How to Not Get Raped: 5 Tips for Women

How to not get raped!?

Rape is a big problem in today's society. It's not unusual to hear about friends or relatives who have been sexually abused in the past because they were too underdressed. And I blame the girls because they "are asking for it".

I think the girls should learn what they shouldn't do/dress to avoid these situations.

So here are 5 ways to avoid to get raped

1. Underdress

This might be the most obvious one. If you dress in short shorts or a short skirt, you have to expect people looking or touching. It's bound to happen!

2. Hair

You shouldn't have your hair out, because that means somone can grab it and drag you away somewhere. Remember this when you curl your hair next time!

3. Shoes

If you wear high heels, your sexy legs will show, and we can't have that, can we? Use low shoes and your butt won't be the first thing people will look at.

How to Not Get Raped: 5 Tips for Women

4. Respect

Respect the men you are talking to. If you get rude or say something wrong it's your own fault if they want to punish you.

5. Don't go alone

You shouldn't go alone in the street. You are a easy victim, you brought it upon yourself!

For the people out there that agree with me:

You are a awful person. If you can't see how sick it sounds to "prepare" somone and say that they are bringing it upon themself. It's NEVER the victims fault.

If somone gets abused with a hammer, would you ask them if they wore thongs? Or if them somehow triggered this person to hit them with the hammer? If they were telling the person clear enough that "No I don't want to get hit by a hammer".

The men (or women) that think it's okay to force somone into sexual acts should really seek help. Short skirts are NOT an invitation. It's simply somone who wants to wear a short skirt.

I hope the people reading this thinks about this next time they ask the victims what they were wearing. Instead of blaming the victim we should punish the person who did those things.

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  • I literally love you, that's one of the best takes I've seen in a long time!!!

  • I have two chastity belts, one for indoors and one for going out.

  • Of course it's never the victim's fault but that doesn't mean there aren't any precautions you could take. Rapists do tend to target certain people. People who are alone, wear easily removable clothing, have long hair, have shoes they can't run away in, intoxicated etc. Telling people ways to protect themselves or avoid something isn't shaming the victim in any sense of the word. It's helping people. Only a moron would think "that would never happen to me." It's better to be prepared and safe than a victim.

  • This was an amazing take. Thank you!

  • 6) Buy pepper spray

    7) Learn how to use pepper spray

  • Wow bravo sister! I was scrolling with anger till the last part lol!! Wtf with the people who think that clothing has something to do with raping? Excuse me educate yourselves. So what about those pedophilia who raped underage kids when they don't even have boobs or ass to begin with? School girls who are on the way back home? Maid who is cleaning the house? Whenever I met any men who put the blame on the victims, I'd just assume he is one of the potential rapist himself who is just trying to justify his sick action.

    I was sexually assaulted by a man on a pack train when I was on my way to work. I was wearing FULL covered office attire. Yes he didn't rape me of course because there was a huge crowd. If I was together with him in some quiet places, what do you expect him to do?

  • Respect should be an automatic thing anyway. However, I wouldn't say a woman who gives a man excessive lip warrants rape. There are plenty of other ways for karma to bite back. Hopefully, she'll respect his limits before he assaults her though! If she's that stupid, to go bullying a dragon... there isn't much I can do for her.

    I wouldn't say that the gals automatically bring it on themselves if raped for going somewhere alone. However, refusing to be alert does make women more vulnerable. It's the same thing with unalert men who get mugged. Fault ultimately is still with the predator. But why make the predator's job easy?

    And obviously, don't waltz right into the wolves' den dressed like a piece of meat, and then be appalled when they try to eat you. Men who are like wolves are assigned their dark corner in society for a reason!

    That being said, dressing down too much in places that are more savory is also unwise, but for different reasons: it's considered disrespectful there.

    Even women who are idiots don't deserve rape. And no act of hers excuses a rapist for his actions, since he still could have stopped himself at any point.

    I have pity for women who refuse to take measures to protect themselves from men; but those aren't the women I feel contempt for. The contemptuous woman, is the one who will call a man a "rapist" when she clearly consented, simply because she later regretted it. These types of lying manipulators often don't even wait for actual sex to have occurred: they paint a man as a rapist if they so much as decide they don't want to pursue a friendship anymore! And instead of telling him off directly, they play to his face that all is well. But conspire behind his back, and then go over his head. These types of women... they don't deserve rape; but it would be poetic if they fell out a window and got trampled by horses.

