8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

Porn is an ever invasive presence in our lives. It’s available free, on many sites and is constantly trying to get our attention via pop-up ads or banners. It is no wonder then that more and more people are watching porn and that porn sites like PornHub see more traffic than most others. It is, however, foolish to think that all this porn-viewing will not affect the viewers. Here are some ways porn can negatively affect you .

1. Watching porn induces the Coolidge Effect, where people seek newness. That means sex will only be fun for you if you can manage to find new partners all the time. It’ll be harder to get and stay aroused if you get into a long-term relationship.

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

2. Porn is affecting younger and younger kids, with kids younger than 12 admitting that they’ve watched porn. That’s means they’re starting off with very unrealistic expectations at very impressionable ages.

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

3. Cambridge University conducted brain scans of porn addicts and found that they looked exactly like those of drug addicts.link here

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

4. Porn addicts believe that their addiction causes depression and anxiety, and it also negatively affects their ability to find a romantic partner.

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

5. Watching porn releases dopamine which causes pleasure, but regular release of dopamine desensitizes the brain and leads to a dull response to sexual stimulation over time.This dulling of the dopamine effect means that viewers need to watch more porn than before to experience any pleasure. They also need to watch more graphic and extreme content.

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

6. One of the effects of an orgasm is the release of oxytocin, the bonding hormone, which helps bind you to your partner. When you watch porn, your ‘partner’ is in the screen, so your brain forms an attachment to those images, driving you to keep watching porn.

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

7. Porn can quickly go from being a casual pastime to a full blown addiction that takes up hours each day and can take a toll on the body.

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

8. Porn viewing does something strange to men: it makes them have high expectations from women; yet in real life, their preference is for a computer screen and a bottle of lotion rather than a real woman.

8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You

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Most Helpful Guy

  • i find it very interesting that you put a gif of don jon in here xD cause when i´ve seen that movie i was like "wtf nobody could ever be like this right?" i mean i regularly consume porn but somehow i never stoped to be able to separate porn from real live or even love.

    i pesonally feel like i have benefitet from it a lot, cause porn taught me how to please a girl plus it gave me the stamina to not just cum in a few seconds when i had my first sex so i see it largely positively and don´t think the negative effects hit most of us.

Most Helpful Girl

  • She's not trying to ban porn, she's just stating the negatives.
    And it's all true.
    If you can control yourself and you believe you're still attracted to real-life women or your girl is still happy with you, there's no problem.
    Why are men so defensive of porn? Like, seriously. Nobody's going to come crashing through your window to take your iPhone away.

    • Thank you.

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7 31
  • #5 was really interesting. I'd never really thought about it but it makes sense. That's happened to a lot of my friends actually.

    • Porn addiction is a very serious issue, but no one will admit to it and get help.

  • #5 may be a good thing for men. If the man needs more penetration and pleasure (physical and emotional) to enjoy sex then he will last longer. And that is a plus for women. I agree with the rest.

  • I agree with all of this.. its fine for people to watch porn if thats what gets them off.. but nothing you have said is incorrect.

  • Finally get to use this quote from Dr. Cox.

    8 Ways Porn Can Negatively Affect You
  • My boyfriend doesn't watch as much porn as I do, he says I'm addicted, maybe I am, i'm not sure

    And this isn't me speaking for all porn addicts but, I don't care if i'm addicted because it doesn't affect my life to the point where I'm porn ALL DAY. I watch porn at least hour a day for the past 3-4 years? I've watched the same types of porn for years even the same videos sometimes, so I don't have the concept of "newness" with the exception of some soft BDSM which came a couple years ago I admit.

    I don't have high expectations because I can separate fantasy from reality, And I love messing around with my boyfriend more than porn, i only watch porn because he's not there with me to give me gratification. And he loves to try porn inspired ideas... it's great really in my opinion. It's not all that bad unless it affects your daily life to the point where you can't get anything done.

    • Thank you for your response. Yeah watching porn isn't bad as long as it doesn't affect your life. I myself watch porn as well.