Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Tradition is dead. Over. Done. Gone. We know that much for certain. From the countless women complaining about where all of the "good men" have gone to the countless men complaining about "feminism" polluting women. One thing we can both agree on is that society has changed. We are no longer the same people we were 25 let alone 50 years ago.

Thus it is easy to see why both men and women are frustrated, having inherited a whole new world due to 'progressivism' and violently being thrust into the chains of adulthood. However, I posit that blaming one particular sex over the other for the breakdown of tradition is overly simplistic and false. Rather, I believe that *both* men and women have played a role in the breakdown of tradition, and thus are *both* guilty not only for the problems we are facing today, but for the even worse problems that our children are going to inherit.

#1) Patriarchy: The Abuse of Power and Authority

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

As stated earlier, men are also guilty for the breakdown of tradition in society. I am going to begin by explaining how this is so and how masculine abuses of the patriarchy inevitably led to the parasitic society-destroyer known as feminism. Anonymous misogynistic neckbeards take heed, I am going to tear women a new one too in the next section, but first I am going to address our own sex. My argument is simple: men drove women to feminism because they misused their power and authority.

Whereas patriarchy should have entailed responsibility, love, and selfless sacrifice like how a benevolent father rules his children, bad men abused it so that it was more akin to how a tyrannical monarch rules his kingdom. I will not appeal to history since the practices of the Roman Empire and Confucian China are all but irrelevant to contemporary society today, but I am speaking of the abuses that we allowed to prevail well into the 20th century. And believe me, there were many. This article will focus on three main ones: domestic abuse, cheating, and institutionalized inequality.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Domestic abuse, how any man could be moved to hit a woman is beyond me. Yet for most of history even up to the 20th century, it was alive and well. Even worse, society turned a blind eye to it as merely a necessary measure for maintaining the stability of the household. I have even seen manuals from the late Russian Empire with the approval of the Orthodox Church instructing men on how to hit their wives and the amount of force necessary for the severity of the offense.

The fact that we allowed such a cruel and barbaric practice to persist well into the 20th century and for that matter enable it in the 21st century by still watching #Mayweather fights (cue angry Black men) is a great embarrassment on our part. It meant that instead of resolving our marital disputes through diplomacy and patience like anyone in authority should, we 'resolved' them through fear, intimidation, and violence. That brings me onto cheating, the abuse I personally hate most.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown
This abuse does not need an introduction because fortunately most people already know how bad it is. But what they may not know is how socially accepted it was throughout most of history well into the 20th century. Not only was it sanctioned under the guise of polygamy and concubinage--both just glorified prostitution--but even as Western society progressed to monogamy in the Christian age, a blind eye was turned to the secret liaisons and unfaithful activities of men. In other words, male promiscuity was still alive and well.

Now this abuse really angers me as a man stuck in a world polluted by feminism where women will never be the same. Pardon the profanity, but just how fucking stupid were our grandfathers? What excuse could they possibly have for cheating? My generation will be lucky to find women half as traditional as the women of their generation were, yet these moronic old sons of bitches still had the audacity to be dissatisfied and cheat?

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

When it was common to have a wife as traditional, submissive, and faithful as the woman above? When the type of woman that my generation fantasizes about was actually a reality? When such an awesome and traditional wife would have been more than willing to put-out for you at any time?

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Really? You still felt compelled to cheat?

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

In other words, the men of yesterday did not realize just how fucking good they had it. They were spoiled and had wives that men my age can only dream of in light of feminism. Thank you grandpa, thanks for nothing you sorry old son of a bitch. Now my generation of men will never have it as good as yours did, at least with women. Finally that brings me onto institutionalized inequality.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

This abuse does warrant an introduction because equality and rights have become such loaded terms in our modern 'progressive' society. By utilizing them I am not referring to a woman's imaginary 'right' to systematically slaughter the unborn in the name of 'choice' nor to the erroneous notion that the differences between men and women are merely the result of 'culture.' Rather, I am referring to the perpetual second-class citizenship--again, at best--that women endured in most societies across the world for most of history well into the 20th century.

I am referring to valid social inequalities like the inability to vote, have a source of income, or hold property. The fact that we men so militantly refused to even consider granting women any of these demands bears witness to how undiplomatic and tyrannical we were in our position of authority. It is like when a teenage girl wants to dye her hair and listen to death metal, yet her parents absolutely refuse to let her. So in the end she rebels even worse than if her parents had just budged and gave permission.

