Guys, would you still want your girlfriend to perform oral on you even if she didn't like it?

If your girlfriend really didn't enjoy giving head or was full on repulsed by it, would you still want or even expect her to do it anyway, or would you want her to not put herself through something she didn't like?
I would still expect oral from her regardless. If she loves me, she'll put my wants before the fact that she finds it unenjoyable or repulsive.
Vote A
If she was willing to work through her dislike/repulsion for me, she can go ahead and do it.
Vote B
No. I don't want her to make herself uncomfortable or disgusted for my sake. I'll just go without.
Vote C
Vote D
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Most Helpful Guys

  • it's not quite simple: forcing some1 is out of question, of course, but wondering why she's not doing a simple and natural act like giving a blowjob (not talking about swallowing, that's another story) to the one she loves, is legit. She should go with a guy that doesn't like/matter getting blowjobs otherwise, sooner or later, that guy will seek em somewhere else (and in this case we aren't talking about selfish guys, this is another story too)

  • To be honest, it would depend on the other elements of the relationship, sexual and otherwise. I am generally both helpful and persuasive so I anticipate I could help her overcome her reluctance. If not, it would depend on whether I could be satisfied with what's left. It's important to me but no necessarily a show stopper. Worst case, she might have to decide between my cock and me and no me.

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What Guys Said

  • Two part answer for me.
    I would still want it, but I would not expect it or pressure her for it. If the experience is not enjoyable for both parties then why do it?

  • If she didn't want to do it, I wouldn't want her to. Simple as that

  • to me there is nothing fun about sex or sexual acts with a partner who is not into it. so no I wouldn't want to receive oral sex if my wife/gf/partner didn't want to do it

  • If she doesn't like it, I couldnt cum anyways so whats the point? Sex also happens in the head, not just physically so lets say she would do it even tho I know she hates it, I guess I wouldn't stay hard knowing that she doesn't like it at all.

  • I find it hard to believe that I would have a sustained attraction to anyone who did not like a wide array of erotic activities. So, the basic answer is no realtionship would work without a degree of eroticism well beyond fellatio.