Women, remember: Your body, your choice, your decision, your responsibility!

Quite a few women, and men on this website and others have joined discussions over whether a woman's past history can/should count in dating, whether the man even has the 'right' to ask... the refrain often goes, "He needs to learn that women have the freedom of choice/to express themselves sexually!"

Let's straighten something out.

Women, remember: your body, your choice--your decision, your responsibility.

Ladies, you are free to do basically whatever you like. A cute woman can have 2,000 partners if she wants. She can have zero. She can become a foster parent or a single mom or adopt orphans from some war torn country or become a porn star... your body, your life, your choice.

The flip side is, you are responsible for your own actions, and every choice--good or bad--has consequences.

Women, remember: Your body, your choice, your decision, your responsibility!

Even good choices have some bad consequences. Right now I am working 64 hours a week to pay off some debt and because I finally got my break, career wise. Sure, it will help my career, and help my financial state. The flip side is I have almost zero social time, to make friends, to meet people, to just go out and enjoy the sights. Consequences.

Many people make a point about how women are free to choose--they do not realize, basically no one is arguing against that. No moral squad will break into an apartment and beat down a man and woman who met over tinder 20 minutes earlier and decided to bang. No secret society is finding porn studios and torching them. No Santa Claus is going to punish women who decide to focus on career and not marry until age 30.

That doesn't mean there arent' consequences. Because just as women are free to make their own choices, men are also free to make their own choices.

Every girl can have as many boyfriends or hookups or such as she pleases--no one will stop her.

The flip side is, a few years down the road when she is posting things on facebook about learning from mistakes or how she just wants a constant partner, those consequences can come back to bite her. Maybe she'll meet a great, handsome, loyal man who doesn't mind that he's number 12 for her.

But she might meet that awesome man that just seems perfect, and he ends up saying, "I'm sorry, but I'd really rather date a woman with a lower count."

She can rant and write about "ignorance" and "misogyny" online all she wants, but that doesn't change the simple fact--she is not the only one who gets to make choices. Men react to what women do--women react to what men do. Unfortunately for such women, they now must bear the consequences of their own choices. Many, many men have no desire to make a committment to a woman who has been with a large number of other men. That is not our nature. We don't won't put a high value on something that cannot be ours--and a woman who has had many past lovers can never really be ours, we sense.

"Women's freedom of sexuality" does not mean "Women are free from their own choices impacting what men think of them."

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Most Helpful Girl

  • I agree with your view point.
    "You made your bed so lie in it" There is truth behind that saying.
    It seems nowadays this a good majority of this generation believes in doing an "act" but not baring the consequences of it.
    If I rob a store... am I not a robber?
    If I steal a shoe... am I not a thief?
    If I buy a lot of clothes on a every day basis... am I not a shopaholic?
    If I sleep with a lot of men... am I not a slut?
    I mean "slut" is an ugly word but if it has stripes then it's a zebra!
    I think the people with some of these people are that they are sensitive to how the word sounds. I can paint the behavior in any other light, but it doesn't change the fact of what it is!
    If people don't like those names they are called then either keep their sex life private or don't engage in discussions about your sexual past if you don't want to be judged.
    Through anything in life... you have to judge!!
    It's unrealistic to not formulate an opinion about someone or something.
    If i didn't do so in every day life... I'd probably be dead.
    I'm about to cross the street, there's a lot of cars coming
    ::Mind makes judgment to wait until the road is clear::
    This is food is steaming hot.
    ::Mind makes judgment to wait until it cools down::
    You judge through any aspect in life.
    If I do not judge, then I must not be a living species.

    • *I think the problem with some of these people

    • Didn't expect this, great view.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Trigger warning:

    "You are not your own, you were bought with a price [His blood]" - 1 Cor. 6:19-20

    The body inside your body is not your body.

    "My body, my choice" runs on the same logic as "My Plantation, My Prerogative."


    • So a young girl gets abused and ends up pregnant, is she murdering her rapist child or saving herself from looking into the eyes of the man who took her innocence? The woman who is raped same applies- what about the woman who is told that within minutes of giving birth her baby will die because it's severely disabled and in agony? Do they class as murder? I think when it does come to sensitive subjects as abortion men should not have opinions ever...

    • you're right, restricting abortion would be racist.

    • @Brokenheartedx: I have heard several accounts of several women who got pregnant via rape. Almost none of them despise their child, or see the child's eyes as the eyes of a rapist. That's a bogus argument. Only just under 1% of all abortions are due to rape or incest anyway. Prevention of death-by-childbirth is even laughably lower. The number 1 reason women go through with it is money. They think that they'll be more-wanted by employers somehow without a child than with one. This thinking is also faulty. Yet, they give to Molech in exchange for prosperity. Like the heathens of old that would murder their children in the hopes of good sailing winds.

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What Girls & Guys Said

16 20
  • I think in this world if a woman sleeps with a thousand men she should be treated the same as a man who has slept with a thousand women...

    Either way what people do in their lives is none of my buisness if it doesn't affect me... yes it's their bodies not mine so thy want to ruin it then that's up to them. I don't consider anyone a slut or a player I just think of them playing Russian roulette with their own lives, that's all I'll think.. doesn't concern me, none of my buisness and their bodies aren't mine.

