Quite a few women, and men on this website and others have joined discussions over whether a woman's past history can/should count in dating, whether the man even has the 'right' to ask... the refrain often goes, "He needs to learn that women have the freedom of choice/to express themselves sexually!"
Let's straighten something out.
Ladies, you are free to do basically whatever you like. A cute woman can have 2,000 partners if she wants. She can have zero. She can become a foster parent or a single mom or adopt orphans from some war torn country or become a porn star... your body, your life, your choice.
The flip side is, you are responsible for your own actions, and every choice--good or bad--has consequences.
Even good choices have some bad consequences. Right now I am working 64 hours a week to pay off some debt and because I finally got my break, career wise. Sure, it will help my career, and help my financial state. The flip side is I have almost zero social time, to make friends, to meet people, to just go out and enjoy the sights. Consequences.
Many people make a point about how women are free to choose--they do not realize, basically no one is arguing against that. No moral squad will break into an apartment and beat down a man and woman who met over tinder 20 minutes earlier and decided to bang. No secret society is finding porn studios and torching them. No Santa Claus is going to punish women who decide to focus on career and not marry until age 30.
That doesn't mean there arent' consequences. Because just as women are free to make their own choices, men are also free to make their own choices.
Every girl can have as many boyfriends or hookups or such as she pleases--no one will stop her.
The flip side is, a few years down the road when she is posting things on facebook about learning from mistakes or how she just wants a constant partner, those consequences can come back to bite her. Maybe she'll meet a great, handsome, loyal man who doesn't mind that he's number 12 for her.
But she might meet that awesome man that just seems perfect, and he ends up saying, "I'm sorry, but I'd really rather date a woman with a lower count."
She can rant and write about "ignorance" and "misogyny" online all she wants, but that doesn't change the simple fact--she is not the only one who gets to make choices. Men react to what women do--women react to what men do. Unfortunately for such women, they now must bear the consequences of their own choices. Many, many men have no desire to make a committment to a woman who has been with a large number of other men. That is not our nature. We don't won't put a high value on something that cannot be ours--and a woman who has had many past lovers can never really be ours, we sense.
"Women's freedom of sexuality" does not mean "Women are free from their own choices impacting what men think of them."
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