agree, also the feminism we have today seems quite aimless. However, going MGTOW isn't as productive in my eyes. I have thought about it before, listened to Sandman, and other fellows on youtube about the issue. However, it is just as cynical and destructive as feminism is towards men. It is a very large, "eye for an eye" ideology. Seems like some men in that community want their cake and eat it too, that being hooking up and finding a perfect women who doesn't and wants to marry. Even though I assume, most are not that way, I think MGTOW is generally looking in the wrong place for their answers.

    • MGTOW is about looking after yourself in an environment that has been corrupted by feminism and the legal system. FYI, it's possible to be MGTOW and to also be happily married to a great woman. Just something to think about...

    • Ohh really? I never knew that, thanks man! I think it is great to look for yourself! If that what you are about then I support you! However, Sandman, he is too far on the whole ideals. I like what your saying though.

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  • I live in a pretty modern part of India and I think this mentality of mine would still be considered conservative in western countries cause I am saving my virginity for marriage. But I disagree with a lot that you said. Women can be treated like dirt even after marriage. So its probably not a good option to get married.
    1. Women are tricked into thinking that they are in love with a guy and then dumped after years of being used for having sex only. So guys literally can have sex whenever they want and ruin a girls life and then find a virgin to marry. The girls life is ruined because no one will accept her now.
    2. The virgin who the guy marries is also screwed cause she is expected to be the perfect woman who cooks and cleans for her husbands family. Whatever she earns cannot be used for herself.
    So it's either become a w***e in a guys eyes or be his doormat. Girls are screwed either way. And marital rape is considered legal here so that's even worse. So guys should be taught to tell women what kind of relationship they want before getting in to one. That and respecting women should be taught.

    • Yes, that is what I am advocating for, respect and character. I shouldn't have used chivalry I should have said respect or manners, maybe character as well. Character is what matters.

    • Glad to see that there are people out there who understand

    • But I don't agree with a lot you said

    • Show All
  • TL;DR. Good take for the parts I did read.
    However, in my opinion...
    Chivalry is the
    the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.
    knights, noblemen, and horsemen collectively.
    "I fought against the cream of French chivalry"
    the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak.

    None of those things relate to dating and relationships.
    Apart from that, humans will stick to trying to live more than honor.
    Fuck honor.

    The real problem is that people are trying to keep this Puritan ideal of sex and relationships. I say to hell with it. Those people were boring as fuck anyway. lol.

    I say people should live the life they choose to live, whether it's relationship only sex or free sex.

    I'm a relationship guy and I have only attracted and dated girls who are the same. Like attracts like.

    Again, good take!!

  • Actually, feminism killed chivalry a long time ago.

  • VERY good article. Its an old fashioned idea but I used to think of women as the gatekeepers of morality so to speak. A man would screw. More than ever women are simply being viewed as sex objects by men. Some throw their stuff out and expect to be afforded the same courtesies as women who don't. The women who don't sleep with someone within a week of meeting them are now being viewed as weird by some guys. One lady on GAG asked if anyone thought it was strange that she didn't sleep with a guy on the THIRD date? WTF? And porn? The author was dead on. Its toxic. More than ever more men than ever (young men at that) suffer from ED as a result of being addicted to porn. The real thing is not as enticing as watching a guy with 3 women on top of him. Crazy society.

    • I am glad you agree my friend! It gives me hope that I am not alone on this, cheers!

  • Promiscuity kills literally everything. It destroys society.

  • I think you should have used a term besides chivalry, as that one is loaded with baggage.

    • yeah I should have used Relationships

  • by the way the sexual revolution started in the 1940's not 1960. People just more honest about it during the 1960's. www.research.ufl.edu/.../extract4.html

  • Good! Gender roles are overrated and the sooner people can get over them the better. I'm all about the free love.

  • Why would anyone treat a whore with chivalry and respect? lol it's a joke.

    • true

    • @Merimanr The point is for people to act respectful to get respect.

    • you got downvotes from hoes

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  • Why would you be chivalrous to a sloot?

    • true

  • there are some points right but a few things I don't agree with

    • Thanks man

  • Thank you, very well structured and very well put together.

  • Why be chivalrous to a sloot?

    • Yep, exactly.

    • true

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