"YOU'VE BEEN BOOED"👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

Happy Halloween! Could tell scary jokes but not having sex is scary enough 😱🤣....

a lot of these jokes may be candycorny, but hope it still makes you chuckle, or at least smile

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

Oh and for those that said pumpkin don't turn guys on:

Care to revise your statement 🤣🤣
Care to revise your statement 🤣🤣

Why don’t witches have babies?

A: Their husbands have crystal balls.”

Why do the witches hate hanging out with the headless horseman?

A: He’s obsessed with getting head.”

Why do witches wear no panties?

A: For better grip on the broom.”

Why do skeletons enjoy sex with dainty women?

A: They like to bone a petite.”

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

1900: Dracula survived by drinking the blood of virgins.

2020: Dracula dies of hunger.

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

”What’s unique about sex with vampires?

A: They only come at night

Why can’t the ghost have any children?

A: He has a Halloweenie.”

Why are male ghosts attracted to female ghosts?

A: Because of their boo-bies.”

Why do Halloween ghosts moan, tremble, and shiver?

A: Because of what’s happening under that sheet.”

Halloween Party

Two monsters went to a Halloween party. Suddenly, one said to the other, ‘A lady just rolled her eyes at me. What should I do?’ The other monster replied, ‘Be a gentleman, and roll them back to her.’”

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

Halloween Costume

There was an old couple who hadn’t celebrated Halloween in a long time, so they decided to dress up and go out. The old woman went into her bedroom, stripped naked, and tied a string between her legs with a lemon at the end of the string. When she walked out of the room, her husband yelled, ‘You can’t go out like that!’ ‘I can go out as whatever I want, and so can you!’ The man agreed and went into his room. Soon, he came out naked with a string tied to his penis and a potato at the end of the string. The woman said, ‘You’re going out as that?’ ‘Yes,’ said the old man. ‘If you can go out as a sourpuss, I can go out as a dicktator.’”

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

Halloween Cab Ride

A nun gets into a cab and notices that the driver can’t stop staring at her. So she asks him why he is staring, and he answers, ‘I have a question I need to ask you, but I don’t want to offend you.’

The nun replies, ‘My dear son, you cannot offend me. When you’re as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you have had a chance to see and hear just about everything. I’m sure that there’s nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive.’

The cab driver hesitates for a moment and then says, ‘Well it’s like this; I’ve always had a fantasy to have a nun perform oral sex on me.’

The nun replies, ‘Okay, well, let’s see what we can do about that, shall we? There are two conditions though — firstly, you have to be single, and, secondly, you must be Catholic.’

The cab driver is very excited and says, ‘Yes, yes! I am single, and I’m Catholic too!’ The nun then says, ‘Okay, then, pull into the next alley.’

The cab driver does so, and the nun duly goes ahead and fulfills his fantasy. They get back on the road and start driving again, but the cab driver soon starts to cry.

The nun sees this and asks him, ‘My dear child, pray tell, why are you crying?’

The cab driver says, ‘You must forgive me, sister, but I have sinned. I lied to you — I must confess that I’m married, and I’m also Jewish.’

The nun laughs and says, ‘That’s okay, my name is Kevin, and I’m on my way to a Halloween party.’”

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

Okay, maybe not the funniest, but hope you enjoyed......

YOUVE BEEN BOOED👻... Dirty/Corny Halloween🎃 Jokes

Thanks for reading 💜


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  • Funny 😂

    • 😅 thanks

  • Hi ı wonder your name.. can you tell öe your name please (real name)

    • Why would I do that? You go ANON and then ask my real name? Ha yeah okay

    • Sorry, just you looked like my old friend. But your not her.

  • Why can’t witches have babies?

    Cuz their husbands have halloweenies

    I’ll show myself out

    • 🤣🤣🤣