Why we don't need to eliminate the word "slut" from our dictionary

Why we don't need to eliminate the word

I recently read a myTake advocating that the word "slut" be eliminated from our vocabulary. I very strongly disagree.

1. Resist the thought police. I always rebel against the thought police. The thought police are people who have an idyllic notion of how the world should be and they would like to force all of us to conform to their standards for attaining that goal. Wouldn't it be nice if no one ever said anything mean to anyone else? Okay then, we have a new rule: no one can ever say anything mean to anyone else.

Of course, this is a silly notion, and the majority of us will not accept the yoke which the thought police wish to impose. Whether they are trying to control our thoughts or our speech, this concept is an anathema to the traditions of most Western civlizations.

The irony is that the thought police think of themselves as being loving and tolerant people and they are . . . unless you disagree with them. They are very tolerant as long as their is nothing to tolerate.

2. If a word is being used inappropriately, correct your use of the word . . . but don't ban the use of the word. The word "slut" is overused . . . and underused. The Take that I read made at least two valid points: girls get called "slut" when the word is not appropriate and guys almost never get called "slut." I have no intention of telling you how to use the word; you can use "slut" to mean "biscuit" if that is your pleasure.

Historically, the word "slut" meant "a dirty, slovenly, or untidy woman," but in modern usage, it generally refers to a woman who engages in sexual relationships in a degree considered shamefully excessive." Of course, some people will say that a woman can have as many partners as she wants. Your opinion on that subject is tied to some fundamental values that you have and there is no right or wrong belief. However, many of us believe that sex should be enjoyed by two people in a close, caring relationship and that one night stands and promiscuity cheapen the meaning of the experience when a partner shares a sexual relationship with you.

If a girl wants to have sex with all of the guys in her school or in her town, she is certainly free to do so, and I would never pesume to tell someone else how they should live their life unless they solicit my advice. However, the feedom to engage in certain behaviors does not mean that you are free to do those things without being judged by others.

Some of you will tell me that we should not judge others. I am not talking about forming judgments like "this girl should be condemned to burn in Hell." I am talking about forming opinions of others. We all do that; it is an inescapabe part of social interactions.

Just as Sally is free to have sex with 150 different guys this year, I am free to form the opinion that Sally is a slut. I am also free to express my opinion aout Sally. If others don't like my opinion, they can openly criticize me. If Sally doesn' like my opinion, she can tell me, or she can stop being a slut . . . or she can continue being a slut and discount my opinion. I have no obligation to remain silent because it might hurt Sally's feelings.

3. Men are rarely called sluts. This is wrong. Men should be held to the same standards in this area. If a man acts like a slut, call him a slut. My Take is not intended, in any way, to encourage any double standard on this issue.

4. Yes, Virginia, sluts really exist. "Slut" is a very appropriate description for some people I have known. I like having words to use. I like descriptive and colorful language. I am not willing to lose a word from my vocabulary. I wil continue to use the word slut. Political correctness has run amuck for far long and I do not wish to participate in that charade.


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  • To me, a "slut" is more than just a woman who's had too many. That's a romantic fool. A "slut" is a woman who gets a lot with a certain mentality/attitude behind why she does it. A Man-Eater. A Manipulator. Promiscuous, and Her Pride is in Her Shame. A pathological liar. A cheater. She always feels entitled to her conquests; and believes everyone should be proud of her wickedness.

    That, to me, is a slut. A Jezebel, who like the namesake, will sink to any low to eradicate whoever stands in her way.

  • I agree with you. I don't condone calling anyone a slut (to their face) but we're all at liberty to use that kind of language if we please. Rather than trying to remove all remotely hateful language from society, we could perhaps try to grow thicker skin and stop being offended by the wind blowing the wrong way. Eventually we will be so utterly politically correct that communication will be nothing but a polite pretense

    • Yeah now days you can't even say fat. You gotta say chubby. Why? Fat is fat. I like fat girls. I'm attracted to them. But if I want to say she's fat then she's fat.

    • I am smiling reading these responses. I sometimes hear my contemporaries saying "the younger generation has gone to hell and our species won't survive" and I always tell them that I know too many good, smart young people to agree with their dim view of the future. Thanks for your reply.

  • I can agree, however I dont think its much point in the case of Sally for example to call her a "slut". You can form an opinion and think it, but unless its not harming you or she anyone in any sense there really isent any point to say it to potentionally harm someone who dosent harm you. You are allowed to naturally though, since is your right as a human being as much like it is Sally's right to sleep around all she wants. But suppose can just put that under simply being nice.

    Although I like to add that in my opinion it has kinda become a dobbel standard in itself to think that guys who sleep around a lot isent looked down upon, cause they are, by males and females alike and in the majority as well. I never even met or known any guy who would think of another man as a stud or whatever for sleeping around a lot. They are called man-whores or players usally. I still would like to meet anyone who thinks positive about a guy like that or think he is a stud or whatever wanna call him. But yeah in my experience, this has never been the reality of it.