    • I was gonna rant but I read the ending by the way, this is for those who agree with you by the way not you @mytake owner (figured i should tell you before you get mad)

  • Geezus I was hoping this was gonna be sarcasm.

    Well played sister. 🙋

  • To be honest though, I never seen or heard it anywhere for anyone that has been raped that they were asked "what they were wearing" I hear it all the time people saying people say this, but I never actually seen it or heard it, so im curious how widespread that issue is, cause it hardly has anything to do with the reason people get raped I talked to a lot of people who has been raped, clothes or clothing at any point has never been mention, nor have I seen it as intial reaction to anyone sharing their rape story.

    Although personally again, I dont think is a bad idea to just teach more girls in particular self defense. Can come in handy someday. I practiced martial arts myself for many years, it just seem wise in this day an age at times, cause I ended up in a lot of fights too when younger particularly, its just good to know what to do if/when worst case scenario happens.

  • You're correct in saying the victim is never to blame, however that doesn't mean the victim has a blank check to act completely irresponsibly.

    People need to accept that there is a criminal element in our society, and they need to accept that there are certain things we, as innocent people, should do to avoid being a victim of any crime, not just rape.

    Staying away from high-crime areas helps a lot, as does not involving yourself in crime as part of the perpetrators, but also high situational awareness, not leaving your food or drinks unattended, and having a tool or two to fight off an attacker such as pepper spray or a gun.

  • There is no excuse for rape, but if you play with fire, you get burned. If I refuse to wear a helmet and get ran over while on my bike, it might make the difference between dying and getting injured. It doesn't excuse the drunk who ran me over but wearing a helmet does reduce the risks of me dying. Get the point?

    • Its not the same. Walking should not be as dangerous as riding a bike.

    • @Pac-Man It shouldn't be, but unfortunately it can be. There are a lot of awful people in our society who will take advantage of someone at the drop of a hat, be it fraud, theft, rape, etc. It's something that will never change in this world, and sadly sometimes all we can do is protect ourselves from the criminal element the best we can. It doesn't justify bad behavior, but people aren't doing themselves any favors by being unaware of the dangers.

    • @Pac-Man The riding a bike story was just metaphor. Meaning that no, it's not ok for a man to rape a woman in any circumstances, but the reality is that it happens and there are ways to reduce the risks. If you ignore those risks, then it might happen to you and you might have prevented it by playing it safe. Better to not be raped than being raped and only have the fact that you were not responsible to comfort you.

  • I like how people are saying girls shouldn't walk around in bad neighborhoods, but reality says its the white upper class neighborhoods you have to fear not the hood folks.

    • @somebodysaycheese I need your help. Can you send me a message?

  • Step 1: Get a concealed carry.

    There is no step 2.

  • I only agree with #1. sure, girls who dress "properly" might still get raped. But the chances of you getting raped is higher if you dress like someone whose body is for sale or public consumption. A bathroom in your own house will not be used by just anyone. But a public bathroom? Lol you get my point. Everything has a consequence.

    • it is actually the exact opposite. male rapists seek out women who are quiet and conservative because they assume that they're weak, won't put up a fight, and they'll be too ashamed to even tell anyone about the incident, while a girl who looks promiscuous, is loud, seems to have a lot of friends, and loves showing off her body is intimidating because she's much more likely to fight back (and possibly even carries a knife or a gun) and is much more likely to report him after.

  • All good things to do. I'd add be willing and able to defend yourself in any way necessary up to and including deadly force. Of course avoiding a bad situation is the best thing but that doesn't always work. Take classes to learn different ways to defend yourself especially if you decide to carry a gun. Women are the fastest growing segment of any group by far buying firearms for self defense and just for fun. I'm glad so many are deciding they are valuable enough to their loved ones and society to be willing to defend themselves. The key word is SELF defense. Only you can decide how you need to defend yourself. There's other good things to learn too. Like how to stay away from dangerous areas with either no or very difficult to escape from, study body language and how and where crimes against women take place etc. Everyone is different in their comfort level but one thing is universal, this world is very violent and if you ignore that, you're going to get in trouble one day. Learn how defend yourself. Refuse to be a victim.

