Why The Word "Virgin" Must Be Erased From Our Lexicon

I believe the word "virgin" must be erased from our lexicon. What I mean is, people should stop using the term, "virgin," and use other words instead.

Why The Word

Instead of using the term, "virgin," people use more descriptive terms to increase clarity and communication skills. I suggest these alternatives:

1. a young, unmarried female

2. a maiden

3. a sexually inexperienced female

4. a sexually inexperienced person

5. a girl with an intact hymen

6. a person who identifies himself/herself as "virgin" even though he/she has engaged in some kind of sexual activity before with oneself or with a partner

7. a person who resists sexual temptations and may or may not have a sexual history

Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking. You think that those alternatives are just too wordy, eh? Well, I tell you that, even though they are kind of overly verbose, they are far more descriptive than "virgin". I believe that everybody should say explicitly and clearly what they are. If a person has engaged in some kind of sexual activity before, then s/he should say that to his/her doctor or significant other instead of using an overused term, "virgin". When something like "virgin" is overused, it becomes meaningless. What does it mean? Well, it may mean something in your mind, but other people can't read your mind, and you should better have good communication skills to describe exactly what you mean by "virgin". If you can't, then you're probably just another virgin pretender, trying to use the ambiguity as a cover-up for your embarrassing sexual history. That's just disgusting.

Be honest. Let go of that false sense of arrogance. If you have had any kind of sexual activity (oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, masturbation, sexual touching), then you are not a virgin by the 4th definition of this myTake. Period. End of story. I don't care what BS excuses you make. You can't be something you're not. You might just accept that you are a non-virgin and make the best of it.

But look on the bright side. If you take the term "virgin" to mean #7, then that implies that you may be a non-virgin but you learn how to deal with your sexual temptations, so you don't make the same sexual transgressions again. In a sense, you strive for purity and perfection, even though perfection is not attainable. And that is most important of all. I believe that one purpose in life is to improve oneself. We may never be perfect beings, but as long as we always strive for improvement, that's good enough.

Why The Word "Virgin" Must Be Erased From Our Lexicon

Another bright side is that some people who actually have no sexual experience with a partner (oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex, masturbation, sexual touching) are virgins by the 4th definition. Though, whether you consider orgasms through solo masturbation and sexual touching a legitimate way to lose one's virginity is up to you. In reality, too many people believe that solo masturbation and sexual touching can't make a person lose his/her virginity, so within some social circles, the perceived "virgin" may be the laughingstock. This social status as "virgin" is terribly frustrating for sexually inexperienced men. Women, on the other hand, are praised for any kind of sexual inexperience. So, sexually experienced women may say that they only have had one or two partners or zero partners, even though they may have had far more partners. They may say that this partner "doesn't count" or may "forget". This phenomenon of lying about one's sexual experience is documented by social science researchers.

What does that say about virginity? It means that you can't take a person's word about virginity, because everyone has his or her own definition of virginity. A woman may have had cunnilingus or fellatio with one of her ex-boyfriends, but she doesn't view either activity as "virginity loss," so she still sees herself as a virgin. A man may be extremely conscious about his lack of sexual experience with a partner and say that he has had sex before and omit the fact that his only sex partner is a sex toy.

Therefore, I believe that the word must be erased from our lexicon. Use something else instead. Be honest about your sexual status. If you are a person who just has never really slept with anyone before, then you shouldn't stress over it as if it's the end of the world. Look at dogs and cats. Many dogs and cats are raised to be "fixed animals", so they can't reproduce and won't show any reproductive behaviors. Humans control the reproductive lives of the dogs and cats; and dogs and cats are blissfully unaware that they are fixed. If you are a person who has had any kind of sexual activity with anybody, then you should state it to your healthcare provider or significant other, because being honest about your sexual history shows that you care about your physical health, mental health, and relationship to your significant other.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I disagree with negative connotations of virgin but do not think we should remove the word. This isn't 1984, removing words prevents people from expressing concepts and ideas. We need a word to mean "not had sex yet", we just need to remove the stigma associated with it.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Interesting take - I personally don't like the term because of its many possible connotations - I agree that too much emphasis is put on the "Word" - Is it really that much of a thing (of course on a personal level it is) but on a societal level, who cares?

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4 10
  • I don't think there's a problem with the definition of the word. It's rather clear. I think it's us and our ideas of what "really counts" as sex. In my opinion, if you had oral SEX, you're not a virgin. If you've had anal SEX, you're not a virgin. Any form of SEX, is sex and makes you not a virgin.

    • Yep because if sex was strictly vaginal penetration then all gay men and lesbians would be virgins.

    • @bloodmountain1990 I always say that! Finally someone who gets it.

  • I so agree that the word is toxic and meant for other people to judge each other for beings prudes or whores.

  • If I wanted to know whether they took it up the ass, or sucked dick before, I would ask. If I wanted to know if they had a dick in their cunt, I ask if they are a virgin. The word virginity works just fine, you can ask more specific questions if you must know more information about the person's sex life.

    • Not exatcly, for example, in my opinion, if you have engaged in a sexual act with another person, you are no longer a virgin. So a girl told me that she had "took it up the ass" or "sucked dick" I would think of them as nonvirgins.

  • Very interesting. You do make a good point. To me the word "Virgin" means that the person never had (penis - to - vagina) penetration. So if he/she has had oral (mouth - to - genital), he/she is still a virgin based on my definition. I don't think masturbation is a loss of virginity because you are only touching yourself. Not sure what to think about anal since it never crosses my mind.

    • For me, I'd consider a woman who has engaged in cunnilingus with another girl still a virgin, but I don't think lesbians would appreciate that definition. I think of cunnilingus as kissing. Fellatio isn't kissing, although it is certainly possible to simply kiss the male genitalia.

  • There is an term for it already, it's called technical virgin, and yes it's kinda silly, and not an true/full virgin. Yes there is people who might lie about their virginity, but people might lie about many things, and there is an ways to find out the truth.


  • I agree, it's such a useless noun.

  • I agree on some points but disagree in others. Though, yeah, the defenition of virgin is hard to tell. I know that most people think that only penis/vagina sex counts for you to be a nonvirgin but for me, as long as you have done something sexual with someone else, you are no longer a virgin. Ergo, solo masturbation I count as virgins.

  • It sounds like all you're saying is that we need to clarify the definition of the word, not erase it from our vocabulary.

  • Whether you like it or not, virginity until marriage is very important for marriage success (documented). Think about it, what other force would keep a married couple together other than this dedication? Also why would someone get married if he/she can have the sex they want whenever they want for some money...

    • One theory for this is that such people are often afraid of divorce. Staying married doesn't necessarily mean the marriage is a success if it's unhappy or otherwise not working.

  • gret take*

  • Yet another word that has been twisted over the years

  • It's sexist to assume only females are virgins

  • When the fuck in the history of ever has virginity been exclusively women?

    I stopped reading your take the moment I got to that ridiculous definition you pulled out your ass.

  • I agree