Breast Size Affecting Women's Confidence

The Breast Size Obsession

So I've been seeing a lot of question on here about "Do guys like women with 32A/32B cups or whatever, and other questions about like "Are my breast to small" and whatnot. I've seen a lot of it on here about women letting there breast size effect them or there worth or whatnot. And I know I can't make it stop but I really wish women would feel more happy about the body they're in.

Breast Size Affecting Women's Confidence

I understand where other people are coming from, they might feel like they're breast won't ever grow or they may feel left out that there friends get asked out more than they do. My thing is why does breast size have to matter? If a guys likes you for you and for your personality then that's all that should matter.

There is No Such Thing as the "Perfect" Size

Some breast are big and some are small, and some people are flat chested but that doesn't mean you just beat yourself up and just sit there and pout. Breast size shouldn't be the thing you use to attractive men or guys.

Breast Size Affecting Women's Confidence

The way you attract men is by being yourself and loving the body you are in. I think there is no "perfect cup size." A's, B's, C's, who cares we all have them. Why can't we as women just be happy and love the body that were in. Sometimes I wish mine were bigger but I just work with what God gave me. I think women that let their breast size determine there worth have a low self-esteem and low confidence.

You Are Beautiful

Love your body, who cares if they aren't big at least you have some, some people don't have any. I would like to say that whoever is reading this that you are all beautiful, you don't need breast implants or something to boost your self-esteem to make guys like you. Love the body you're in, tell yourself that your beautiful, be yourself, of course. That's the best thing a person can be.

I hope this sums up the title of myTake, I wish I could help you all that are maybe insecure or whatnot. I guess the best thing I can do is just give advice. Don't ever let someone tell you that your not pretty or your breasts are not big enough. Who cares, as long as you are yourself and you love yourself and have a bright personality then that's all that should matter.

Breast Size Affecting Women's Confidence

Know Your Worth

Those of you that may wish you breasts were bigger you don't want them trust me, you'll end up having back pain like me when I get older. Be happy and thankful with what you have, and another thing never get implants please, they aren't good for your health and they have some side effects. Know your worth and love your body, you are beautiful.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • Eh, the thing about helping girls with small boobs feel better is that it's usually done at the expense of bigger boob girls.
    I myself don't really like that. "Don't worry, your small boobs are fine, theirs will sag while you're still perky."

    I also think people are really harsh on women who get implants. If you say you're considering it, everyone calls you fake, insecure, superficial, shallow you're basically a monster.

    I have small boobs and I want a boob job. I don't really have trouble getting guys (nor girls) to ask me out, so it's not for others. Even so, people try to convince me out of it. But, the decision is up to me. It's for me cuz apparently no one will want me anymore and that everyone rather small tits than fake tits. Oh well. If the next guy I'm with has a problem with my fake boobs, then he can leave.

    Also, a lot of gaggers say small boobs are better, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone IRL say that. Usually small boobs are like "accepted" while bigger ones are truly desired in a woman.
    "Don't worry, you have a pretty face. Big boobs are only a plus". So what? That means the guy is settling if he's choosing a girl with small boobs? If big boobs are plus, does that mean small boobs are a minus? That's what it sounds like. The thing is, people still make it seem like the guy HAS to accept them cuz he likes you, but if given the choice, he'd want them bigger. It's hard to feel confident when you're with someone for that reason cuz then it feels like he secretly wishes they were bigger, but he "liked" you so much he'd settle. Everyone wants to feel truly desired and wanted, and when you have the least desired parts (by conventional standards at least) it's hard to do so. This is why I don't like dating, I feel ridiculously insecure.

    Yea, we all have our insecurities and it's easier said than done to tell others to just be more confident. So if the way I choose to do that is with breast implants, then why judge my boobs yet again?

    • This is beautiful, do you mind if I quote you?

