4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

1. Medical Expenses

Why I Don't Use Birth Control

I think birth control is a waste of money. I also think that pregnancy and STDs are as preventable as obesity, Type II diabetes, and stroke. Sure, you may depend on drugs to avoid the bad stuff in life, but sometimes it's just easier to avoid the kinds of behaviors that lead you into the bad stuff in life.

2. I Am Not A Test Subject Or Experiment

4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

I am aware that some women have bad experiences with using certain types of using birth control and look for the birth control that is right for them. Not me. I believe that being exposed to the toxins and potentially harmful chemical reactions of the universe is a part of life, but intentionally doing so by testing out different types of hormonal birth control may have unforeseen consequences down the road.

3. Birth Control Is Not Necessary For Healthy Living

4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

I believe in the power of a nutritious diet. A nutritious, balanced diet should cure and prevent most ailments. I would rather depend on the Food Pyramid instead of pharmaceutical drugs for the rest of my life.

Birth control is a needless drug. Humans have survived millennia without hormonal contraceptives. Instead, physical barriers, behavioral adjustments, and cultural patterns can really limit human population quite efficiently.

4. I Am Single

4 Reasons Why I Don't Use Birth Control

Perhaps, the most important reason is that I am single. As a single person, I just don't need birth control at all. I also don't engage in risky sexual behaviors or go to seedy places for a hook-up. I condemn the practice of non-committal sex and the wild party lifestyle. I reject the belief that sex is a need. A person can be stranded on a desert island and can still live on the island, if he has food and water. He may get extremely lonely, but he can still live. If another person is added onto the desert island, then the two stranded persons may start stimulating each other sexually as part of social interaction. But is sex necessary to live? No. It's just required to maintain one's relationships.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Sex may not be "necessary to live", but technically neither is joy.

    But in my opinion, a life without sex or joy isn't really life, it's merely existence. I sure wouldn't want to live that way - but to each his own.

    • Exactly what I was thinking.

    • You nailed this users take!

    • Was going to say something similar.. You nailed it!!! Thumbs up man

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Humans also survived perfectly fine for millennia without medicine, laws, running water, toilets, or written language.

    Wanna give those up, too?

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19 21
  • Completely understandable and I agree. As long as your not having sex or in a sexual relationship it is fine. Most women can't use birth control at all. For someone like me to help with the period/hormone problems is very risky. That is why I would never use it. Especially when I seen something like this:


    Its also best to get tested for allergies to this chemicals as well as copper. Since they still make and use Copper IUDs it is very dangerous. I also have a friend who was on the ring and still got pregnant. To tell you the truth, #1 isn't always the issue. Its mainly #3 and #4. As for #2, I have never heard of that, but you learn something new everyday. Overall great MyTake.

    And gentlemen listen. This has nothing to do with trapping somebody with a baby. If your that scared you are NOT at liberty to have sex with her. These synthetic hormones are not healthy for the human body! It is unnatural and these things have consequences long term in the future. If people can not be responsible to keep their legs close no matter how much their bodies wants it, then its on them. If they end up sick, so be it. God forbid they can't get pregnant again in life, so be it. Or may end up dead, sadly? Then it'll be what will be. It's not that I don't care what happens to people, otherwise I wouldn't be on GaG sharing insight or opinions, but you have to care.

    This doesn't make a person asexual, cut that out. Asexual means they aren't interested in sexual relations with anybody or anything, or they are not sexually attracted to anybody mainly. Its about being smart with ones body. Have self control and discipline yourself. That is what you do. That way you can express the energy in a proper environment, like marriage as an example. But people don't want to wait, so aw well. Que Sera Sera. That's not my problem, but I still care.

    • "If people can not be responsible to keep their legs close no matter how much their bodies wants it, then its on them." Exactly.

  • Do you think that organic food is a waste of money, too?
    Do you disagree with women who have medical conditions such as Poly-cystic ovary syndrome going on birth control to be healthier, and to relieve their symptoms?
    You realize their are toxins in next to everything that you ingest, yeah? Unless you're willing to put in the extra money to get organic produce, but you've already said you're not up for that...

    My, you're quite the negative Nancy.

    • Women who have an actual debilitating medical condition should be allowed to use birth control pills. However, women who do not have such a condition don't need birth control pills in the first place. Yes, I do believe that organic produce is a waste of money. The toxicity levels in non-organic produce are not high enough to cause any problems. Non-organic produce does not differ from organic produce in nutrients. Basically, you're paying for a luxury (organic) product that does not differ much from non-organic, regular produce in nutrients, and both kinds of produce are safe for consumption.

    • "Organic" food is ABSOLUTELY a waste of money. "Organic" produce isn't any lower in toxins than other produce, provided you wash and peel the produce the way you should anyway. Also, "organic" food spoils MUCH faster, and is more likely to become contaminated with pests that can make humans sick (because they don't use the pesticides). Worst of all, "organic" is unsustainable on a global level, because those farming methods simply can't grow enough food in the same unit area as larger-scale farming methods. It's basically a pointless luxury in rich countries -- if the whole world tried to go "organic", billions of people would literally starve to death.

    • @redeyemindtricks If you buy organic from mexico/cali, you're right. If I buy organic fruits/veggies grown in my own city... I'd bet money that it's pretty toxin-free.

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  • Great take! I went to the dentist last year and they asked me about medications. They were so confused as to why I wasn't on birth control, like everyone above the age of 16 is somehow having sex. Sex is not a need.

    • Lol I got the same bewildered reaction when I went to the doctors and said that I did not want all of these sex related vacations because I'm waiting till I'm married to have sex.

    • @Dim_121 Do you mean vaccinations? Cuz if it's hpv, you can get that by kissing someone... or from marrying someone who's not a virgin. But yeah, they do get surprised by virgins by choice.

    • @Dim_121 Health Insurance does not cover the HPV vaccine for people older than 26. If you are 26 years of age or younger, then you should get the vaccine or pay the hefty price later. Not getting vaccinated means you will be exposed to the virus, if your partner has had sex at least once.

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  • If you think that birth control is not necessary, you have never had an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy, and you have never visited an abortion clinic full of women with heavy hearts. Or a third world country where you are surrounded by starving children. Birth control is a blessing, and one of the marvels of our more advanced society. I am glad that YOU don't need it, since you aren't sexually active. But billions of us are sexually active, and birth control is not about us being government lab rats or being holistic naturalists. It's about an infinitely better quality of life. Medical breakthroughs are still being made every day, and they require some tweaking, as do all inventions of every sort. Every birth control option out there is a blessing and a privilege not to be taken lightly. I only wish everyone in the world had unlimited access to whatever method they would choose.

  • It's so easy to say you won't use birth control. You won't have sex and there is nothing wrong with it, but I bet if you were sexually active you would use it. But to make birth control sound so bad is disingenuous at best. It's much more expensive to get pregnant with an unwanted child. You have quite the world view, but you have to understand a very small segment of society agrees with you. Be who you are, think what you want, but quit making it like whoever has the common sense to use birth control is doing something bad. Get over yourself.