Is abortion murder or a matter of personal freedom?

The definition of something living includes the ability to grow, which is exactly what is going on inside a woman, who is pregnant. An abortion ceases the growing process, therefore ending the future life of a human being. This little being may not start with a heartbeat or brain activity, but cells are still dividing and allowing it to.

It arguably it is life when you can save the child in premature birth at age 24 weeks. The 24 weeks old life can both be taken and saved by the same doctors – killing the idea, that it is not a child and does not have a brain. If we would have stock strictly to the free abortion period, you could argues so, but since we do not, that argument is failing under the current laws.

Children cannot be and do not ask about being born, this is purely an option adults have. Whether the woman get pregnant or not is a choice by actions or lack of same, by two individuals – rape excepted. Pro-life individuals say abortion is taking the right to live, from a human being, a right an embryo cannot defend.

In ancient Rome infanticide were permitted under Roman law, but that doesn’t make them humane. Leaving your child on someone’s doorstep, or committing murder are considered a major penalty today, so why not abortion!! Roman law also support the institution of slavery (non-racial based slavery that is, the Romans didn’t discriminated based on race, everybody was entitled to be enslaved by Roman standard), yet today we see slavery as an abomination. Just because it is legal, does not mean is morally right or can be defended morally.

In 1973 abortions were made legal throughout the US, yet many would be more than happy to see them made illegal once more. Do you feel abortion is a woman’s right like the slave owners use to think of their rights to keep the slaves!!!

Abortion is a problem, because you can’t have the right of one part without violation the right of the other (it’s child vs mother in this case). For the taxpayers, abortion is cheaper than having many unwanted babies born and our earth is closes to being overpopulated as it is, so why is abortion a problem?

The answers is, because it ethically and morally wrong and the problem should be handled as a human rights issue, it’s hard to defend human right when the same individuals arguing for it, are so easily killing others just because they don’t have a voice or dear I say vote. Then the human rights outcry, become rather hypocritical when we don’t based our society on a moral principal and stick to it, but pick and chooses based on personal preferences, we then lose the moral justification.

Abortion Facts:

  • 40 million abortion are done annually, globally
  • The number of unhealthy abortions is unknown, since the statistics doesn’t support the distinction on a global level
  • Having abortions legalised is beneficial for most adults, the mother and farther, society in large etc. with only one victim the child – without a vote
  • Only 9 Weeks after Fertilization, more than 90% of the body structures found in a full-grown human are present (medical classification changes from an embryo to a foetus at this point) - at this point the child might be able to feel pain, but it’s unknown if it is so
  • 24 Weeks after Fertilization, is the latest abortion time, however also within the reach of modern medicine to save the child if prematurely born. Here we see a clear crossover where the same child can be saved or killed, depending on the circumstances

So emotions and the law sat aside, what is morally right here?

So is abortion murder or a matter of personal freedom?
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Most Helpful Girl

  • Abortion is murder pure and simple. The first thing pro choice people throw at you is "but what about cases of rape?" I seriously doubt that 40 million women a year become pregnant due to rape. Also if a woman is raped I would assume most of them would terminate the pregnancy very early on or even take plan b after just to be safe. No pro choice people don't usually like to admit that in most cases they just recklessly made a life and are too selfish and immature to deal with the consequences.
    As far as the overpopulation thing goes, if we as humans have to deal with that by murder then we truly are idiotic. Maybe we could find other solutions for food and such. And if pro choice people actually cared about over population they would take care of their ability to become pregnant permanently through surgery.
    What I hate more than abortion is people hiding murder behind a righteous cause. It's sickening. If it's your "choice" then maybe you should own it and be proud of it. If there's truly nothing wrong with it then why be ashamed of your choice?

    • I do agree with you :)

    • Do you think abortion should be legal under any circumstances? for example health issues caused by the pregnancy to the mother or what if the child has extreme health issues?

    • "for example health issues caused by the pregnancy to the mother" yes, you help the mother and if as a consequence the child dies so be it. It an unfortunate consequence, not a deliberate murder. "what if the child has extreme health issues?", the child still have the right to life, presuming it can live without any assistance - except for care of course. If it can't life on it's own though, then the life is not about to live, however why kill it and get guild why not let it die naturally? When adult asks for assisted suicide it's a choice, the can't can't ask, so should we assume the child wants it? perhaps, I don't know, it might the be kinder option in those specific cases, as least if it can be done before pain is a possibility. Healthy kids however is always a no go, unless a result of rape or incest, then the crime of murder is on the rapist.

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Most Helpful Guy

  • Firstly, you are not looking for opinions, you want to preach because your mind is made up. Secondly, you are right that an embryo is alive, you are also right that it will one day become a human being. You are wrong in that 1) Just because something may become something, does not mean that it already is that thing. e. g. A pile of iron, copper, silicon, and plastic may one day become a car, but don't try to drive the pile yet. 2) Women have a right not to have to have things inside them that they don't want to be there. The have a right to their own bodies. You are trying to ignore that right. 3) You are also choosing to ignore what happens after the baby is born. If you force women to carry embryos to term, then you are responsible for the babies that result. Get READY TO PAY.

