Women Do Not Have the Right to Access Birth Control

Women Do Not Have the Right to Access Birth Control

So you're a lady and you're getting ready to have some sexy fun times, but as you've been instructed since Health class 101, it's condoms and birth control or sexy fun times can turn into baby making times or disease ruining times. That's no bueno, so you ride on down to your local pharmacist with your prescription, and find yourself being denied your pills. Confused, you inquire as to why a Pharmacist of all people, would deny anyone pills WITH a prescription.

Surprise! Women in the United States do not actually have the right to access birth control or various other reproductive services. Say what now? It's called conscientious refusal. In this case, it means that a healthcare professional, the pharmacist, "has a desire or intent to refuse, or refers to the actual refusal of a course of action requested by a patient or expected by the ordinary standard of care." (Margaret R. McLean)

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) states that, "A pharmacy's or pharmacist's refusal to sell birth control does not violate a woman's federal constitutional rights. The U.S. Constitution imposes no limitations on nongovernmental institutions like privately owned pharmacies. Even if the refusal takes place in a state-owned pharmacy, a woman has no federal constitutional right to receive contraception. Although the Constitution protects a woman's right to contraception, it does not ensure that women can access reproductive health services."

What this means is that your Pharmacist can in fact deny you BC or morning after pills or anything having to do with prevention of pregnancy for say, religious or moral reasons, or simply because they don't want to. Now they do have the "option" of letting someone else fill your prescription, but it is not necessarily required and of course if no one else is around or there is only one Pharmacy near you, well, you're out of luck.

Women Do Not Have the Right to Access Birth Control

Thank goodness I live in a HUGE major city where if one Starbucks isn't open yet, there is, and I'm not kidding, one on the other corner so finding a Pharmacist is a matter of a two second phone scroll through, so should this ever happen, I have options, and I've never actually met a Pharmacist denying people prescriptions of any kind, least of all birth control, but what if you do live in small town USA. My friend lives in a really small town where there really is only one Pharmacist for miles and if they object to her need for BC, then she would have to drive hours conceivably to find some place else to get that filled. Imagine if some young girl who is raped in said town needs the morning after, and she is told on top of the horror she's just experienced, sorry, I don't approve, basically in essence condoning the rape.

I have a huge problem with this. To me, it's like hiring a gung ho vegetarian to work at McDonald's who believes meat is murder. If you can't do your job to the fullest extent, why would anyone hire you? Your job isn't to make judgement calls on people or to judge their lives, it's to dispense various medications. These people could seriously being endangering the health and well being of these women they refuse to serve. Also, if they want to stand on some sort of moral high ground, they don't know anything about any of the people who come to them for pills. They are just names and prescriptions. They could be handing pills out to rapists, racists, abusers, pedophiles, or those who fundamentally hate them or their religion, but they don't think to judge them or their medications or how by helping keep them alive, they may be hurting others. Instead they essentially pick and chose to deny any woman birth control, no matter the reason behind her need.

Women Do Not Have the Right to Access Birth Control

If you can't or won't do the entire job, then you need to work elsewhere. And yet, it's all legal. You can get denied services simply because someone thinks you shouldn't be able to prevent pregnancy. It is just incredible how so many people seek to control a woman's body. A woman can never seem to be able to make a decision about what goes on with her without thousands of politicians and religions and governments and parents and neighbors weighing in. Some people would literally rather a woman die due to complications of pregnancy, then allow her birth control or an abortion. I don't care who you are or what you support, our planet that we call home cannot support every woman of child bearing age having a child, let alone multiple children. We don't live in ye olden times where resources were abundant and free. We need BC and other methods to help control a population already out of control.

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  • American never ceases to amaze me...

  • Honestly I think America wants to have a "war" on women for some damn reason. I bet anyone who against feminism will get mad as soon if their birth control gets ban (they are trying ban it) and people preventing them to have birth control. Then it be up to feminists or people fight for birth control Jesus Christ.

    • @NatashaJ "wants to have a "war" on women for some damn reason." Of course. The GOP is fighting Hillary Clinton. A war against 'feminism' etc is part of the GOP propaganda.

    • @jacquesvol Well hopefully people can defend their rights before its too late.

  • I've had issues with just book appointments to even get bc pills. We need to be more like the UK where birth control is free and everywhere!!!

    • And I need bc because I have period issues that can be really really bad. I've been thinking of trying Depo. I hate so many pill choices and generics always coming first. Even my local planned parenthood only carries generic pills!!! And even generics can be so expensive if you don't have insurance or just want to pay with cash. I am afraid on an injection since the side effects may be more severe, but getting pills is like one huge merry go round. I need bc for my HEALTH, not just for sex. I don't like the guys' comments on here especially, even though I know they don't mean anything by it... it's kind of audacious for them to call you uninformed or ignorant mytake poster. I have a different point, than you do, but I so agree it should be more accessible. If Depo goes well, I may just get an IUD in the future. I never thought I'd have surgery but like I said this merry go round is just awful and I'm sick of spending money.

