Why You Never Accept The Friend Zone


Why You Never Accept The Friend Zone

So you met this hot girl and made your moves and she decided to friendzone you.

You are thinking about and it and now wondering why. "Am I not good enough for her" You think that you will eventually become close friends with her and then finally get the chance to hook up with her? NOPE.

If you offered a romantic interest in her and she rejected then that means she is letting you know that she is not sexually attracted to you. By you accepting these terms of being friends and friends only you have created a dynamic in the relationship. You are prostituting your feelings and doing yourself a disservice. You are disrespecting yourself and your feelings. You are acting like a beta male.

If she friend zoned you.. the best thing you can do is throw your cards on the tables and make it clear that is what you want and nothing less. If she rejects you then you respectfully go no contact. You need to stick by what you do here. If you go back then you are just another fuckboy in her book. She might just come back after a while... (it's happened to me before). But again.. you need to stick to what you say and be a man about it. Don't go on a rampage and try and make her jealous and interested in you with subtle little moves. Girls easily notice these things. Just man up and walk away..disappear. The strongest negotiating position in a relationship is the ability to walk away and mean it.

You need to let her know and make it clear that you are not interested in just being friends. If you accept this invitation as friends she will lose even more attraction towards you and eventually resent you. She will not respect you because you are not respecting yourself.

By doing the above you are acting like a man that is worthy of value. You had the balls to approach this woman and throw all your cards on the table. She rejected you but you still had the balls which makes you more attractive than the timid guy who keeps to himself. Then after she rejected you walked away with pride and shrugged it off like nothing. You respected yourself and knew your value and clearly displayed that you have value to her by your actions.

I guarantee you that she will respect you for this and might just hit you up when you least expect it. She might just think wow this guy must have 10 others girls to go to if he just dropped me like that. Now you have switched the dynamic on her. See how that works?

It's not the end of the world guys. Why waste your time and constantly get your ego crushed by a girl who doesn't want you when there are so many other beautiful women out there? You can have so much more fun in a relationship when the women is attracted to you and all over you. Some of the most attractive people get friend zoned.. don't take it personal. Be a champ at taking rejection. Be willing to take the hits. We are all going to make it bros!

Don't be this guy.

Why You Never Accept The Friend Zone
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22 40
  • Are you trying to red pill gag?

  • Friend zone is a state for beta males where women place you to be used to feed their ego without giving you any pussy. Run, don't walk, from the bitches.

  • If you like her and she doesn't be the person she needs... If something stems from there, make sure both of u feel that way... If not why run off a good friend. I know I need friends more now than lovers or so-called lovers... So if u need a lover first more than a friend, it's your call, but if u truly just need a hood person who is loyal and true, keep it that way if it is meant to be, then it's meant to be...

  • Good take.

  • The friend zone ain’t even bad my “girl friend” said I’m in her friend zone yet we have sex it’s not that bad plus most likely cuz dating you breakup and stuff goes bad then your not friends but if your friend zone that just gives a better chance of loving you longer... annnd everyone say there’s no getting outta the friend zone but that’s actually not true you just gotta give it time😂😂

  • What's the big deal? Some one don't want to have sex with me, buhu. Move on, there are plenty other out there. The more time you spend on the wrong one is time wasted to potentially find the right one.

  • it isn't that deep. she just isn't into u. ur not entitled to a relationship

  • Fuck this friendzone shit. I just got friendzoned by this girl. Bout to cut ties real quick. Funny thing is i said the same to her before about me knowing how i feel about her already.

  • It doesn't take a genius to understand what i said about the double standards. That is the choice we make instead of ruining a girl's reputation. What is the problem? You must be so blind if you don't see it on you don't understand because you're not a guy so there's not much point saying we are all the same now is there?

    • @cipher42 I can sense. Just in case you're gonna block me, I'm gonna say it here.

    • I mean I'm gonna continue the topic here weather you like it or not.

    • My issue with the way you write is that it's often simply not clear what you're referring to. So, let's clarify some things so we're actually on the same page: 1. What double standards are you talking about? 2. What is the choice you make, and how would the other choice ruin a girl's reputation? 3. Why do you think I'm saying we're all the same and what's your problem with that? The problem is that the way you write is immensely unclear, as you refer to things with "it" and "that" despite those things being so far back in the conversation that I have no idea what you're talking about and have to try to make guesses, guesses which might just be wrong and make it seem like I have even less clue what you're talking about.

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  • If you wanna dodge friendzone

    > message sloot that U wanna bang her

    > gratz.

  • Well I don't talk to women, so I can avoid the friendzone very easily. Like seriously, why be friends with a girl that you really like? That's like an average guy being good friends with a female bikini model or a female fitness model all because that average guy is not her type,... but they still remain good friends regardless if he wants her but doesn't have a chance with her. That makes no sense.

  • I can stay friends with a woman who turned me down romantically and be ok, but that doesn't mean every guy shares my sentiments. Men aren't entitled to anything from women I get that, but women aren't entitled to anything from men either. So if a man decides he doesn't want to stay friends with a woman who rejected him then that's just it. She's not entitled to his friendship. I get that some guys will pretend to be friends in the hopes of romance which is manipulative on the guys part. I'm talking about guys who make themselves and their intentions clear from the start though.

    • but rejected and decided to cut her off that's not manipulative or entitled because he made himself clear and he accepted her answer

  • Some can handle the friend zone and some can't.

  • I say, "I'm sorry you feel that way. Your loss, fuck off, have a nice life", walk off and never, ever speak to her again. She isn't worthy. Friends my ass !

    • Good man. Words of wisdom here. What unit were you with devil dog?

    • Why must you lash out with "fuck off" to women who reject you? And take owner, why do you consider it words of wisdom to say "fuck off" to someone who rejects you. I agree with much of your take, though by no means all of it, but why on earth is it a good idea to tell someone to "fuck off" for rejecting you?

    • @Bluemax Because it lets them know I'm not a wimpy assed little beta faggot. Also, it takes the control away from them. You may not like it, works for me.

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  • I agree. For real!

  • This is great advice. If you dig someone, ask them out. If they say no, move on and find someone else. You've already got friends. This applies to both genders.

  • you control the free will of others.

  • I like being in the friend zone when there are benefits involved;)