    • "Firstly, you are not looking for opinions, you want to preach because your mind is made up" I suppose that is somewhat true in any political debate (including all on GaG, pro-choce, pro-gay rights, pro feminism etc.). You debate to get new view and insight in others opinions, but essentially also to present your own view. 1) No, but even a embryo is a human life already, arguable not with feelings or a sense of awareness, but a human life nonetheless. Don't compare living beings with a pile of iron, totally not comparable. 2) "You are trying to ignore that right." no I have argued why this is not applicable as in other similar circumstances. Those rights are limited already for both genders by the way. You can argue the same about drug or smoking wherever you want to etc., we are limiting our freedom all the time in the name of consideration for others - like the unborn child. 3) I ignore nothing, read what I have written (including reply's).

    • I have not read all of your arguments, because I am not going to spend the time assembling your arguments from bit and pieces, as you suggest I do (thank you for volunteering my time, BTW). I can easily note however your constant use of FALSE equivalences, e. g. " Do you feel abortion is a woman’s right like the slave owners use to think of their rights to keep the slaves!!!" Note the Trumpian triple exclamation point LOL! But that aside, Taking someone's life and liberty from them, is NOT equivalent to ejecting a non-sentient trespasser who leeches off of your body, threatens your health, and then causes you horrible pain on exiting.

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What Girls & Guys Said

53 44
  • Morally, I'm on the side of pro-choice. Against abortion? Then don't have one.

    • "Against abortion? Then don't have one" obviously, but that is hardly the issues. Murder and rape is not allowed because it have innocent victims, that is how abortion becomes a non personal choice, but a legal matter for society. What I am trying to ask is, what principals should uses to legislate about abortion? Why have the limits right where it is - because as it is, it's clearly not based on a moral principal but on political practicality?

    • Not to sound crude, but if the victim doesn't have a birth certificate, and once 'removed' doesn't require a death certificate then that should be an indicator of why there is no legal repercussion to getting an abortion. One has technically not taken any life to begin with because life wasn't to be had.

    • Correction one has "legally" not taken any life to begin with because life wasn't recognised legally as life. But you define is as ok to kill as long it's pre-birth and not post-birth correct, then why put a limit to 12 week or 24 week with medical reasons?

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  • If it were murder, than every time I use a condom or masturbate I'd be killing thousands, because my sperm could grow into a kid.

    • thats a false argument.

    • Why is that a false argument

    • Would you like to elaborate on that Mr. dudeman. Also, *then (I hate when I mess up my grammar).

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  • I'm pro-choice, a feminist, and I don't consider it to be murder at all.

    • Why do you say feminist, what does feminism have to do with this?

    • Oh, it has a lot to do with it. My pro-choice stance is largely based on the idea that women's bodies and reproductive organs shouldn't be policed or controlled, in the same or similar way that men's aren't. It's an aspect of gender/sex equality for me, and a woman's right to decide what to do with her own body. It also relates to the common feminist frustration with the tendency of culture to control women sexually and reproductively. I could go on, but that's the gist of it I think. Also, feminists have been at the forefront of the efforts to work for abortion rights, rights to birth control, and tackling sexist definitions of womanhood and female sexuality throughout history. We're still at the front of the defense of reproductive rights against the conservative right. Feminist organizations are some of the largest players in any effort concerning reproductive rights to abortion, birth control, etc. Hopefully you understand where I'm coming from a bit more now. :)

    • Exactly, womens bodies should NOT be policed and controlled, especially not by men who don't have to bare the child for 9 months!

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  • Of course its murder, but that doesn't mean that it isn't necessary. Your killing your own baby, a child like any other. It's an evil act to the baby, like a farmer slaughtering an innocent cow. But what if that mother was raped or so poor that the child would starve, and what if that cow was sick anyway and the farmer's family needed food for the winter. Ethics is a messy buisness, but my favorite quotes are "for the greater good" and "neccercary evil."
    Babies who aren't killed in the whomb, and are not abdopted or given a stable home are unwanted and unloved so they dont usually turn out as good adults.

    • Ethics is about not killing innocent people "for the greater good". But what if that mother was raped (I am willing to let the child die in cases of rape, but I'll charge the rapist with murder since it's a consequence of his actions) or so poor that the child would starve - starvation in not a real problem in the western hemisphere, yet here is where abortion is free. That kind of invalidates your argument. You argument would be valid perhaps in India or African, where there are no free abortion in most places, but not in the west. "dont usually turn out as good adults." then we should start killing in the millions as it is already with born people. Clearly that is not ethics at all.

    • But it's not even a baby yet it's a hunk of cells

  • I don't like the idea of abortion. I like it when people are just like, well ill keep it until it is born at least. that makes me feel better. plus i don't think most women really know what they are doing to themselves when they go through that. abortion is known to cause the woman certain emotional consequences.