  • If it was only to judge people for yourself, you wouldn't need a word. You need the word only so you can say it aloud and use it to hurt other people, shame them and try to force them to comply to your views of how people should behave in a society. You only need this word if you care about other people's sexuality. How is it any of your goddamned business what other people do in their own bedroom? What gives you the moral right to shame people about their sexuality? You can decide you wouldn't interact with these people. I have no problem with that. If you feel the need to shame them for who they are and how they want to live their life, then shame on YOU.

    • It's okay for someone else to try to influence my verbal behavior but it's not okay for me to try to influence someone's slutty behavior. It's okay for you to try to shame me for my verbal behavior but it's not okay for me to try to shame someone for their slutty behavior. 1. Re-read my Take. I never suggested getting in anyone's face and trying to shame them. This is called a straw man argument. You set up something that goes far beyond what I said so that you have something you can try to cut down. 2. How can I same someone by calling them a slut if the behavior is not shameworthy? If I said, "You should be embarrassed to be wearing green pants. Didn't your parent raise you better than that?" you would think I was being ridiculous and would feel no shame. If there is no shame in being a slut, then my words will not change that. If there is shame in being a slut, my words did not create that. CONTINUED

    • 3. The overriding principal that I get from arguments such as your is that what is wrong here is that the rest of us refuse to submit your brand of political correctness. PC is a tyranny whose days must fade into history. Peace out. Happy Thanksgiving!

    • Some people have tried to shame me before by calling me a heathen. He was about your age. I laughed so hard. His blow obviously failed miserably. It would be the same if you tried calling me a slut. The question is not whether or not the behavior itself is shameful as nothing is intrinsically shameful. Something can only be shameful in your own mind. It is the attempt to shame people for something they do that is none of your business. That is also the difference between the slut and you. The slut minds her own business, you don't. What the slut does only impact her life and the life of the consenting partner sne has sex with. You, on the other hand are trying to control other people's lives. That is where I draw the line. Do whatever you want as long as you are not impacting other people's lives directly. A slut has no impact on my life. Someone who's trying to shame people into acting in ways that he/she deems appropriate does.

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  • Trying to censor words and violate the freedom of speech don't going to change the fact that there are sluts out there, just because some sluts don't want want to take responsibility for they actions and be known as sluts, even though they are fully deserve their reputation, it's don't mean that we should annihilate appellations, sluts and non-sluts are never the same. Slut is not just "a woman who enjoy sex", slut is a woman that have sex with many men, and that behavior is not seen as a good thing by many people and rightfully so. Slut is an equivalent of womanizer and not of a stud, and it's our right to not support sexual promiscuity. Sluts are good for men that looking for a one night stands, but most of them are not wife material.


  • The only real reasons that slut shouldn't be eliminated:

    1) it doesn't matter it's just a fucking word
    2) stop being so sensitive, and refer to 1)

  • I agree 100%, a person has the right to have as many sexual partners as they want but they do not have the right to dictate people's judgments. If women have a problem with the fact that men aren't called sluts, start calling them sluts. Simple as that.

  • I completely agree. I've just left an opinion on the other take as well saying that no, I will not stop calling girls who portray themselves like whores "sluts". And I think people should start calling guys who fuck around " man-whores" too or some other demeaning word.

    If we stopped judging (if it were remotely possible), it means we'te condoning this kind of behavior and god knows what's gonna happen if we let everyone become like miley just because they feel like it and never get to face the consequences which is judgement.

    I even call girls who post promiscuous pics online "sluts" and no, I will not stop slut shaming girls who apparently seem to think of themselves as having no value except for in their bodies. Why should I respect someone who has no self-respect? Doesn't make sense now, does it?

    • I'm with you 100%!

    • I agree with you, my love ♥ xD We do call promiscuous guys "fuckboys", though it's not the intended meaning, people nowadays use it to describe a guy who sleeps around. I don't see all those girls saying slut should be removed, saying fuckboy (or jerk, or asshole...) be removed. Like I said, I agree with your comment.

    • Actually some one on this site made a survey and it showed that most people do look down on guys for sleeping around almost all women did and most guys did. So while the term slut isn't used the disdain for the behavior is still very much their even for guys. They currently use the terms fuck-boy manwhore player etc. to describe these kinds of men. In short I concurr.

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  • And, like I have said in the other post, this utopia about "eliminating a word, saving the world" is ridiculous.

    The other Take talked about a girl that killed herself after being slut-shamed (AKA bullied) in social media. Now think with me, what would work better: harsh punishment of bullying and condemning this conduct since early age or stop saying a word? We all know people who "slut shame" other will not stop, the ones who will actually stop saying the word are people who don't do this kind of thing.

    At least the girl who wrote the Take was comprehensive about my point of view.