    • Wait, you actually agree with these points?

  • How about this tip!
    Men: Don't rape girls!
    Problem solved! :D

    • Okay, now I read the last part.

    • That argument works for everything therefore it isn't useful. E. g. How about you shouldn't steal or hit people? There are bad people in this world. Therfore you adapt to that if your logical if you're stupid you make stupid points like yourself

  • Hey guys, let's stop locking our doors at night, let's all just teach thieves not to steal. If we would just teach thieves not to steal, our houses wouldn't get robbed.

    Yes rape is evil, but the fact that nobody should be a target for sexual assault doesn't mean anyone won't. If one makes herself an easy target, it doesn't excuse the rapist, but it also doesn't mean the woman was blameless.

    So here's my "don't get raped" checklist:

    1) Respect YOURSELF: Don't get slobbering drunk, your body and mind deserve better, plus, if you choose to get drunk you are knowingly putting yourself in a situation where YOUR judgement is impaired, you made one choice that will impact more of YOUR choices later down the road. Also, don't dress to show off what you don't want just anyone to see. Is dress alone enough to make one a target? No, but if you can't be bothered to cover up your intimates in public, it does say a thing or two about your self respect.

    2) Don't put yourself in bad situations. Again, this is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. You are not a child. If you go into a lake clearly marked "toxic,, do not swim", or some-such, it's on you if you get poisoned. Somewhere inside, you knew better. Likewise, if you go into a dive bar and get hammered or take drinks from people you barely know, it's possible that YOUR choices might have consequences, particularly if you're surrounded by the sort of people who tend to frequent seedy establishments, like 'anything goes' nightclubs.

    3) Concealed carry. Nothing says no like a Smith and Wesson.38.

    There is evil out there, and bad things happen. Sometimes, a woman could be in a nice enough place with someone they know reasonably well, and he turns out to be a stealth scum. Many times that is not that case. No, a woman shouldn't have to run around in a hijab abstaining from alcohol, but there's no excuse for leaving the barn door open in Indian country.

  • I was ready to write about how disgusted I was with this my take lol

  • 6. Don't get into cars of strange pepole just because they are driving a lambo or some high class car.

    7. Don't assume that because a person is good looking he is trustworthy and go off with him somewhere.

    8. Don't accept free drinks from people in clubs/bars.

    Also your mytake implies men are the only ones capable of raping.

    • well your reply implies that women are straight up idiots. nobody is stupid enough not to question someone random in a nice car just like nobody assumes a person is innocent and perfect just because they look good. and most women do question who do they get free drinks from at places like that. of course we all know rape isn't only something men do, but it is something that MOSTLY men do (not only to women, but children get raped more commonly by men rather then women as well). and when women do it, they dont just go up to a man and drag him or corner him at a public place so men dont have to worry about things like staying vigilant 24/7 when they're alone and avoiding big groups of women. they just have to worry about whether they should really trust someone they just met and whether they should really go somewhere private with them, and have to be aware that someone they already trust is capable of raping as well.

    • @KRIEL55 You'd be surprise. Many girls would get into a car of a strange man if he drives a nice card. Their videos showing this. One girl was walking down the street with her boyfriend and she left him to hop into a lambo of guy she doesn't know.

      Actually many people place a lot of trust in someone just because they are good looking. It's social programming. See mytake:

      It's a phenomena called the halo effect and is found to be true in human psychology where you consider good looking people good by default and they'll have to do a lot of bad shit to you before you sway to consider them bad. It's even shown looks play a heavy role in socializing.

      And no i don't see women take much heed in who they get drinks from once they've had a few drinks already. They are all to willing to get more free drinks from guys.

    • @KRIEL55 Can you backup your claim that most rapist are men? Factor in the following: 1) Males who make a claim that they've been raped by a woman are not taken seriously by the justice system 2) Many men are ashamed to come forward about being raped 3) Not too long ago the FBI and judicial system defined that rape could only happen by a man forcing himself on a woman. So with this in mind society still has a view that rape can only be perpetrated by men on women. Also in regards to trust. Women tend to have more trust in a person if they appear wealthy and good looking. A perfect example of this is tinder where girls are eager to meet complete strangers they've never met but is good looking and head back to their place and fuck without knowing who the fuck they are. Another case is ONS.

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