Guys, Would you go to a swinger club?

Guys, Would you go to a swinger club?

From what I hear from friends, you're under no obligation to do anything. Some people just like the atmosphere and dancing.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I have been with my wife. We had a great time. There was an all-inclusive dinner BBQ-buffet and drinks, a jacuzzi, sauna, and many rooms you could have sex in. And it was allowed to be naked everywhere, except for the restaurant part. So I just got rid of my clothing and walked around naked.

    We did not have sex with other couples there, aside from just touching, but we did have great sex with each other while being watched by other guests.

    • I've heard of many couples who go there, but never have sex at all.

  • For sure, why not? also the women seem sexy

    • I was shocked about how many single women go to these clubs.

    • Well why would they?

    • I just assumed it was just couples and single men. I was wrong. I talked to a pretty nurse that goes all the time.

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What Guys Said

  • Yeah, never been but sounds fun

    • I have friends that go. They like it. I heard a comedian say that Halloween is the only day of the year that it's permissible for women to dress slutty. lol I think my friends just go for the attention.

    • Awesome, a little slutty on occasion is fun

    • Agreed.

  • No it´s not an atmosphere I´d be comfortable in for various reasons.

    • Fair enough.

  • Not my cup o' tea, I gather you would have to have a completely open sexual relationship for this to work.

    To each their own.

  • Nope

  • No. I believe that's cheating.

    • Cheating? On who?

    • Your s/o.

    • I'm not sure what you mean. Couples go together.

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