    • @poppunk go ahead :) And thank you ^_^

Most Helpful Guy

  • From a guys perspective. It doesn't really matter. I like the personality and their eyes. Yeah Yeah Make fun of me :) But seriously if a guy likes you for your body then you shouldn't date him. You will never have a successful relationship and you are only going to get hurt. Also you have to love yourself first. Sure it's greedy, but if all you do is make other people happy how will you love your own life? Who cares whether you are fat, skinny, big breasted or not. Somebody likes you for who you are. So find that person!!! Personally I will never date someone who I don't first like on the inside.

    Stay Positive,

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What Girls & Guys Said

107 53
  • It's like my boyfriend says, breasts are breasts and they are pleasant to look at. He absolutely loves my breasts for how they are. I often joke with him and tell him how I love his man breasts for how small they are too. I use to not be comfortable with my body, especially my breasts. But, after taking classes like human development and anatomy, I grew to be more content with who I am physically. Also, as a fantasy nudist artist, I've gotten to learn how to love curves of all kinds. Big breasts, flat-chested with a severe case of ass, teardrop thighs, chiseled abs, etc., everyone has beauty. It's just how we carry ourselves and how much we can learn to ourselves. The eternal light that comes from within can never fade once you've embraced who you are.

  • Well put. Could not have said it better myself.

  • not all guys, but some guys may say that large boobs are better, but the truth is boobs have absoloustly nothing to do with sex. A flat chested woman could throw herself sexually at a guy and the guy would not turn her down becasue of her boobs. The thing that makes her a woman is not her boobs, its her pussy, vagina, reproductive organs.

    Even a girl with an ugly face won't get turned down if she threw herself at a horney guy. There are many guys who have had sex with an ugly girl yet are embarassed to admit it.

    A guy is gonna want to be in a relationship with/marry and stay married to a woman that can have sex with and great communication with. Not a woman that he can only look at. Vagina is the number one thing on a guys checklist, then personality is number two. So pretty much a woman has to have a pussy and be willing to use it (maybe not right away, for some its after marriage), and then she has to be fun to be around.

    If a guy saw a woman in a wheel chair who has very attractive physical features as well as huge boobs, yet her lower body is missing do to an accdent or birth defect, however she has prosthetic legs and hips to make her look normal, he still won't even bother to get to know her becasue he is gonna know that her pussy doenst work.

    Naturally people are going to notice large boobs well because they are large, just like you will notice a large ass or a large pimple on someones face or a huge gigantic large obese man. Large things just make people look at them becasue they stand out. Its just the way things are.

    When i was a teenager i used to be insecure about my small boobs until i got older and realized that mature men would love to and enjoyed dating me.

    I am a B cup and my fiance loves me for me. Not for my body

    • Amazing how unbelievably ridiculous this comment is. Enough with the generalizations & painting guys as only caring about pussy. It's beyond insulting.

    • well if personality came first youde do your guy friend. y'all have so much in common.

  • I would argue that it isn't alone women with small breast that have a stab at their confidence. While I can understand the physical insecurity for small breasted women, there is a emotional insecurity for larger breasted women because they are constantly praised for their bodies. As someone who physically matured at a younger age, D cup by 8th grade... I can tell you I gained a lot of unwanted attention because of my body. People sexually harassing me, only dating me to gain "bragging rights" & the unwanted attention from people close to me which resulted in sexual abuse. The emtional trauma that women endure based on their bodies is harsh... & I would say that women and men need to raise their boys and girls to respect one another and the discussion of ones body and opposite sex should be all about the value of each individual and self worth!

    Just a thought. Good take. 👍👍

    • Isn't only ****

  • I'm a 38D and wouldn't trade them in for the world. Now they irritate the fire out of me when I try to play golf sometimes, and finding the right bra is difficult at best. But honestly I love the attention I get from them, especially when I wear a tight sweater or a plunging neck line. During sex my man spends a lot of time and energy on them, which is wonderful for the rest of the session!