Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman

Let me just start off by saying, it's not okay for anyone to lay hands on anyone! Point blank period.

Nothing Wrong With A Man Hitting A Woman! Here's why...

But hey ladies, you deserve to get hit when you hit a guy. When you put your hands on a man, you open the door for him to hit you back.

A well known fact, guys are naturally stronger than girls. With that info, do you really wanna punch your boyfriend because he made you mad and you think it won't hurt him? Well just because he's a dude, doesn't mean he doesn't have feelings...or feeling in his body for that matter. Dudes are still flesh and bone just like us. Realize that.

Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman

Think before you act. If you don't think about your actions before you act on them, how can you expect him to think about his actions before he act on them. It's possible for you both to be in the heat of passion. You could be pissed, furious, just plain angry and blinded by fury so you hit him. You feeling the way you feel is no excuse. Be honest, you don't know exactly how he'll react. For all you know, that one slap could send him over the edge. He may be calm about it and just call the cops or he could slap you back. BUT YOU DON'T KNOW! So after you hit him, you best hope he just call the cops because you just assaulted him.

'Real men don't hit women.' Well guess what...REAL WOMEN DON'T HIT MEN. 'Nuff said about that.

Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman

Basically what I'm saying is, don't hit on people who you know could kick your behind. In fact, just EVERYONE, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELVES. Avoid the nasty confrontation. Whether you're just playing around or dead serious. Think before you act because you don't know how someone will respond.

Why There's Nothing Wrong With a Man Hitting a Woman


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23 43
  • Good take! People keep saying men shouldn't hit women because they are typically stronger. That's idiotic. She shouldn't hit the guy because she knows his strength. Why pick a fight with someone stronger than you? On top of that, what if the woman is stronger than the man? If you can throw hands, you can take hands! Point blank

    • Exactly.

  • if you're a guy who claims to "go easy" on girls or say things like "I don't hit girls", then you instantly lose my respect.
    surprise people it's the 21st century, women are not 'weaklings' you oh so mighty men have to spare in a fight. talk shit get hit.

  • I still wouldn't say it's okay to hit a woman, even if she does hit you. But this depends as well, a puck in the arm isn't going to feel like much, but if you hit her, you can do some serious damage- it's just the way we were designed for the most part. But, if a random women ever tried litteraly beating you up, I think you have a right to defend yourself

  • Because of a woman hitting me I have lasting eye damage.
    Words cannot express how much I appreciate you saying this.

    • I'm sorry that you've had to endure that. But just keep your head up and stay strong.

  • It's fun to joke about it every now and then, but there comes a point where a man shouldn't hit a woman unless it's life or death. That's not to say he shouldn't put his hands on her, but actually swinging is a different story. Unless a guy is 120-130pounds and dating a girl of comparable size who is attacking him he should not be punching.
    As a man if you can't handle a woman who is smaller than you and isn't holding a sharp/blunt weapon or a gun, without having to hit her then you kinda suck all around.

    It's really not hard to manhandle a woman and put her outside.

    • I hear it gets difficult when they squirm lol

    • @hsshannah96 lol she might flail around I guess. Just gotta caveman that shit xD

    • How the fuck you gonna caveman 5’5 and 140 pounds of squirming

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  • On point. Men AND Women shouldn't abuse each other in any way!

  • I'm not going to stop anyone from hitting girls, but I'm still not doing it. It just feels... wrong. :/

    • If a girl decks you right in the face you should deck her back. You could seriously hurt yourself if you “manhandle” her like some of these people are saying. Could break your back. And squirming girls are difficult to handle. If you carry them they’ll be attempting to whack you and kicking and shit

  • I remember going to a felony domestic call. Chick was 6"1 at least 190-200lbs.. Dude had a black eye and was swollen to no other. Took two deputies to finally detain her after a long fight. Women can't hit men and get away with it anymore. If somebody comes at me and threatens my safety then I'm coming right back at you no matter if you have a pussy or a dick. How I handle a situation is dealt with with using appropriate and reasonable force. If some chick attacked me that was 5"2 100 lbs then I'm not going to maul on her. If some guy was 5"2 100 lbs then I'm not going to maul on him. Gender is irrelevant. Can't tell you how many girls on domestic calls slap the shit out of their SO and say "But I'm a girl" to the responding deputies lol.

    • Oh you’re a police officer? Sounds draining I’m sorry.

  • Any girl that hits me, I'm out the door. I've walked out twice with no regrets. Nobody should tolerate any physical violence in a relationship.

  • The fact that many women hide behind the argument that women are weaker than men is proof that many women have no sense of accountability. There are many men stronger than I am and I don't hit them because A) it's wrong and B) they're strong enough to seriously hurt me. If I hit a guy who looks like the Terminator then I have just put my well being in his hands and if he hurts me it is my own damn fault. And the same thing applies to women, don't hit people and especially don't hit people who can seriously hurt you. Women are used to just being able to get away with it so they don't take responsibility for their actions.

  • Depends on circumstances and force.
    Sure there's no wrong in retaliating against a small nation that attacks your's, but there's a difference between just fighting back enough that they quit and carpet bombing their country and people into ash.

    • The woman doesn't know how things are gonna play out. That's partly why she shouldn't be laying hands in the first place.

  • The only reason i dont hit women is i click out with anger. My eyes feel like theyre on fire and the world just clicks out. If i done that around a woman id kill her dead. I just try and avoid it

  • I agree with you. Men should hit women if needed. It's crazy to know they're women who will keep on hitting and disrespecting men thinking they will get away with it since "men aren't allowed to hit women". This is for you men out there: She hits you the first time and it doesn't hurt, don't hit her back, but still give her a warning. She keeps hitting you again with all her strength & energy, it becomes irritating, this time you can take action.
    Women who hit men thinking they have the priviledge that they won't get hit back should go through the consequence of pain, so that they won't dare attempt their nasty behavior again. Yes, I repeat, they should go through pain and fear. It's like disciplining them. How is it fair for you to act violently and not want someone to act violently towards you? It's hypocrisy. It's sad to know that they're severe cases where a man has been beated by a women so much to the point he had to hit her for the sake of sake of self defense, and then he is considered less of a man because he hit a woman. I disagree with the theory "less of a man for hitting a woman". That's what keeps some women from respecting men, if they knew they'll get hit back, then they wouldn't act violently on the first place. Thus, at least men would feel more respected. Equality is important.

  • And then in later news, a Tyrannical Murderous Mutant bent on destroying mankind had to apologise for choking a FEMALE MUTANT by the neck. >..<

  • I agree so much with this! I'm tired of women thinking they can get away with hitting men just because men are stronger. If he feels the need to defend himself he should. If you don't want to get hit then don't do the hitting. And the "real men don't hit real women" should apply to women as well.

  • OMG, common sense on this website. Color me shocked

  • If anyone, regardless of sex, begins to hit me, they're fair game.

  • This is the best take I've seen so far.

  • It's cute when girls try to scream and smack guys who could KO them with the flick of a finger. Guys nowadays are certified savages though... Videos of women getting knocked the fuck out after picking fights with guys are basically porn to a couple of people I am ashamed to call friends

  • There were times I wanted to slap the hell out of my ex when she was slapping me, but at my height (6'9") and my build I know in my heart if I would have hauled off and slapped her I would have knocked her off her feet, and most likely did her some damage. I glad to this day I just walked off and never did it.

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