So while I was having a shower I had a thought (it is where all the good thoughts come from) and now they're doing a feature about it on my news so I guess it's a sign that I have to write this take.
All over the internet I see people complaining that kids these days don't have the proper sex education and are therefore having sex younger and getting pregnant. I'm telling you this is not the case...
From my own experience it didn't change a thing for me. I learnt about sexual education from the age of 9 through to the age of 14, we watched videos, learnt about all the different kinds of stds/STIs and saw pictures, we learnt about all the different kinds of contraception, how the reproductive system works etc etc...
I had had my first sexual experience when I was 13. My boyfriend at the time and I decided we wanted to try a bit of "fondling" after 3-4 months of just that we decided we wanted to have sex (I was 14 at this stage) we had a condom, safety first, and I laughed out of nerves and he went flaccid, I decided I wasn't ready and we broke up a few months later. But around the same time 2 of my friends were having sex. Along with plenty others of my class mates (one even going back door at 13).
Fast ts forward a couple years and I lose my virginity at 16 to my boyfriend who I was with at that time 6 months. We did not use a Condom, I have never used a condom to this day, we went unprotected because of the inconvenience. I eventually got onto birth control (Jadelle| implant in my arm)
We have since broken up and I've noticed that a couple people that were in my class at my primary school (sisters) both have baby's now.
My my cousins at the age of 8 have already started sex education. Their teacher asked them to go home and ask their parents what the "white sticky stuff that comes out of a penis called".
My sister is 10 in a month, has already developed breasts (refuses to wear a bra) and my mum is putting off giving her the talk. Her school hasn't had sex education yet.
I believe it is important, but I believe you can't blame education for the amount of teen mums and sexually active teenagers.
But we certainly shouldn't scare them into thinking that sex is scary and you shouldn't do It.
What are your ideas for a better sexual education system?
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