Why Women Always Seem to Have the Advantage Over Men

Why women have the advantage over men.

WARNING: This mytake may offend people, but I feel like it needs to be said. This is more of a rant and I need to get it off my chest. This is all based my experiences in the dating world and other people's experiences in the dating world.

I hear women all the time (mostly radical feminists) about how men are taking the world by storm and men have all these advantages over women and women are always in second place. Well today I'm going to explain why that is complete bullshit and why women have the advantage over men, more specifically in the dating world.

1. Women are picky about who they want to date.

Yes, men are picky too, but in reality women are more picky than men. I've heard more stories about how women turn down guys than guys turn down women. Now I get that it's the guy's job to approach the women, but a lot of women don't give the guy the type of day because of their shallow pickyness (if that's a word). I myself have experienced this way too many times. It get even worse when the girl talks to a guy she doesn't like for her own attention seeking habits (we'll talk about that later). Most girls want the same typical type too; talk, dark flowy hair, and muscular. What if you aren't any of those things, well in most cases you'd be worthless.

Why Women Always Seem to Have the Advantage Over Men

2. Women are decisive

Women can be EXTREMELY decisive and you must be careful. I've heard stories of guys going to jail because a girl lied about her age saying she was over 18 and was really 13. The way little girls dress up and wear makeup today is quite scary because they look as though they are 21 but in reality they are only 13! That almost happened to me once. I was talking to a girl who I thought was my age (I'm 17) and she turned out to be 13. Luckily I had some friends who knew her personally and told me before I met up with her again.

Also, there are a lot of cases where girls are lying about being raped and it's increasing by an alarming amount. Now I know some of you are gonna comment " That's ridiculous! The amount of real rape cases to fake rape cases are like a 5:1 ratio!" I know that, but as the years go by more and more girls are trying accuse men of rape when they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Why you may ask? I'll talk about it in the next point.

Why Women Always Seem to Have the Advantage Over Men

3. Women are attention-seeking

This is probably the most important out of the three in my opinion. Women like to attention seek. And sometimes it's not that they want to seek attention of others,but rather seek their attention for their selves (if that makes sense). Like I said in the previous point, women like to accuse men of rape or domestic violence simply to get attention. It sickens me deeply because they don't give a single fuck about the guy their accusing, they are only out to get friends or random strangers to say "omg that's horrible! I'm praying for you!"

Attention seeking can happen in mild ways too. Like I'm the first point I made where a girl would text a guy, who she doesn't even like, just for attention and for him to say that she's pretty. It has happened to me SO many times it's unbearable. The current girl I'm texting now doesn't even like to respond. It has been 6 hours since she responded to my last text. Some of you are probably thinking. "She's probably busy" let me ask you something. What are you doing that is making you so busy that you can't send a simple "hey, I'll text you later I gotta do (insert thing that you would be busy for)"? Also, I've had girls that I would talk to for a couple days and then I would say hey and they would never respond to me again. What kind of bullshit is that? It's ATTENTION SEEKING.


So in conclusion today I know there are gonna be butthurt people in the comments and I'm ready for them. I'm tired of women saying that guys have the upper hand when really it's upside down. It's been like that sense the beginning of time and as evolution takes place it just changes form, but it's still present.

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18 34
  • Why do women seem to have the advantage over men...

    Simple... because they DO have the advantage over men in most cases.

    Women have the societal advantage in every area.
    Women are given the power of making the call in the dating game.
    They get to call the shots on who, when, and where.
    They lead the chase, they create the rules of the game, and select the winner.

    We simply play the game and have to keep up with the endless rule changes.

  • beautiful women have the upper hand, if you're not men treat youlike second class citizens, just as a girl who wore a lot of make up one day vs a day not, and having a cashier take the person behind her first because she was 'prettier'. I sometimes hate to think about this, but i think being a woman amounts to sexual attraction or else dipshit men dont pay attention to us as a normal person even, or overlook us.
    Im ready for feminist to take over, tired of this shit.

