Would you rather give up…?

Sex for a year?
Vote A
Masturbating for a year?
Vote B
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Superb Opinion

  • This is an easy choice considering I do not masturbate. I have a partner. If I want to be intimate, I will with him. Therefore no need to self pleasure. So, I would pick no masturbating. Let’s make it 10 years while we are at it.

    Honestly, I have no time for it as it is. We are lucky if we find a couple times on the weekend to be intimate because we are always so busy. So, if it is that hard to find time to be “together”, I certainly do not have time to go off and masturbate.

    Any free time I get, I prefer to do something constructive. A hobby, chat with friends, clean around the house, read or just relax with my fiancé.

    The no sex for a year is doable but not something I would like considering we want to start trying for a child at some point next year. That certainly wouldn’t work out with no sex.

Most Helpful Girl

  • Sex.. I've gone A LOT longer..

    "Masturbating" how I do it, I couldn't go without, because that's the ONLY thing that kept my sex drive going, mentally stimulated, through depression, and physically stimulated, whilst being single.
    Don't get me wrong, I love being pounded, and I prefer cock inside me and his fingers, tongue all up and inside me!!
    But if I had to go a whole year without it, there are machines that would keep me going.

    But, why settle for just one, when you can have both? 🤔😉😍

    • the advantage of masturbation is hands, finger's and toy's never talk back

    • Haha, right!! 😂💯😉

Most Helpful Guys

  • I have to say sex for sure because Ain’t no man like a HANDY man!! I will never say no to myself in that department

  • I'm already going six years strong on option A, so that one is fine for a seventh one.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 5
  • Easily and simply give up masturbating.

  • I've given up on sex a long time ago. I need my self pleasure time. 💞

  • Imagine 10 years. Bear that

  • I don’t even like masturbating. It’s just a habit from being so lonely. I want to find a wife.

  • voted A