  • I'm so glad I live in a large city so I don't have to deal with that crap

  • I find this horrendous, in the UK it cannot happen, every pharmacist is required by law to complete supply of a prescription of any sort.
    But then we have strict laws about health care, with our NHS every treatment, for any problem, including cancer, is free at the point of delivery for every uk resident, and provides one of the finest health care provisions in the world.

    • At least it will until Brexit totally fucks your economy.

  • Become a pharmacist and/or make your own birth control pills. As it stands, your right to your body ends where the pharmacist's right to operate his business the way he wishes begins. Funny how you feminists who complain so much about individual autonomy are so quick to butcher the autonomy of another whenever it benefits your personal agenda.

    • @JRICHARDS1996 When someone studies to be a pharmacist or applies to work in a pharmacy, he knows birth control is a normal product in pharmacies. If a person doesn't want to sell BC to customers, he shouldn't work in a pharmacy.

    • Lots of girls need bc for period issues, honestly. But pharmacies can be awful because if they're out of the right pill they just give you another brand. Or the insurance will tell you they switch over to generic brands which can cause way more side effects... but they won't cover the brand name anymore since it's cheaper for them.

    • @jacquesvol I agree, but what he sells in his own pharmacy is his own decision to make and nobody else's. The Left cannot keep ignoring personal autonomy and ownership. If a man starts his own pharmacy with his own money, then he can operate it by his own rules. If he makes a stupid decision, then the free market will work it out because he will not receive any business.

  • Well if I couldn't get my IUD I wouldn't be able to function at all... but the pharmacist doesn't deal with that so thank god for that. Anyways I don't know the laws exactly but businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone. (Not fresh on hate crime laws but that does factor in)
    BUT if the BC is treating a condition and not being primarily used for sex, then it's an issue. In which case as a pharmacy who's filling a BC script, how do you know what it's being used for and how do you judge if it's for a reason that you are against?
    Dunno unless the patient is being unpleasant or anything, fill the script and move on.

  • I live in Europe (Switzerland) and that sounds so absurd for me. Why won't they sell birth control pills? Thats a non-sense ! I can understand that for some people for example abortion pills is really not something acceptable so they have to right not to sell it. BUT birth control REALLY? That kills no one, and even if it did. THATS OUR FUCKING BODY. I can't understand it.

  • If I were a female I'd just get my tubes tied. Barring that I'd tell the manager of that pharmacy either sell me my pills or I'm doing all my shopping elsewhere and never coming back. Sure, any business should have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason (yes, that includes cakes to gay couples if an owner doesn't want their money, certain silly state laws be dammed). Though it makes no economic sense to run your business based on personal beliefs instead of economics (ie your business can be out of business if cash flow gets fucked enough or you don't have enough customers that fit your other requirements besides simply having cash).

    • Yes! I really feel like all insurance plans should be required to cover 100% of the cost of sterilization surgeries--for both men and women.

  • Great take! It never ceases to amaze me that the Catholic mafia and other Christians still haven't released their death grip on society. I'm fine with people believing whatever, but your religion is for You... and that's it. You don't get to add on to that and "religion is for me to influence policy and force it on everyone else" that's bullshit and violates church and state.

    Seriously I'm not hatin on Jesus, you religious people keep doin your thing, just do it here:

    Or here:

    And leave everyone else's lives alone😤

    • Could not agree more. What right have you, meaning them, to decide what "I" do with my body? I don't force them to wear condoms and use birth control, so why then in the reverse do they think its okay or their right to choose what I do in my own life. Again, thank goodness I live in a huge city, because I literally cannot imagine being denied what I know is my right.

  • Mimimi "a business can refuse service to me" mimimi.

    Last time I checked having sex is not a necessary thing to survive. You can go through life pretty neatly with or without birth control. Not to mention that there are tons of different forms of birth control.

    If you have this problem actually occur (which I doubt happens even remotely regulary) - go to a different pharmacy, file a complaint or use any other given right you have to make your voice heard.
    Access to birth control isn't a human right nonetheless, because having sex for physical pleasure is not a necessarity for human dignity.

    And don't even start to compare it to men having access to condoms. Unlike pills, condoms don't have medical side-effects and involve hormones going into your bodies system.

    • For sex I agree with you. But BC can help treat disorders in women and greatly improve quality of life so if she's being denied her prescription when it helps that it's an issue. But if it's for sex, condoms can do the job

    • @KittieCat Agreed. But the law applies to all sorts of treatment. The argument of the MyTake Owner was solely focused on the birth control though and thus I only replied to that.