It is called taking a strategic loss for the sake of the greater good. In this case, was granting women the right to vote, have a source of income, and hold property really that unreasonable? For that matter, was no longer abusing our wives and cheating on them really that unreasonable either? Only a lunatic would think so. The point I am making is that maybe if we had been more diplomatic in the first place, then feminism and all of this 'progressive' garbage could have been averted. We could have resolved the patriarchy's abuses within the context of the patriarchy instead of driving women to resolve them by overthrowing the patriarchy entirely. Thus in that regard, men are also guilty for the breakdown of tradition. We abused our power and authority. More than that, we refused correction. So is it really a surprise that the women rebelled? We led them to feminism.

#2) Feminism: The Destruction of the Family Unit

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Having unleashed my fury upon my own sex, I will now proceed to do the same with the opposite sex as promised. Women are likewise guilty for the breakdown of tradition in society. I am going to continue by explaining how this is so and how royally screwed up we are because of feminism. Once again, my argument is simple: women destroyed the family unit through feminism. What began as a just and necessary reaction to the abuses of the patriarchy effectively overthrew the patriarchy as we know it, and thus degenerated into something toxic and parasitic.

Instead of compelling men to perform their job and meet reasonable demands so that women could more easily perform their job, feminists threw out the notion of the family unit altogether. And with it went tradition, chivalry, and everything that women today complain about being absent in men. This article will focus on three main ways in which feminists have destroyed the family unit: divorce, promiscuity, and careers.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Divorce, the first and perhaps the most tragic feminine abuse on here for obvious reasons. Not only does it tear asunder what God has joined together, but it destroys families as we know it. Children find themselves stuck in a perpetual state of transition as they are shuffled between both parents like mere chattel and forced to grow up in single parent households. What should have remained a last resort only for the most extreme and unredeemable of cases like domestic abuse or cheating has become as common as masturbation. In the United States alone, nearly half of all marriages end in divorce.

Yet the rate of domestic abuse and cheating is not nearly as high. You can blame feminism for that because at least 70% of divorces are initiated by women (Source), and that was back in 2000. We have grown a lot more 'progressive' since then so I would not be surprised if women are initiating up to 90% of divorces today. The fact that feminism allowed the institution of marriage to be degraded into such a joke is a great embarrassment to women. It means that selflessness, dedication, and sacrifice among other ingredients for a successful marriage have gone out the window for selfishness, laziness, and instant gratification. That brings me onto promiscuity.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Initially I was not going to address the topic of promiscuity for fear of allowing emotion to cloud my judgment when I am trying to remain objective. But this article would not be complete unless I addressed it. For as long as I could remember, my dream in life was to marry a beautiful traditional girl and have two daughters. I wanted to be a husband and father raising my family in bliss. But due to the complete upheaval of traditional sexual morality at the hands of feminism, this will never be a reality because most women are content being sluts with no interest in marriage whatsoever.

Plus my daughters will never truly be innocent because they will have endured a lifetime of 'progressive' indoctrination teaching them that promiscuity among other sexual perversions are normal and to be encouraged. So right off the bat, thank you womenkind for singlehandedly destroying the hopes and dreams of a genuinely good man who only wanted a Christian family.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

I am speaking of course of the widespread acceptance and even glorification of promiscuity that has pervaded society at the hands of feminism. No longer is it just a fixation on sex or even explicit (and sexy) information about sex as in the magazines above. I hold no moral objection to that. But rather it is about the normalization of sexually deviant behaviors like fornication, homosexuality, and orgies that has destroyed the family unit. Promiscuity is taken not as the exception but as the norm for female behavior. This means that whatever values used to exist in the patriarchy have all but disappeared except in the ultra religious circles. Yet you spoiled and entitled little sluts still have the audacity to complain about this generation's crop of men.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Oh I'm sorry. I guess I missed the part where we were supposed to be spineless doormats who settle for damaged goods and work our asses off as traditional husbands and fathers for promiscuous women who, after years of rejecting us for Chad Thundercock, have finally decided that they want to settle down and be our wives. Yet this is exactly what feminism expects. Science gives women the pill in 1960 and instead of using it responsibly within the context of marriage as a healthy way to space out their children, women go mad with power and use it as a license for promiscuity. Their behavior only reinforces the patriarchal notion that women cannot handle freedom or the responsibility that comes with rights. Good job giving your sex a bad name.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown

Yet you wonder why men view women as sexual objects and are only after one thing. Here is a hint: if you act like a slut then people are going to treat you like one. And no man wants to take a slut home to his mother nor is any man proud to have a slut for a wife. Yet this is the delusion that feminism considers 'normal.' Apparently the family unit is oppressive to women but promiscuity is empowering. It is the same insanity which leads them to believe that it is objectifying for a young boy to look at sexy women in lingerie but liberating to give a young girl the pill and encourage her to engage in three-way anal sex with men who are not even her husband. Yet they are so blinded by estrogen and caramel macchiatos that they do not even realize the blatant contradiction there.