    • Then what you end up doing is creating a society where people are not free to speak the truth using the right words because some people might take offense or kill themselves.

    • No, that's not what I'm trying to say. Freedom of speech is essential in a society, and I know you probably saw my opinion that way because there are some groups trying to slowly eliminate the free speech by using their opinions as the "absolute truth" and others' views as "opression". Believe me, it's annoying and worldwide. What I'm trying to say is that we can't mistake words and opinions for harassment. They are completely different things that need to be treated as different.

  • If I call someone a slut it's because I know they fit the definition sock, and if said slut gets offended by it and starts yelling "I'm not a slut. I'm just a woman who enjoys sex", then I want them to know they can describe themselves as a "woman who enjoys sex" but it won't stop them from fitting the definition of slut to a T. Sure know one's hurting anyone (as long as they're clean and not spreading STD's/STI's), but it doesn't stop anyone from being a slut.

    • Love the meme.

    • It's one of my favorites, and if a man sleeps around you can call him slut or fuckboy.

    • "and if a man sleeps around you can call him slut or fuckboy." Right! I don't see those girls wanting to get rid of slut, saying the same thing about fuckboy. Such hypocrites.

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  • I just finished reading a mytake on 'why we should eliminate the word slut from our dictionary' and thought it had some useful information. I also agree with this mytake mostly, but I do think that we shouldn't be overusing the word 'slut'. Well written, thanks for this mytake.

  • The author of that Take clearly explained she was not advocating the ban of the word. She just said we should shame women for sex.
    No, nobody is a slut. You don't know what's going on in the life of that girl, you have no excuse to judge somebody when you are not yourself very pious. Its never acceptable to shame somebody for what they do inside their bedroom. What business you got poking around other people's sex life?
    Slut word is used to shame women into not having sex. Slut is subjective. You can not have sex with anybody, be a virgin and still be called a slut like someone over here said. Its stupid af. We need to stop using this word, yes the word still exists but we should not use it. Just like 'nigger' exists but we don't use it for black people.

    • should not*

    • The title of the other take is "Why we need to eliminate the word "slut" from our vocabulary.: When you say that she was not advocating the ban of the word, just what did you mean? And when you said that no one is a slut. . . what planet do you live on. There are sluts throughout this world. You lose credibility when you misrepresent the facts just to try to gain some advantage in an argument.

    • She explained it in her Take... if you bothered to even read it and not make snap judgements? And you are taking it literally. She said eliminate it from our vocabulary as in stop using it. Don't be so naive as to take everything literally. Yes I live on Planet Earth, what planet do you live on? The word 'slut' is subjective and it is not a 'fact' that sluts are everywhere, what you consider a slut might not be a slut to someone else. ' A girl who fucks too much' just what is 'too much' in your vocabulary? . It is a stupid word meant to shame women for their sex life and I ask again- what business do you have judging someone for what they do behind closed doors of their bedroom? People who do that are miserable who make snap judgments because they have nothing better to do. I say there is no slut because I don't think any kind of sex is too much sex and needs a derogatory label added to it.

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  • Imma gonna have to get the popcorn out for this flame war.

  • I read that Take, and it was stupid, sounded like the "I wanna do whatever I want without people having an opinion of me".
    "Slut" shouldn't be removed cause it's a word to describe a certain person. If I act like an assohole, I'm gonna get called an asshole. If I flirt with many girls I'm called a fuckboy. Why not remove asshole and fuckboy too?
    It's like spoiled conceited brats wanna do whatever they want and expect everyone to accept their behavior, but they wanna be free to criticize others who do stuff they disagree with.
    I'm not someone to call women who enjoy sex, sluts, but it pisses me off that they have such a big ego to demand people if using that word while they use other derogatory terms to describe people whi have similar behavior as them.

  • I do question how useful it is to use such a word loaded with negative connotation.

  • I think it shouldn't be called for men or women. Just met people do what they want.

    • Let people*

    • Just let killer kill too then, huh? Let rapists rape and lets's not label child molesters "pedos"? Honey, letting people do what they want means letting them judge too.

    • @Thedevilinside I was only giving my personal opinon on calling people sluts, and nothing else.

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  • I think you pretty much summed up everything I wanted to say but couldn't find the proper words for.

  • Especially when some of us love sluts!

    • Do you know the Todd Rundgren song "slut?" "S-L-U-T! She might be a slut, but she looks good to me!"

    • I do not, I will check it out.

  • Damn I hate political correctness. If we stopped using the word slut we would just use different words or phrases that mean the same thing.

  • No need to eliminate it. Actually, it wouldn't work anyways. It's not how it happens. Words do not disappear from one day to another. They fall to the wayside as social costumes, morals and structures change. Each language is an expression of its time, not a timeless system of ideas. The word slut will eventually fade away, just like many others.

    Nothing is the same under the sun.

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