  • "So in conclusion today I know there are gonna be butthurt people in the comments and I'm ready for them. I'm tired of women saying that guys have the upper hand when really it's upside down. It's been like that sense the beginning of time and as evolution takes place it just changes form, but it's still present."


    • Autocorrect got the best of me.

    • It didn't get the best of you on "butthurt"

    • Is that not how you spell it? Or is it two words?

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  • Women mind-rape men to the point of being sadistic I feel. This is so true and even if I take my perspective from a man's point of view out of this, it is still very true. Feminism has put women ahead of men and pushed men behind and took a shit on them. a lot of men who now treat women bad were originally good guys who were used by females and got fed up. Some guys are just assholes I admit. But women are passive aggressive creatures. Silence and sudden and abrupt withdrawal of their attention is their power. And yes they'll talk to guys they have no interest in and sit there and giggle with their friends when they reject them, making the guy pretty much a human lab rat. And what girls don't understand is even though men are tough and seem mentally tough... men are still human and feel pain and hurt.

    • Finally! Someone who understands!

    • Not speaking for all women but most women I've encountered so far.

    • Same!

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  • Sounds like you're under 28.

    Thanks to the tendency of adult men to date younger and women to date older, while 18-25 year old men do NOT nearly as often date down in age, there's a huge demand spike for 18-25 year old women and they have major dating options, since a subset of them date older men (the odd young guy does, but a lot of young women do). Young women have significantly more options than young men.

    Of course, that reverses, because older men can more easily date down in age then women their age.

    It's not like women fall off a cliff in desirability - they certainly do not (some do of course, many may look just as good). But as a -group- there is a strong supply/demand dynamic favoring 18-25 women in the dating market, and mild dynamic favoring men over women beyond the late 20s.

    That's overall. There are also -regional- supply/demand imbalances, for example, liberal arts schools have more women then men, so its relatively easer for men then other places.

    • I totally agree with you! But from a personal point of view, I think that I get way more male attention now in my 30s, then I ever did in my 20s.

  • The Butthurt brigade attacks. Hide your daughters , sisters , wives, girlfriends and all female friends!._!

    • Do you think that women have the advantage over guys?

    • On some points guys have the advantage, on others girls

    • But it's more girls advantage correct?

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  • Wtf is this take reading it killed some of my brain cells , thats all shit , women don't have advantage over men, stop making our gender to look like shit.

    • I'm sorry you feel that way, but women do have the advantage. Since you are under 18, I can't tell what your age is so if you are younger than 15 you obviously wouldn't get it. Now if you were 16 and up you would understand it. Stop being blind. Open your eyes

    • dude im 17 but women having advantage

    • Women do have the advantage.

  • I think overall men have more power. Women have a small window of power and only under 2 conditions, being young and beautiful. An ugly chick is like... doomed, it sucks but that is reality. An ugly guy is ALMOST equally doomed but I have seen ugly dudes scoring way above their league mostly due to personality.

    We have much more flexibility overall. If you're a good looking young guy, you're set. If you're an ugly looking guy, you can work on other things. Plus we dominate for much longer. Our prime years can go up to 30 years while a womans prime is less than 10...

    • The problem is, who is universally "ugly" and universally "beautiful"? I know there are extreme examples on both ends (i. e. Channing Tatum, Kim Kardashian, deformed people, etc), but wouldn't you agree MOST people are viewed SUBJECTIVELY by most people?

  • I would say that women only have the advantage when they're young. When men get older, they have the upper hand.

  • Yep, we're all evil and we're out to get you. *yawn*
    We basically exist to ruin men's life.
    We exist to impose hell on your very existence.
    We're downright evil. 😱

    (Totally not being sarcastic.)

    • Never have I said that you were evil. I said that women have the advantage over men.

    • But you do seem bitter. ;)

    • I am very bitter. This happened to me, my friends, and a lot of men across the world. I have a right to be bitter. Basically, unless you are Channing Tatum, you are worthless in the women eye, or you get put into the friendzone. Women have the advantage.

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