So in conclusion, women destroyed the family unit through feminism. I am not even going to address careers anymore and the unhealthy tendency to vilify motherhood as if it were something to be ashamed of. After railing against women so harshly already, I will leave the topic until next time. But the overall point still stands. Men may be guilty for the abuses that occurred under the patriarchy, but women are guilty for the destruction of the family unit through feminism. Thus in that regard, women too contributed to the breakdown of tradition in society. Is it any surprise that men are so shitty nowadays? Through destroying the family unit, feminism destroyed their incentive.

The Unfortunate Aftermath...

The meaning of all this is that we have been forced into a new society where everything we ever learned is inapplicable. No longer do the conventional rules applies. The breakdown of tradition in society has forced us to shoulder a whole new set of problems that our predecessors never even fathomed. It is why men are so shitty today, losers with no ambition who are only after one thing, and why women today are so utterly appalling and unworthy of marriage. Yet we have no one to blame but ourselves, and grandpa. Seriously, fuck you grandpa.

I still cannot get over how in an era when wives were so freaking amazing, a man could still choose to cheat and thus drive women to feminism. Either way, the few traditional people left are not going to want to settle for anything less than other traditional people. This almost exclusively means the really religious, who in a couple generations will probably be statistically insignificant. This means that the rest of us are truly and utterly screwed, misplaced relics from an older generation doomed to the threshold of history.

Yes, Tradition is Dead: Why BOTH Sexes are Guilty of its Breakdown
'Progressivism' is inevitable. With every year comes another generation of liberally indoctrinated college students ready to pull the rug right out from under us. And with the conservative majority on the Supreme Court lost with Scalia's death, the impending change seems that much more imminent. Society is changing whether we like it or not. In fact, we are to blame for it because we are responsible for the breakdown of tradition. Alluding to my favorite book I am Legend once again, I feel like Robert Neville trapped in a world I no longer belong in, all because I am normal.

So what do we do?

My advice: hope for a miracle and try desperately to find someone who shares the same values as we do, then try to live as silently and independently as possible. Whether we like it or not, society is irredeemable now. We lost. All we can do is make the most of the little bit of time we have left then leave this world to rot. This is not the type of world I want my children to be raised in. Perhaps it would be better not having any.


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  • Technically it was 3rd wave feminism and the lgbt literally their entire campaign was to destroy the nuclear family and take the man out the family. Look it up interesting info. it all started in the 60's.

    • You are clueless about history.

    • @Mateus1 no actually you are. lol i mean its all in history documented try watching a document about there are ton out there.

  • Feminism is to blame and they are all women. Just saying.

  • Men can't afford those "traditional" women anymore. Not many men make a good enough income to hold the whole household, bills, mortgage, paying for all kids food school trips clothes etc, paying for both his and his wife food and clothes etc all by himself. Women usually need to go out and work too these days, unless you want to be poor and your kids to have the bare minimum to survive instead of having a normal comfortable life.
    As for promiscuity, that's all of society. Even back in the day when men were allowed to cheat and women weren't allowed a divorce, men we still shamed for it. Nowadays, nobody has any shame or humility, kids lose their virginity younger and younger and it's normal to be a slut (guys and girls)
    Women always had abortions too, just extremely unsafe ones. Just like they still do in countries where it is still illegal today.

    • a large part of why money is hard to come by is feminism itself.

    • @dudeman and why do you think that?

  • It is sad to see that families are disappearing. Took me back to when i was a child. My parents were immigrants and our family worked as a unit for the betterment of the entire family. Dad worked and provided for the family, mum took care of the house and was like a home executive, she brought up me and my 2 sisters, spending time teaching us and guiding us while growing up, she would manage my dads money for the house, while dad would often have to work two jobs, there love life was beautiful and we had such a great time growing up with both mum and dad. Each member in the family had their own responsibilities and the family was tired together to succeed.

    A part of me feels sad that we have all become individuals today and its more about my happiness rather than our happiness. But i guess that's just society.

    As for women, i guess whatever they want, its their right and just let them be, but i do miss my mothers generation of women, one thing i always enjoyed about her generation was that softer feminine side that i very rarely see in women today

  • yess

  • I'm traditional and I find it very insulting you think no women are the same as the good old days. Yes many women has changed, but not all of us.