Would you prefer to be dominating or submissive in bed?

Would you prefer to be dominating or submissive in bed??
Vote A
Would you prefer to be dominating or submissive in bed??
Vote B
Would you prefer to be dominating or submissive in bed??
Why choose one? Both!
Vote C
Would you prefer to be dominating or submissive in bed??
Ew... neither
Vote D
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Most Helpful Guys

  • As seen before from results, we see a difference of desires. As expected most women said they want to be submissive and more men said dominant, bit it wasn't as lopsided between men who voted dominant and submissive. Only two more voted dominant than submissive and if you count in (both) for the voting and which would mean men who want both don't need to be submissive, but want to be that somtimes.

    Then that would make it 7-5 submissive for men if count that as submissive. Whereas, we have 8 women who voted submissive and just one dominant and even with the both vote, it was just 2 who voted that. So that would mean it would still be 8-3 ration even if counting both toward submissive side. That means that even though more men like to dominate than women, the bigger different is that there are almost as many men at least interested in being submissive a lot or some of the time, but aren't be provided that satisfaction from many women as many aren't as interested in providing their dominant side for the men they are with...

    oh yeah both for me by the way

  • I'm not sure, but I want to be the one doing the whipping.

    • cutie!

    • @lotv56 Thank you.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Honestly.. given that I’m so dominating outside of sex.. I want to be dominated during sex. Like to be told what to do and have a guy take control. I can dominate sometimes but prefer to be dominated.

    • WOW i love this 😍 DM me if i can buy this 😜

    • @kareka I’m not a prostitute asshole

    • I dont mean that but BDSM should be by money 🙄

    • Show All
  • I'm bi, and tend to Domme with girls and sub with guys.

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 11
  • I can only be dominant. Anything else is just wrong to me.

  • submissive

  • Submissive.

  • Both!😝

  • Submissive