    • i actually tell women on this site, if they started shunning promiscuous men, the country would be better off.

    • I can't get a man to date me at all! No joke I tried Internet dating- it's all do you want *fun* yeah cause my idea of fun is getting an STD! Put me off men for a while I'm not happy being single but id be more unhappier being used...

  • And every viewpoint can be challenged. A consequence that arises from someone's viewpoint can be challenged, and should be. Society is something that should constantly be challenged.

    So while a person's viewpoint can't be changed, society holding that viewpoint should be.

    My argument is that sex has no baring on a person's character.
    If you meet 3 people who have slept with over 12 people and 3 people who have slept with 2 people, you can't accurately predict which of those 6 people will steal from you, murder, or even cheat on a partner. Not unless we ask for more information.

    So we can safely say that it has no baring on a person's morality or character.

    What about a person "being ours"? Well, that's abstract. Under the same pretense, a person who has been in 20 serious, emotionally invested relationships also can't be "ours."
    But this isn't true.

    If both the sexual or serious relationships were unhealthy ones, we may say the person is irresponsible, unwise, or perhaps damaged.

    But no one, women or man, owns another person. There is no ownership. Even if that's not what this means, the concept is abstract. It makes no sense. At what point is someone incapable of being with another person in a healthy way?

    Unless their behaviors were unhealthy and continue to be unhealthy, then we can't really say.

    It's not about the quantity, it's about the quality.
    But people fail at making that distinction.

    The only thing that a person with 12 sexual partners can tell me over a person who has had 2 sexual partners is that the person with 12 sexual partners has a different viewpoint of sex than the person with 2 sexual partners.

    And if you're a person who shares that viewpoint, go for the person with 12 sexual partners. Not the person with 2, who probably won't share your viewpoint.

    And even then, the number doesn't mean much.
    You always have to dig a bit deeper.

    I use to have a stigma, believing that women with lots of partners weren't quality women. I challenged that stigma. I saw that women who remained virgins could still be FUCKING AWFUL people, and some not. That women with high counts could still be very nurturing, capable, and fantastic in bed.

    I realized I was wrong, that my logic was flawed. It isn't the quantity, it's the nature of their partnerships, both sexual and emotional. It's all the things that have nothing to do with sex.
    So I grew up, and I got over that notion.
    I hope others can too.

    • "If you meet 3 people who have slept with over 12 people and 3 people who have slept with 2 people, you can't accurately predict which of those 6 people will steal from you, murder, or even cheat on a partner. Not unless we ask for more information." stopped reading there. yes we can predict those things since we have statistics on them. For example, a high partner count in women is strongly linked to divorce.

    • @tolmbyy Didn't know Divorce always ended with someone cheating. Man, good thing you have those statistics. And also understand that correlation and causality are separate. Wait, you do understand that, don't you? Or do you just like to throw around "Science" without knowing how it actually works? I tend to laugh the most at people who bring up "Statistics," by the way. You do understand how inconclusive statistics can actually be, right?

    • @tolmbyy Also didn't realize divorce is conclusively the result of two people being immoral, and thus bad people. Sorry man, but you're stretching, trying to create an argument out of something that is false. I cannot accurately predict a person's likelihood to lie, cheat, or steal based on if they have or haven't gotten a divorce. As per my case against using statistics as a foundation to stand on, some 50 - 100 odd years ago 1% of the population was bisexual. But now 10% of the population identifies as bisexual. However, people who are bisexual aren't on the rise, and in 100 years we won't have 20% of the population as bisexuals. What's actually happening is that people are now more aware of bisexuality and find it easier to identify as a bisexual and accept that identity. Thus, more people are comfortable identifying. There are other examples like this. Such as one involving power lines and cancer. So I don't recommend bringing up statistics.

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  • I actually love this take... I read the title and thought it was going to be "Woman are always moaning about everything, it's all their fault" but it was really well written, clear and put across really good points!
    I'm a very stubborn person, but I love it when somebody persuades me into changing my opinions, and you did that.
    I've often though "Well my choices are up to me, and they're nobody elses's business (e. g. amount of partners etc.)" but the way you've explained it, I can see why people do want to know, and why they do care about it. The funniest part is I care myself but was just being totally backwards trying to convinve myself otherwise...
    Sorry, I rambled, Great Take!

  • Number 12? 12 really isn't a big number. >.>

    How exactly does number have anything to do with ownership of women? If she fucks one guy, the seal is broken. Why does 10 more make a difference?

    • the more partners, the less her bonding ability.

    • How's that work? The more partners I've had, the more I've learned about relationships.

    • hormonal, not a mental decision.

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  • I agree with your take. But I don't call women or men sluts. They are promiscuous people, and they engage in casual sex. Fine. But I don't want that for me, and I want a partner with similar views to mine.

    • Nor did I call them sluts, as the word does not appear in my article. Nor does it matter it you call them sluts or not. Do you think people the 50's called them sluts? There will always be some word that takes a negative connotation. What it is matters not.

    • Ok, well I prefer not to use a word with negative connotation.

    • And this wasn't directed at you specifically lol just in general. Because when people say this type of shit, then they call them every name in the book saying "they don't deserve any respect."

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