    • Right, your could also ask if a pharmacist has to right to deny any scripts even if they feel like it's just wrong. Say Mrs. Jones is getting 3x the normal dosage of morphine that could kill her, do you fill the script because it's your job or deny service? Or like the take if it goes against your beliefs? (which I find hard to believe is even remotely common if you become a pharmacist and will have to fill out a common script and say no no no no)

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  • Nobody has a RIGHT to anything that someone else had to make

  • Yap yap entitled entitled do what I want or your oppressing me. gtfo

  • I myself am very against abortion as I think its an unnecessary procedure in most cases as modern contraception is so good that unwanted pregnancy is near impossible. This is the real problem we can educate teens all we want about safe sex but they already know everything, the real problem is they are iresponsible and always have been. Teens have always been managing to get themselves knocked up and anyone who harks back to bygone days in the past are misinformed or kidding themselves as in the past if a girl got knocked up either the guy who knocked her up was made to marry her within a week (shotgun wedding) or she was married off to an older man, or the pregnant girl and her mother was sent away to look after a relative who lived far away and when they returned the newborn was raised by the grandparents and they told everyone it was their child or more extreme the pregnant girl was sent away to have her baby in a religious home/workhouse or mental institution and the baby was adopted and the girl was never let out of there. Its iresponsible to have sex without proper contraception and being unwilling to face the consequences as well as expect others solve the problem for you.
    If a pharmacist won't honor a prescription then your doctor should be able to give it to you or maybe some sort of internet service would be better.
    America needs a grand strategy to reduce teen pregnancy other than telling hormone driven kids not to have sex, free abortions are too late and in my opinion morally wrong. The way forward is free contraception for teens which will nip it in the bud. We need to look at couny in Europe and what they did.
    I dont think global population is going to be a problem as most western countries are going to suffer from having an aging population to look after.

    • Personally, I am proud choice because I recognize that mistakes do happen, and sometimes birth control fails and I don't believe it is right to force a woman or girl to carry a pregnancy to term against her will. However, we agree on the rest of your point. Accessible birth control is the number one easiest, most effective strategy we have at our disposal for reducing a vast number of issues, including poverty and crime. The foster system fucks kids up. Poverty fucks kids up. Feeling unwanted fucks kids up. And fucked up kids grow up to be fucked up adults who commit crimes, drain our social resources and are otherwise a net negative on society.

    • It has always boggled my mind that the same people who are vehemently anti abortion can also be anti birth control... BC is the best defense society has against abortion! Fewer unwanted pregnancies = fewer abortions... very simple logic. It is this fact that has me convinced that these people are not actually pro life - they're pro punishing women for having sex.

    • @Sara413 A lot of things screw kids up before their grown but the best way to deal with a screwed up childhood is to take personal responsibility for yourself because no one else will. To me the abortion is wrong because its a child, I've knew a couple of girls growing up who had a tough time after an abortion and one of them a cousin told mr it was the biggest mistake she ever made and felt as though she had lost her baby. Where im from abortion was (last I checked its kinda hazy) illegal though it may or may not be legal now and people just either used contraception or had their babies. I don't think either not providing contraception or abortion is forcing a woman to have a child or controlling her body as she was responsible for making the choice to have sexual relations and if she decides to go ahead without contraception thats a choice even if its a bad one. I would never hold someone's bad choices against them but I would expect them to live with them and own them.

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  • That sounds fucked up!

  • oh that is such bullshit. saying you don't have the right to birth control, is like saying you don't have the right to food or housing. of course you have the right to it. but it isn't free, and thats why there's entire markets dedicated to the sale and purchase of it. tell me exactly how it would be different if you paid for it with taxes, aside from paying for it with money out of someone elses paycheck that is spent wildly inefficiently by the government on private contracts with corporate monopolies. your insane socialist propaganda, is ridiculous at best, and dangerous at worst.

    • She's not complaining about the price, she's complaining that pharmacists can deny you access to it, which is in fact a problem.

    • @paxamor so go to another pharmacist

    • capitalism! *jazz hands*

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  • A lot of women are also on birth control so they don't miss work or school every month because of severe symptoms of their periods (I had to miss THREE FUCKING DAYS of school last week)... they have other uses as well and that's what people fail to realize.

  • So basically they complain about people being on wellfare and food stamps because they can't afford the cost of living but deny women a preventative even if they can't afford a child. Nice one America.

  • Well that's strange but I don't think this is problem in my city where I live... infact I heard news in my country that when pills were introduced people were fucking like rabbits... Lol

  • To play Devil's Advocate, considering that condoms are very effective, perhaps even as effective as birth control or even more so, wouldn't that be considered an effective alternative that is cheaper and easier to get? It seems to me that birth control, a hormone cocktail to convince your body that you are pregnant, or some other effect, is less safe for the woman's body than a piece of rubber that may or may not have spermicide.

    That being said, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here. I don't know what the right answer is here.

    • Good thing you're not the one putting these medications in your body then... for many women, it's an educated choice based off a cost and benefits analysis. Regardless, your entire point is irrelevant to the conversation... these pharmacists who refuse to fill BC prescriptions aren't doing it because they think they're protecting women from "harmful" hormones... they're doing it because they don't think women should be having sex for pleasure. And for some reason, they think that is their choice to make.

    • Condoms, nor birth control are 100% fool proof methods or preventing pregnancy. Condoms are cheaper yes, but should that condom break or malfunction, is raising a kid for 18 years cheaper? And since these same Pharmacists also do not approve of the morning after pill, your girlfriend, or wife would be in the same exact position trying to seek medication to prevent the pregnancy.

    • Birth control has way more uses than controlling birth. It helps with acne, having a regular period, depression, mood swings, etc. If it werent for birth control I would not be able to get a period and I would have a bunch of acne. It's not a "hormone cocktail", it is good for our bodies

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