Would you let a female friend touch your penis?

Would you? Obviously this is not a handjob, or blowjob, or sex or anything. She just wants to touch it, maybe grab on it. For science. But nothing more. Would you let a female friend do it? Even if you didn't want to date her? What if she was a stranger?
YES I would
Vote A
NO I wouldn't
Vote B
guys want to get laid with every girl and be touched by any girl, what are you talking about
Vote C
guys and girls cannot be friends because all people ever want to do is sex, why touch a penis without sex in sight? Impossible.
Vote D
I don't have a penis and I didn't like any of the other options. q. q
Vote E
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Most Helpful Guys

  • No I would not.

    I do not have any sexual relations with any of my friends. I don't believe in this friends with benefits culture that has engulfed wider society, it just creates blurred lines from what I can see.

    If a woman wants to touch my penis, she has to prove she is a) worthy and b) relationship material or wise she's getting dumped in my friend zone and once she's in there she's not coming out.

    • EXACTLY! Got to say i agree with this guy. Either you're just a friend, which means you get nothing from me a bro won't get, or you're a girlfriend and eventually gets all the perks following. But you can't be in the middle. You can't be a friend and get the perks from girlfriend. That's not how it works.

    • One girl seems a bit salty about my grammatically error stricken opinion. :')

Most Helpful Girls

  • Every guy whose penis I've ever touched, has always wanted more.

    Even the guy who got bit by a snake and asked me to suck the poison out.

    He wanted sex after too.

    • Bit by a snake, you say? Seems legit.

    • That's what he said

    • On his penis? Because if so, there is a word for that, it is called "gullible", haha.

    • Show All
  • There are boundries when you're just friends and those boundries can not be crossed. Science or no science.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 15
  • Friend? yes. That happened to me once and I ended up dating her a few months later anyway. Stranger? hell no.

  • No I wouldn't.

  • No chance. That's an area for sexual partners, not just friends.

  • Not sure about a stranger, but a trusted friend, sure.

  • I actually let my female friend, look and touch my penis when we were in the 10th grade. I've known Heather since we were in the 8th grade.