Guys, Would you date a girl with this category and measurements and why?

  • Straight
  • Southeast Asian
  • Round wide face
  • Black eyes
  • 155 cm
  • 76 kg ( as of now )
  • Light skin [ neutral undertone ]
  • Straight with a slight wavy dark brown hair, medium length layered haircut
  • Flat wide nose
  • Crooked teeth ( not the worst type of crooked you can imagine )
  • Small lips
  • Acne scars
  • Hooded eyelids, round eyes
  • Asymmetrical face
  • Very light body hair on arms and legs
  • Pear body shape 🍐
  • Pants size 31 or 32 up, depending on which brands and pants type
  • 38 B, has tubular breasts due to hormonal abnormalities ( genetics, but can be fixed with cosmetic procedures )
  • Shoe size EUR 37, US 7
  • Medium discolorations ( between the inner thighs, and around butt )
  • Double chin ( genetics combined with weak jaw bone structure, tried losing weight but it’s still there, but can be fixed with cosmetic injections and surgery )
  • Introvert
  • Virgin ( 23 years old )
  • Never done anything sexually, never had a first kiss
  • One ex boyfriend ( broke up in 2013, dated for 1 month )
  • Was never an outcast, but never a popular or favorite one, not an it girl, but still have friends; both girls and guys in her circle, still hangout a few times in a year
  • Has a bachelor degree

thanks for your time, please answer and vote honestly

yes I would date her, why?
Vote A
I wouldn’t date her, why?
Vote B
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
0 0

Superb Opinion

  • Most guys don't care nearly as much as you think about all of those various characteristics. A few do, but they are the exception.

    Guys want a girl who isn't fat, who is feminine, usually a girl who is all-natural, and who has a feminine, friendly, and cooperative personality. No one is going to take calipers to your face to measure symmetry, or care about your shoe size. Most women focus entirely on their looks, and neglect their personality and attitude, but personally and attitude are more common reasons for rejection than looks.

    The other thing is that you can't do what most girls do and only consider the very top guys (the ones all the girls consider to be the best looking or most popular) because those guys don't commit to girls - to those guys, a girl is for their temporary amusement until she becomes a hassle or until he is bored with her, and wants to move on, which he can do with a phone call. No girl ever really "gets" those guys long-term. Be more realistic and find a more average guy who really cares about you.

Most Helpful Guy

  • I'd consider it and the only thing that makes me iffy is the fact you haven't been in a relationship before. For me, I learned a lot in my past relationships, which has helped me not make the same mistakes going forward. I'm just a picky guy when it comes to girls, since I think about compatibility long-term.

    However, I don't think that'd be an issue for a lot of guys though. Outside of that, none of the other things I don't see being an issue for most guys.

    • I have been in a relationship before

    • You said you only once dated someone at 13-years-old and it lasted about a month. I don't consider that a relationship, since that's middle school dating.

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What Guys Said

  • Whilst the description does seem fine, it'd be hard without actually seeing her in person first, not that I'm asking for images or anything and it would of course depend on her personality and behaviour too.

    • you're nice

    • Thanks. 😃

  • i would have to see her to be certain but she seems like an average girl so maybe

    • Most people that I know personally IRL, rated me a 7/10. And some rated me 8/10. What do you think, would you date a 7-8/10?

    • i personally dont like all that rating stuff cause i never agreed with putting numbers on people but from what you are saying you are above average, still choosing blindly but it depends, id give her a chance if thats what you mean

  • You asked for honesty: No, I would not.

    She might be a nice person to be around with, but your optical description is insufficient for my physical needs.

    Myself, I look good enough, so I can expect similar in return.

    (which does not mean that I hop on each pretty woman, too. No brains - no gains)

  • Nothing disqualifying there.

    • you're nice

    • Thanks

  • Sure it's possible but people have to see each other to see if they are attracted to each to each other.