Would you rather be only man on an island with 100 women or only woman on island with 100 men? You are all stuck there for good?

Would you rather be only man on an island with 100 women or only woman on island with 100 men? You are all stuck there for good?

I'd much rather be a man on an island with 100 women😂... I'd freak out if this would ever happen to me.. I'd lie and say I'm a transwoman but it won't be easy cause im very feminine and im short so I don't know.. maybe i'd try to lower my voice or something🤣..

Being a man you can spread your seed without having to get sick, pregnant and stuff but a woman with 100 men is insane...

One man on an island with 100 women
Vote A
One woman on an island with 100 men
Vote B
Either way
Vote C
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Girl Guy
1 y
I just realized im an ugly woman so I have nothing to worry about if this was the situation😂 I guess being ugly can be a good thing
1 y
1 2

Most Helpful Guys

  • This is why I don't like "what if's". Being the only man on an island puts me in a horrid position for reasons I don't want to argue about. However, neither scenario is sustainable. If forced to choose I rather be part of 100 men. I can build my own shelter and hunt my own food. I much rather live on an island with 99 men than 100 women because more will get done. Silly question!

    • 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • Man with 100 women, why tf would I choose the other option, i can populate the whole island and start my own country with 100 different women and DNA, I can be the founder and starter of a new country 🤔

    • Alright haha Not the religious way but in that scenario its not much of a choice. I wonder what that country would be like though😂

    • Better than the US, the only problem would be expanding land, it will most likely be a small country I guess 😂

    • Yeah I bet you're already thinking of laws😂 Lol.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • the dude with 100 girls

    fun fact the 1 women & dozens of men trapped on an island thing actually happened in the 40s. shit went as expected lol. poor woman

    he's the story if anyone interested:

    • That's crazy😭 am so happy im not her lol Watching this video made me hungry though

    • dang i don't know how someone could actually watch that for an hour. I got through it by playing at 2X speed and skipping 95% of the rambling. But yeah, that's kind of what you would expect. Though there could be a ton of drama on the one man, 100 women island as well. Neither scenario is ideal.

    • @zeitgeist057 there was rambling in the video? where? ps yeah your right about neither scenario begin ideal.

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  • I'm gonna go with the one where I'm not going to be gangraped on a daily basis.

    • so you could go with either then? since none them say the men on the island were rapist gangbangers.

    • We all know where it's heading. You don't have to even point it out. We all know the odds.

    • you think all men when they alone with a women are gone rape her in the end? and no i don't know the odds so can u point it out for me?

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What Girls & Guys Said

8 24
  • the 1 woman with 100 men sounds like hell.

  • I’d rather be a man with a 100 women. The other sounds…dangerous

    • depends on what men you end up with.

    • Out of 100 men there’s bound to be some weirdos regardless

    • well fair, but you could always just have the none weirdos protect you then.

  • I'll take the 100 men. They'd make me their queen and take care for me. It'd be great tbh

    • brrrr based queen.

    • I will pick same

    • @Kelly6 you two can be queens and i can be one the 100 beta male slaves who worship you lol.

  • Alfa male or ho, yea. A man with 100 women.

  • You didn't have the option of Neither which is what I'd prefer.
    I have one wife already and that's one too many.

    • 😂😂😂😂😂